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Q1. What is Database? Name any database management software.

Ans: A Database is an organized collection of data. Databases arrange information

in such a way that any specific piece of information can be easily accessed.
Access, MySQL, and Oracle are some popular DBMS software.

Q2. How are records different from fields?

Ans: Fields refers to column or vertical categories of data. A field contains a piece
of information about an entity. For example name field will contains names
of all students.
Records refers to rows or horizontal categories of data. For example A record
with collection of all field values of one student. Like Roll no., Name, Age,
Class, Marks, etc.

Q3. Explain functions of DBMS.

Ans: Reduction or elimination of data redundancy: Data is stored at a single place
in the database hence, data duplication is reduced or virtually eliminated.
Control of data inconsistency: In DBMS any change one file will be
automatically updated everywhere else.
Facilitation of data sharing : Different users can use the same database to
extract data, based on their individual needs.
Enforcement of standard: A DBMS makes it possible to apply certain
standards to data representation. These could be an organization's own
standards or national/international standards.
Data security : In a DBMS, the database administrator has complete control
over the database and ensures that data is accessible only to authorized
people. Different categories of users can be given different permissions.
Maintenance of data integrity : A DBMS supports data accuracy.

Q4. What is primary key?

Ans: Primary key is a field whose values are unique. It uniquely identifies every row
in a table because its values are different for every record. For example as Roll
No. field uniquely identifies every student in a table.

Q5. What are the rules for naming fields?

Ans: Rules for naming a field are as follows:
 A field name can be from 1 to 64 characters long.
 A field name can include letters, numbers, and some special characters.
 The underscore (_) Sign is allowed and is often used.
 Field name cannot have a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), brackets ([ ]),
or an accent grave ( ' ).
 A field name cannot start with a blank space.

Q6. List the Various Data Types available in Access 2013.

Ans: Data Types describe the nature of data. A field can only accept data according
to its data type.
Data Types available in Access 2013 :
1. Short Text : To store text, up to 255 characters.
2. Long Text : To store large text, up to 65,535 characters.
3. Number : To store numeric values.
4. Date/Time : To store date and time values.
5. Currency : To store currency values.
6. AutoNumber : To store integers which are incremented automatically.
7. Yes/ No : To store only Yes/No (True/False) values.
8. OLE object : To store graphic objects.
9. Hyperlink : To store paths or links.
10. Attachment : To attach a file.
11. Calculated : To store result of calculations.
Q7. Name the various Database objects.
Ans: A Database can have following objects:
1. Table : It stores data in rows and columns.
2. Form : It is used to edit and display data.
3. Query : It retrieves data from tables.
4. Report : It is used for formatting and printing data.
5. Macro : It automates repetitive tasks.
6. Module : It contains programming statements.
Q8. What is the difference between hiding a field and freezing it?
Ans: Freezing: It used to freeze fields so that they remain visible all the time.
It helps in showing important fields all the time.
Hiding: It is used to hide fields so that they don't remain visible all the time.
It helps in hiding irrelevant fields.

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