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Researchers from Sweden's Karolinska Institutet discovered a new anti-diabetic substance that preserves the activity of insulin-producing beta cells and
prevents high blood glucose levels in mice. To prevent the progression of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, adequate beta cell activity must be maintained.
"In diabetes, beta cells are challenged to produce high amounts of insulin," HIF-1alpha (hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha) regulates hypoxia response.
HIF-1alpha was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2019 for its discovery, and this protein is involved in a variety of diseases. PX-478, an HIF-
1alpha inhibitor, has already been tested as an anticancer drug in phase I clinical trials and was well tolerated in these patients. According to Per-Olof Berggren
“Current therapies targeting beta cells have only a temporary positive effect on insulin secretion. In the long-term, these drugs lead to beta cell exhaustion.
Unlike other treatments, PX-478 improves beta cell activity without increasing insulin secretion. As a result, the researchers believe that it can prevent beta
cell exhaustion and thus be more effective in the long-term treatment of diabetes. We are now planning to further investigate the translatability of our findings in
order to pave the way for future clinical trials, says Teresa Pereira. Using 'humanised' diabetic mice, they will first investigate the effect of PX-478 on human
pancreatic beta cell activity.

One of the advantage of the said study is that researchers and scientists discovered a new strategy on how to preserved insulin producing cells and prevent
hypoxic state for the patient receiving insulin based drugs. Moreover, this may also reduce high blood glucose levels. On the flipside, current therapies that targets
beta cells have only temporary positive effect on the secretion of insulin, but on the long run this will lead to beta cell exhaustion which will then make the
condition of the patient worst. The article is feasible to the local settings because it can inform the community about the new strategy on how to manage diabetes
milletus mixed up with eating nutritious foods,fruits, and more importantly exercise. This study maybe applicable to OPD and also in medical ward because these
departments have patients with diabetes milletus. This article may help health workers to instruct and improve the condition of the patient. Health care facilities
should be improved in the hospitals to improve their services. In addition, they should improved their OPD and medical wards because patients usually enter here
and have their assessments. Moreover, they should also improve the Medical Ward because patients are usually admitted there. Furthermore, health workers
should also refresh and improved their skills and knowledge for them to keep their services and care for their patients good and quality.

The model of Nola Pender, Health Promotion Model is somewhat related to this article. This model is design assist nurses to determine factors which may
help in improving the health and well being of a patient. Nurses who handle patients who are developing early signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus should
determine appropriate nursing managemnet in order to reduce risk factors which may affect the growth and development of the patient.


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