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1. balanced
2. made up of
3. recognized
4. system
5. likely
6. identify
7. sensitive
8. typically

4. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Making inferences

1. using information you learn and information you know
2. a professor gives information that is not direct or clear
3. What does the author know about the subject?
4. Martin does not like raw carrots.
5. Your children may start using the same language.
6. She forgot her umbrella.
7. Cakes are usually used for celebrations.
8. They were going to have a surprise birthday party.

5. READING SKILL Previewing a text

Benefits of the Grapefruit
How to Follow the Diet Doubts and Concerns
 The diet involves  It is a natural diet.  The diet does not
eating a lot of  Grapefruit may even teach eating habits
grapefruit. reduce cholesterol that people can use in
 Dieters also drink at levels. the future.
least one glass of  People who ate half a  Health experts
grapefruit juice at grapefruit with each caution that the diet is
each meal. meal lost an average actually unhealthy.
 In all, no more than of 1.5 kg.  It is a quick fix, but
1,000 calories are successful dieting
consumed per day. requires effort and
regular exercise.


1. to explain how the grapefruit diet works
2. It burns fat.
3. green vegetables, eggs, meat, and coffee
4. 1,000 or less

5. It is cheap.
6. dieted for a longer time
7. People mostly consume liquids and little fat.
8. The diet is actually not healthy.

1. occasion
2. be willing to
3. influence
4. principle
5. identical
6. method
7. artistic
8. status symbols

9. VOCABULARY SKILL Using context to understand

1. a piece of land
2. values
3. use up something
4. to confirm
5. uncomfortable
6. a location
7. good for how you want to use it
8. to associate with a group

11. GRAMMAR Use and placement of adjectives (1)

1. old orange
2. big white
3. elegant Italian
4. fresh green
5. dirty glass
6. large wooden dining
7. fascinating French cooking

12. GRAMMAR Use and placement of adjectives (2)

1. they surprised him with a new Italian car .

2. she remembered the small blue statue at her grandmother’s home .
3. he bought a shiny diamond ring at the jewelry store .
4. the city has a large square park in its downtown .
5. we are going to have a small quiet wedding .
6. our family ate at the big new Middle Eastern restaurant .

16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives and Adjective
Nouns and Noun Phrases Verbs and Verb Phrases
 method  arrange  likely
 occasion  be made up of  artistic
 principle  be willing to  balanced
 status symbol  identify  sensitive
 system  influence  identical

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