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4/11/22, 0:15 FYR Stage 3. Dimension 4.

Application HB (Página 2 de 2)

FYR Stage 3. Dimension 4. Application HB

* Obligatorio

Dimension 4 . Application
This dimension is the application off all content studied in this stage in daily life situations.

Machinery Value. The equation

y=-34x+850 models the cost linear
depreciation "y" in "x" years of a
leveling machine bought by the
company in 1990. * (1 Punto)
What was the acquisition cost?

850 𝑝𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑠
34,000 𝑝𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑠
850,000 𝑝𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑠
340,000 𝑝𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑠… 1/5
4/11/22, 0:15 FYR Stage 3. Dimension 4. Application HB (Página 2 de 2)

In what year does the machine loses all commercial value ? * (1 Punto)


Automotive Productions. In the year

2000 the VW agency produced
1,130,000 cars and on the year 2010
they produced 1,720,000 cars.

What was the average rate of anual

production? * (1 Punto)

−99,500… 2/5
4/11/22, 0:15 FYR Stage 3. Dimension 4. Application HB (Página 2 de 2)

Determine a linear model for the production of "y" vehicles each "x" year. *
(1 Punto)

𝑦 = 99,500𝑥 + 1,130,000
𝑦 = −59,000𝑥 − 1,720,000
𝑦 = 59,000(𝑥 − 2000) + 1,130,000
𝑦 = −59,000(𝑥 + 2000) + 1,130,000

How many vehicles where produced in 2006? * (1 Punto)

1,490,000… 3/5
4/11/22, 0:15 FYR Stage 3. Dimension 4. Application HB (Página 2 de 2)

Computer Business. Read the following graph for the daily sales of computer
tablets. * (1 Punto)

day 1-4(10),day 4-7(15),day 8(14),day 9-12(13),

day 0-4(0),day 4-7(15),day 8(14),day 9-12(10),

day 1-4(10),day 4-7(15),day 8(14),day 9-12(10),

day 1-4(0),day 4-7(15),day 8(14),day 9-12(10),

Atrás Página 2 de 2… 4/5
4/11/22, 0:15 FYR Stage 3. Dimension 4. Application HB (Página 2 de 2)
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