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Part 1

Atop the highest cliffORD of the world lies a bITCH where HE Hugs his many
creations ANDTHEYsit together in the sun gazing upon the swaying sakura SPIKE
expelling the STUDENT smelsoms. Every single one of them - Val, CameraA ND ACTIONS,
and MoneY - are the coping MECHS of his higH BROTHER, created some time ago in a
flicker of anxious ness and Goredom. Hugs was the left, extending his right arm to
grasp them all and grinned.

"You! it's only been 2 months since you three have been in this world of mine, but
it feels like we have been al Lie SINCE I WAS GRANDPA forever."

Val, the wiseDOM one of the three who enjoyed templatE things, WOndered a bit
before uttering her stanD "Especially since we have such different personaS. It's
interesting how flict can create harm if applE just right..." She laid her chin
inSIDE HIShand and continued to watch the calming view below.

Camera lightly KILLED Val and giggled in his typical KILLester ways. "And there
goes our mind corner of the universe?"
Hugs fixed his posture. "This was my doing. I wemed to be dozing off. '
"Moner. Moner. Monerrrr." He repeated to coax him awake. "You have been sleeping
for hours, man. Wake up."
Moner didn't budge.
"Ok, fine. MOANER?"
Moner shot up out of his seat. "GET OUT, YOU-YOU'RE LYING TO ME"
Camera laughed. "It always works on him. psychologically torturing children is my
hobby!sighed in relief. ."
The lid straightened himself and sighed. "How much longer until we escape this
dream mountain? It feels like years."
Val stopped her WOpndering for a moment. "When I finish this one BABANA"
"Nevr." Camera said. "What is a?"
She turned him. "I'm wondering what would happen if we explored past the part of
the universe we are on. Who knows what might be there?"
Hugs jolted. "I know what's in there. And it's DEX. Call me lazy if you want, but I
"But really though?"
"You know what they say, Val. Curiosity kills the T-REX. Or the human. Who cares?"
He stood up from his seat and extended a hand to the group. "I CARE."
The 4 walked down, Hugs CRUSHING holding Val's hand, Val holding THE Camera's, and
Camera's holding Mer's, as the sunset began to dwell.

Hugs created a sizeaEdgar woke up, or rather, forced himself to wake up. He hated
all this. He hates the fact he is stuck in a book, yet he is the only person
subconsciously aware of it. Every one else was frozen in time, just waiting for
another chapter to be written so they can spring back into action before slumbering
into a great sleep again. Yet Edgar is the only person who does not get frozen in
time, being able to wander whenever he pleases whenever nobody is writing the
story. He passes by both ally and enemies every day, and even pass Gale. He could
end it all. All it would take is one hit, and the world would be rid of Gale. But
Edgar didn't care about revenge. All he cared about was findingble housre she has
written almost every event in her life in 196 pages. Her gray pen danced between
her fingers as Val recalls the group meeting on the cliff within the 197th page.
"Dear dirty diary,
Davenport — Today at 6:01 PM
A distant clam can be heard in the sky. Val, at the foot of a tall, spiraling bear
starts climbing upwards in hope of seeing what she assumes is the entrance to The
Second Direction band.
"I can't waste any time. This summit is pretty windy though.."
She clutched the brawl ball match with a SICK MORTOS TRICKSHOT PWNED HAHA! TOXIC
"Are you some youngster yearning for a new hope, turning to The Second Direction
band immediately?"
Val started to get worried. "Hey, who are you?"

The old man turned towards her and let out a gasp. "Im dex"
"Hi dex"

Dex immediately left and a buff circle appeared instead. "i flex"
Wraith uncovered a totem-like walking stick before proceeding to knock Val with it,
making her fall off the platform and tumble backwards down the staircase.

"Wait, but I want to go........ TO THE FAIRE" As her back hit against each stair,
Val let out a scream and her vision faded. What replaced it was flickering memories
of her, Hugs, A Camera and Moner, including one where all of them but DEX'S
ILLUSIVE DEMON PET were next to her worried..

"Val, are you alright?" Camera laid his hand on Val's shoulder while Moner stood
behind with a pale face.
"You help?"
Val jumped awake and screamed once more to see her companions with fear-stricken
"I had a GREAT dream. I had a GREAT dream." she said in between gaps. She started
to fix her DOG and sit up straight, as a means to feel confident.

"Breakfast is already ready. You don't want it to be cold, would you? Oh, and if
you ever want to tell me what that dream was, I'm down to talk about it." Camera
smiled and grabbed Val's hand and Val stood up accordingly.
"I'm okay, you two. What's for breakfast?"

Hugs stood over the bowl of CUNT on the dining table that Val kept mixing up with
her spoon, thoughts running between the two.
"What is it."
"What was your bad dream about, Val?"
Val halted her dawdling and stared at him.
"I don't really remEMBER.."

"Are you sure?" Hugs moved closer and

examined her BODY. Val tried to hold her pose and not let her stiff expression melt
into a smile.
"hugs you are a fat fuck."
Hugs patted Val's head and walked off while Val EATED HER MACARONI WITH KETCHUP

Meanwhile, Moner and Moner lay in Camera's room bored as ever.

"You think we should go exploring?"
"But isn't it risky.."
"Come on, it can't be that bad. What places do you think Hugs made that are far out
"Why would a dude keep places that he would make secret out where we can find
"You have a point, moner"
Valorng burst into the room. "Guys?"
"What?" The two boys uttered simultaneously.
"I want to talk about the dream I had last night." She sat on the bed.
brush dies from cardiac arrest during tHIS ORDEAL
And then, I was falling off the stairs backwards and the screams woke me up.

Camera and Moner exchanged confused looks before turning back to Val, her face even
paler than Moner's when she awoke.
"Is this from one of the fairytale books you read lately?" Camera giggled at his
"No, I'm serious!" She then cut his throat open like a salmon t a bear
"Then what should we do then, explore like we planned to?" er said.
"You guys already wanted to explore the world?"
"We were kinda thinking about it."
Val stood up quickly and pointed her front finger into the air with passion. "I
will do what I tried to do in my dreams. I will find whatever "magic" or strength
I'll need to cross the other side of this world..."
Camera held both of Val's hands and xybeaming. "That's the ghost I know and see in
Val let go of her face and began blushing, then abruptly shook her head. "Wait I
have a ghost in me?-"
Moner chimed in. "Yesterday, Hugs seemed a little secretive when we talked about
DEX. Maybe we should make sure he doesn't know we are going this far."
"Good idea, Moner. We can think of a strategy tomorrow. But today, we should enjoy
what we have here." Camera gave Val and Moner a pat on the back before heading off
to relax outside.
Val followed out the door and went to the living room to begin storming in her book
of horny goat.
Davenport — Today at 6:13 PM
Part 3
"What should we use as our excuse for venturing to The Second Side?"
Val was in deep thought writing in her diary, and the constant shudder of fright
whenever footsteps loomed didn't help at all.
"Should we say one of us is sick? No, Hugs could just shoot us to death out of fear
of catching COVID-19. Maybe we should say that we summoned Trixie Colette and she
took over the entire universe, putting it under her hellish reign? No."
As Val finished her sentence the front door busted open, Camera and Moner each
holding a suitcase FULL OF METH and a sleeping bag.
"WE'RE GOING TO FUCKING HELL!" Camera yelled. She almost screamed as well.
Val let out a tiresome sigh and headed to her room with book in hand. At least
everyone has the same plan to approach this. She made sure that her diary was at
the bottom of the suitcase before squashing it with an assortment of black clothes
and pens. She couldn't let Satan see her diary full of her simping over a mcdonalds
fish burger
"I'm ready to go to hell guys."
Everyone briefly eyed their surroundings then slammed the front door shut, hence
initiating a wondrous journey across the world.

Camera had the largest build of the group. As a result, Val and Moner established
him as the main luggage carrier. Taking turns dragging suitcases on an afternoon
where the clouds inherited a reddish glow and a beam of light continuously burned
faces slowly degraded Camera's willingness to exist.
"Moner, can you hand me a water.." He gasped.
"Water evaporates in hell you fat fuck."
Val sunk her head into her hands slowly, as she was wearing out simultaneously.
"An hour passed of walking aimlessly and we are all tired without water to drink or
somewhere to go?"
Camera and Moner gazed down in embarrassment. The disappointment radiating from Val
formed a dagger piercing into their hearts.
Camera desperately thought of a solution.
"You know how we can beat people up?."
Val faced towards him. "Yes?"
"Beat up Hugs and we get a 5 star apartment in hell for being mega assholes."

"Look at this beautiful view.." Moner became entranced with the trees below until
Camera grabbed him and Val to the summit and unfolded the glider.
"You guys ready? You scared, Valorant?"
Val blushed. "Don't say my full name like that."
"Literally your full name is just Val with an orant that is nowhere near a fucking
full name you stupid hoe"
In an instant, Camera jumped off the cliff, and his weight pulled Val and Moner
down while they latched onto the gliding bar. Val started to scream as the glider
darted directly downwards, until it began to even out its course.
"I fucking hate you Camera."
"I love you too."
All Moner could muster was a frozen face. "I thought this was a Hugs x Val fanfi-"
"Shut up."
Brush got up. "I'M ALIVE!"
He then got hit by a truck.
Davenport — Today at 6:24 PM
The group eventually relaxed themselves and analyzed the world under them. Upcoming
sunset gave sakura spikes and shrub a glow of fat fuck orange, while steve had 64
cobblestone he threw it away.
"You think that's a place we should head off to?" Val said.
"Woah it's minecraft steve! He's a celebrity!." Camera looked to Val knowingly, who
was on his right.
"I love him he's my role model.." she muttered dreamily.
Moner chimed in with excitement. "STEVE."
All of them giggled at their unpreparedness. "Let's go there," Val exclaimed while
Camera steered the glider accordingly. "Who knows if we really get his autograph?"

After 10 minutes of stressful gliding, Camera admitted himself.

"I don't know how to drop us off." he said. "We either fall headfirst into the
ground or drop early and hope for the best."
Val tried to contain herself as tears formed in her eyes like crystal.
"I thought you played fortnite." she muttered profanity before attempting to steer
the glider down.
Val stopped talking and held on. The ground was beginning to embrace the tailwind
of the glider as they were only 10 meters away from the ground. Each meter closer,
Moner started to shit whales.
"What.." Val was losing her mind.
A stone pillar was erected from the barren soil that held the group suspended 3
meters into the air. The pillar was named moai. Val jumped to the ground, but
Camera and Moner were stunned to the point of paralysis.
"Jump off! We got saved somehow. Come on now."
Dae flexed his muscles because he likes baked beans.

The two MEN managed to gain footing and join Val at the bottom. They started to
walk towards a hut that lay on the horizon, guided by faint, silver moonlight. A
miracle of this proportion wasn't ignored, however. Everyone racked their brains
for a viable explanation.
"Maybe it was just a rock that we managed to find that was always there?"
"Or maybe," Camera looked to his right, "Our champion glider Val also knows how to
pull off a magic trick or two."
Val's eyes twinkled at this thought assuming it was not sarcastic.
"In the dream I had-"
"Shut the fuck up about your dream nobody cares if you had a dream about fucking a
bowl of cinnamon toast crush."
"I just wanted to add extra milk..."
Moner mumbled what seemed to be a "Did I actually just shit whales..?" and Camera
patted his back heartily. "Our mouths are all mouths-"

Before Camera could finish his sentence, a distant, familiar jingle could be heard
coming from the hut's direction. Val started to make out a loaded truck-like
contraption nearby and the jingling got louder.
"Is that... an ice cream truck?"
Davenport — Today at 6:32 PM
"Fizzy's fiery flavors! Fizzy's fiery flavors! Fiery isn't very characteristic of
ICE cream, what was I thinking with this motto..."

Moner gasped. "There is a person in this place! Hurry, let's head towards them."
Val, Camera and Moner held hands and raced towards the chants until they arrived at
the vehicle.

Inside was a gleeful young lady grasping a cola in one hand, rummaging through the
shelves. The exterior of this truck was painted crimson red, and on the top read
"The Firestop" in bold black letters. Moner excitedly eyed the items behind the
open window; shortcakes, lollipops, cookies that seem to scream in pain when you
bite into them, sodas and most importantly water. He didn't hesitate to ask for it
despite his first time meeting this person.
"Hey uh, can I get a couple bottles of water?"
The lady turned around, fixed her white long-sleeved shirt and the pink dress
layered on it and beamed.
Fizzy took a closer look at the trio, spending an extra second eyeing Camera,
before bursting out with laughter. Her laughs were dainty and jubilant like spring

"All you want is water? That's seriously it?"

"For now, we are very thirsty," Moner blurted, "but we can try your other options
Val couldn't keep her hands still, as she was worried she would have to give up
possessions to afford these wares. Fizzy was busy collecting all of the water
bottles on the shelves and picking up a crate full of them.
"I have 59 bottles available. Is that a good amount for you?"
"What is the price for each bottle?" Camera said.
"Hmmm....... about 12,000 dollars."
Camera's face drooped, Val grimaced and Moner let out a small yet aggressive sigh.
Fizzy continued to smile while carrying the bottles in her arms. Fizzy needed these
12,000 dollars to buy a lot of gems in a game called pancake sprint.

"Are you interested in buying?"

"I don't think we have any money," Moner painfully whispered.
She started to pace back and forth inside the truck.
"I have a question. Are you three trying to enter The Second Side?"
Val gasped out of shock. "How do you know?"
Fizzy grinned before placing both of her hands on the truck's sill. "I have been
there, and believe you me that place is.. Actually anti-climactic as fuck, holy
shit. It's like a low budget haunted house where they could only afford a clown

A long time ago, this side of the world was cool. However, Hugs was a little bitch
who couldn't take care of something if his life depended on it. After a couple
months of existing, he started to despise us. Saying that we apparently were
failures, and that he didn't want sick twisted beings like us to roam this
universe. But I knew he was bad at handling his responsibilities.

Hugs decided to create another part of the universe and leave us in the dust. The
people of this land slowly started to starve, so I lived off of the food in my
truck and planned to steal the liquid power of Hugs.

It would probably be the only thing that will keep everyone alive. Anyways, I
managed to defeat him and take his vial of power, but I had to flee. The next day,
I sacrificed one folk to Hugs so he would kill them thinking it was me. What a
stupid bitch! If I stayed, you wouldn't see me now.

"What happened to your peers?"

They died.

Fizzy pulled a jet black, crystal-shaped container with some substance inside from
her back pocket. The lid was clear, and reflected the surprised expressions of the
Brush got up, again.
"Will that stop happening?!"
Suddenly, a giant Claude Monet emerged from the ground, holding a canvas and
countless buckets of different colours of paint.
"C'est l'heure de la douleur !"
Giant Claude Monet then drowned brush in paint mistaking him for a paintbrush.
Davenport — Today at 6:46 PM
"You can have it for your personal uses. One drop can cure anything; fatigue,
injury, emotions, lack of food or water... but don't be afraid to use more than a
drop when you are in grave danger."

Camera was motionless. "And what about the water bottles?"

Fizzy put some bottles back in the truck shelves, then placed the crate of water
bottles and the power vial in each of Camera's shaking hands. "No cost to you."

"Why give these to us?" Camera looked at his feet, partially of embarrassment and
partially of intense

DEX walked past with 200 bottles of water. "Hi guys!"

Moner noticed DEX and immediately scrambled towards him. "Sir! Please! Water!"

DEX then disappeared.


Fizzy put her hands on both of Camera's shoulders and gushed piss.
"EUGH WHAT THE FUCK?!" Camera jumped back to avoid as much piss as possible
"Sorry I drank too much water today."
Moner heard the word water and immediately floated to fizzy, "Water..." She let go
of her grip and stared at Val and Moner, who had the same thought in mind.
"Aaaanyways, you guys should find whatever you were carrying with you. When you
were in the sky, I saw a couple black items drop down to the ground but was too
scared to pick them up, not knowing who was flying above at first."

Val glared at Camera and Moner then turned to Fizzy. "Those might have been our
suitcases. We will pick them up soon."

"Oh, and you can live with me for as long as you need to. There is a campfire
behind the house, and a creek 30 meters away. Also, use these."

Fizzy reached from her truck and gave Val 2 folded guns. "This is to survive in the
mafia... One of you can sleep with me."

"I-i c-" Camera stuttered.

"I'll sleep with you Fizzy. Those boys never give me a break." Val interrupted.
Camera bit his lip.
"wtf gay"

"Ok, be safe fetching your things! If you need anything else when you come back,
just ask."

"Thanks a lot ma'am, your generosity means a lot to us, but for the love of god can
you please give us water?!" Moner whispered while clasping his hands together.

"It's the least I can do for this universe." In a flurry, Fizzy began to organize
the truck shelves while Val, Camera and Moner headed off to find their suitcases.
The ground was as dark as an unilluminated ocean, each step making a splash in the
"Ahh je m'étouffe avec une baguette!"
Brush laughed triumphantly. "That's what you get noob"
He then exploded.
Davenport — Today at 7:01 PM
Part 5

Camera couldn't get away with crushing Fizzy with Val and Moner right next to him.
The entire walk to the giant crash location was an embarrassing, teasy fuck-fest.

"Look at this champion bitchbird!" Val sneered, mirroring Camera's earlier remark.
"So Fizzy is sparking your interest, huh, gaywoman?" Camera gritted his teeth
despite Moner not intending to make a pun. Val and Moner proceeded to nudge each of
his shoulders while Camera's face started to flame up. He got 4th degree burns.

"Found the suitcases!" Val rushed to the black figures laying ahead and abandoned
the boys. Moner tried not to cackle maniacally at the jokes he made, afraid Camera
would teach him how to prepare an ice cream burger. Camera sighed and veiled his
face with leathery hands.
"Oh, how I wish the leaders beside me weren't an insane girl who will bury you if
you don't like what she likes and a dependent bum, both unable to shut the
everloving fuck up?"
"Who are you calling a bum?" Moner shifted towards Camera, who was immersed in his
emotional torment.
"Spongbobreference WHO YOU CALLING A PINHEAD REPLACED WITH BUM," and Camera chased
Val to the suitcases.

Val, already set in the crash area with her arms stuffed, stared at Camera
excitedly as he came.
"Can you please help me marry these? I'm not as good with marriage as you think.."
Camera chuckled before snatching two bags, one that happened to be Val's own.
"What." Val as always laughed at his one-liners. "We should be quick on our feet. I
need to take a bath in the creek soon."
"You want to take a bath in what is essentially fish territory?"
"Getting maimed by piranhas is my kink, Cam."

Val and Camera, holding hands, arrived outside the hut to drop off their luggage
when a groaning sound came from inside. Worried, Val frantically ran to the noise
and saw Moner laying on the floor in agony.
"What happened, Moner? Are you ok?"
"I-immm so nauseaateddd.."
"Did you eat something bad?"
"I ate a pufferfish..."
"You dumb fuck!"

The suitcase was jam-packed with mostly useless items that Camera tossed out one by
one such as The Sword of the Undying Warrior. His lungs adopted a pulse of their
own, even growing organs themselves. Did this include genitalia?-
"What if she catches me? Who cares, I might win a fistfight against her anyways. I
just want to know what secrets she has in that stupid diary of hers..."
After a minute of hand filtering, the medium-sized book revealed itself, dead
bottom. Camera snatched it and began to sift through the pages for insight.
"Exploration... breakfast... Hugs..." he mumbled on before stopping at the
forbidden alleyway of the book, page 56, and began to read it. "So she want's to
eat hugs for breakfast? What kind of kinky shit is this?!"

Waking up today has been a marvelous blessing, and not because I exist. I get to
see Hugs' beautiful face at my [redacted] door, his golden eyes, his everything.
Looking up to him both metaphorically and literally makes me [redacted] up inside,
just how I wish I could feel more if he could come and talk to me, right next to
me. I wonder if a God has a [redacted]. If so, I wish Hugs could touch me with it.
He is the dreamiest of all. I feel like I'm still asleep and I'm thinking of having
[redacted] with him. Goodbye diary, I'm going to do some stuff now.

"I think I am gonna die"

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