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Guidelines for the Critique on the Vincentiments Video on Online Classes

Kindly take note of the following:

1. This activity is mandated to be done during the asynchronous sessions we will have. Usually, it
falls on a Friday (4-AR4) or a Saturday (4-AR3).

2. Should you want to do this activity prior the date, it is allowed.

3. Kindly do the following in relation to the activity:

a. Watch the Vincentiments Video on online classes through the link below.
b. After watching the video, kindly make a reaction/critique on the video. You may use the
following guide questions as reference for your critique:
 In a paragraph with 4-7 sentences, tell us what the video is all about. What is the idea
exhibited in the video.
 We have discussed before the notions and functions of art. Using these as your
barometers, would you consider this video an artform? Why or why not? Justify some
talking points that were raised in the discussion.
c. Please take note of the deadline of the output. It is advisable that you do this activity in our
asynchronous session.

4. This is how you will be graded:

a. Content (Were you able to answer the question/s that was/were raised?)… 7 points
b. Organization of Thoughts (Are your thoughts well-versed/arranged from
main idea to sub idea?)…………………………………….. 5 points
c. Grammar and mechanics (Rules, word choice, and sentence structure)……… 3 points
TOTAL SCORE………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15 points

5. Should you have any questions, feel free to email me.

The link of the video is found below:

Thank you very much and stay safe!

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