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BSN 4B 11/11/2022


Islam and Christianity, as we all know, are both characterized as two of the largest and
fastest-growing religions in the world and originated in the Middle East. These two religions are
also monolithic, which means they worship only the eternal God. I learned that one of the
reasons their belief systems have drawn and elicited significant negative criticism over the years
is that both have used forced conversion and persecuted heretics and people of other religions.
Surprisingly, there are several similarities that are present for both religions, and one thing
that gave me curiosity is their shared framework and history. They both have a revered prophet
who preached the word of God despite all the adversities of his time. Muslims base their legal
system on the words of Prophet Muhammad, whereas Christians believe in Prophet Jesus
Christ. Finally, adherents of both religions adhere to similar rules/commandments that influence
not only their moral conduct and behavior in this world, but also their relationship with God.

Despite their similarities, there are major differences that exist between these two religions,
and each of them has significant ideas and impacts on other individuals. One of these is their
source of faith, and while they both worship the same God, their sources of knowledge differ. In
Christianity, they hold that the Bible is the inspired, accurate, and supremely reliable account of
salvation and that the statements it makes are to be taken literally. Whereas Muslims adhere to
the Pentateuch—the first five books of the Bible, sometimes known as the Law—the Qur'an is
the unquestioned source of their religious beliefs. Incorporating various passages from the Old
Testament into the context of Islam is possible, but it's unlikely that the extent, importance, and
purposes of the two are comparable.
Lastly, I also observed that they have contrasting views and ideologies in terms of how
they propagate their faith. Islam today is fueled by a fear-based philosophy, whereas Christians
have left a foundation of institutions serving the needs of people all over the world, including
hospitals, universities, orphanages, and charitable organizations.

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