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Acids, bases and salts

Questions and answers

1. What is an acid?

An acid is a substance which gives hydrogen ions (H+) when it dissolves in


2. What is milk of magnesia?

Magnesium hydroxide is also known as milk of magnesia. It is an antacid

that works by neutralising excessive acid in stomach.

3. Write a short note on PH scale.

The strength of acids and bases is measured by a scale known as the PH

scale. It varies from 0- 14. A PH value less than 7 indicates acids while PH
value more than 7 indicates bases. A PH value equal to 7 indicates a neutral

4. Differentiate acids and bases.

Acids Bases

1. Acids have sour taste. 1. Bases have bitter taste.

2. Acids are not soapy to touch. 2. Bases are soapy to touch.

3. Acids are highly soluble in water. 3. Bases are soluble in water but
some bases are weakly soluble.

4. Bases turn red litmus to blue

4. Acids turn blue litmus to red

5. What is salt? List some properties of salt.

Salt is a substance formed by the reaction of an acid with a base.

Properties of salt

1. Salts are coloured or colourless solids.

2. They have high melting and boiling points.

3. Usually they are soluble in water.

4. Salts conduct electricity in their molten and aqueous state.

6. A small amount of hydrochloric acid is always produced in the stomach. Is it

useful or harmful for us? If excess of acid is produced in the stomach, what
should we do?

A small amount of hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach is

useful as it can kill the harmful bacteria that may enter into the stomach along
with the food. However, if excess of acid is produced, there is a burning
sensation in the stomach. We should take milk of magnesia as an antacid
medicine to neutralise the excess acid.

7. Why does a turmeric stain on white shirt is turned to red when it is washed
with soap?

Turmeric stain on white shirt is turned to red when it is washed with

soap because the soap solution is basic in nature.

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