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DBFP Commissioning Rite

After the homily, the commentator announces the start of the Commissioning Rite, and calls the names of
the Diocesan Basic Formation Program Facilitators. The facilitators approach the sanctuary one by one
as their names are called, facing the altar.

Commentator: These are the names of those who, in keeping with the Lord’s
command, are being sent by our Church to preach the Gospel

Bishop: By your words and your lives proclaim to all

peoples the Gospel that is proclaimed in this
house of God, so that the mystery of Christ and
the Church may be revealed to all

Facilitators: Amen.


Bishop: We bless you, O God, and we praise your name.

In your merciful providence you sent your Son
into the world
to free us from the bondage of sin by his own
blood and to enrich us with the gifts of the Holy
Before he returned, triumphant over death, to
you, Father,
he sent his apostles, the bearers of his love and
to proclaim the Gospel of life to all peoples
and in the waters of baptism to cleanse those
who believe.

Lord, look kindly on your servants:

we send them forth as messengers of salvation
and peace,
marked with the sign of the cross.
Guide their steps with your mighty arm
and with the power of your grace strengthen
them in spirit,
so that they will not falter through weariness.

Make their words the echo of Christ's voice,

so that those who hear them
may be drawn to obey the Gospel.
Fill the hearts of your missionaries with the Holy
so that, becoming all things to all people,
they may lead many to you, the Father of all,
to sing your praises in your holy Church.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Facilitators: Amen.


The celebrant blesses the crosses:

Bishop: Father of holiness,

you willed the cross of your Son
to be the source of all blessings,
the fount of all grace.
Bless these crosses
and grant that those who will preach the
crucified Christ to others
may themselves strive to be transformed into
his image.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

All: Amen.

Bishop: Receive this sign of Christ's love

and of the mission for which the Church has
chosen you.
Facilitators: Amen.

Then one by one the facilitators go to the bishop, who gives each one a cross. After being given a cross,
each facilitator returns to line up in front of the sanctuary.

The presentation is accompanied by the singing of either the following antiphon with Psalm 96 or some
other suitable song.

Ant. Day after day, proclaim the salvation of the Lord.

The rite is concluded as the bishop presents the facilitators to the congregation

Bishop: As a sign of our acceptance of our dear

facilitators’ generous giving of self, let us
welcome them with a warm round of applause.

486 The general intercessions follow, with intentions included both for the departing
missionaries and for the Churches to which they are being sent.
487 During the song for the presentation of the gifts, the bread and wine for the eucharistic
celebration should be brought to the altar by some of the departing missionaries.
488 After the celebrant has said: The peace of the Lord be with you always, the missionaries, as
circumstances suggest, may go one by one to the altar to receive the sign of peace from the
489 After the celebrant has received the Lord's body and blood, the missionaries go to the altar
to receive communion under both kinds.


490 Except when the Mass has its own proper solemn blessing, the fol-lowing formulary may
be used. The celebrant says:
The Lord be with you.
All reply:
And also with you.
In the following or similar words, the assisting deacon may then invite the people to receive the
Bow your heads and pray for God's blessing.
Blessings Directly Pertaining to Persons
Then, with hands outstretched over the missionaries, the celebrant says: May God, who in
Christ has shown us his truth and love, make you messengers of the Gospel and witnesses to
the divine love before all the world.
May the Lord Jesus Christ, who promised that he would be with his Church until the end of time,
guide your steps and fill your words with power.
May the Spirit of the Lord be upon you, enabling you as you go through the world to bring the
Good News to the lowly and to heal the brokenhearted.
Then he blesses all present.
And may almighty God bless you all,
the Father, and the Son, * and the Holy Spirit.

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