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University of San Agustin

General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Name: Red Angela O. Dinson Course&Section: BSN 1-B


Module 3 Activity No. 4 Men’s Reproductive Health and Reproductive Disorders

Activity 4. Analyze and Discuss

Instructions: Read and analyze the scenario provided. Answer the questions asked. Write your answers in
the space provided.
MJ, age 16 years, is a high school junior who is 59.3 inches tall and weighs 126 lb. He is having
increased feelings of discomfort about not fitting in with the other students at school because he has not
yet begun sexual maturation. He is a good student and an accomplished violinist in the school orchestra.
His father states that he also was a “late bloomer,” but both parents are concerned about MJ’s
increasing social withdrawal and seem determined to seek medical intervention for him. The nurse at the
clinic assesses the needs and status of MT and his parents.


1. As a nurse what health teaching should you prepare before the parents decide whether to start
their son on androgen therapy? The decision is made to prescribe methyltestosterone (Striant) 30
mg twice daily by buccal tablet (held inside the cheek until it dissolves). MT will be on this regimen
for 4 months, during which time he is to come to the clinic at monthly intervals.

First of all, I want to introduce and explain to them what is Methyltestosterone and the Androgen
Therapy. The sex hormone testosterone, which is naturally generated in a man's testicles, is also available
in synthetic form as methyltestosterone. Additionally, a woman's ovaries and adrenal glands make very
little testosterone. This Methyltestosterone is used to treat disorders in men and boys that result from a
shortage of this hormone, such delayed puberty or other hormonal abnormalities. Treatment is often not
necessary for milder instances of delayed puberty, but for carefully chosen patients, there is enough data
supporting the effectiveness and safety of brief courses of low-dose testosterone therapy. So, my health
teaching would be in a form of leaflets and informational infographics or table that can synthesize the
information about the prescribe drug/therapy. I will produce a table guide that explain correct
administration, predicted medication effects, bad responses to watch out for before visiting the doctor,
contraindications and cautions, drug and food interactions, proper storage, and what to do if you miss a

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


My example of leaflet or informational drug table guide where they can used it for prior knowledge and
to use it for their basis before they decide:

Drug/Theraphy Effects Dosage and Administration

methyltestosterone (Striant) 30 Side Effects: Striant is taken by putting one
mg twice daily by buccal tablet/ trouble urinating, breast buccal system (30 mg) on the
Androgen Therapy swelling/tenderness, too gum area twice a day, in the
frequent/prolonged erections. morning and the evening (about
➢ Methyltestosterone is 12 hours apart).
used in men and boys to Adverse Effects:
address disorders like such as breast cancer in men, Serum testosterone levels should
delayed puberty or other prostate cancer, gum or mouth be measured to make sure the
hormonal abnormalities irritation, gum pain right dose is given.
that are brought on by a
shortage of this hormone. Toxic Effects: Striant has to be positioned
Women who have breast This medication can affect comfortably directly above the
cancer that has fertility in male incisor teeth (on either side of the
progressed to other body
mouth). Striant should be applied
areas may also be treated
with methyltestosterone. to the lips on different sides each
➢ Although males with a time. Patients need to be careful
genetic delay in puberty not to move the buccal system.
ultimately experience After consuming food or
normal hypothalamic- alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks,
pituitary-gonadal axis patients should check to
activation, their sexual determine whether Striant is in
immaturity and relatively place. Striant must not be
small height/weight may ingested or chewed. Striant
make them more should be carefully moved away
susceptible to from the gum and toward the
psychological issues. A
tooth in order to prevent
four-month regimen of
damaging the gum.
testosterone injections
used as androgen
treatment promotes
physical development
and adulthood. In
addition to genetic delays
in puberty, obesity and a
lack of growth hormone
may also delay puberty.

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


2. While on therapy, when should MT have x-rays taken? Explain your Answer.

Every six months, the patient must have x-rays performed to ensure that his bones are healthy. X-ray of
the hand and wrist should be taken to measure bone age in order to evaluate the treatment's impact on the
epiphyseal centers. Androgen treatment for delayed puberty may accelerate bone formation without
compensating with linear growth, resulting in impaired body structure in maturity. In carefully selected
males with obviously delayed puberty, androgens may be used to stimulate puberty. Puberty is anticipated
to happen naturally at a somewhat late period in these individuals, who often have a family pattern of
delayed puberty that is not attributable to a pathological disease. In certain cases, these individuals may be
justified for brief therapy with cautious dosages if they do not improve with psychological assistance.
Before administering androgens, the patient's parents should be informed about any possible negative
effects on bone maturation like what I have created on the question number 1.


methyltestosterone – Health Information Library | PeaceHealth. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2022,
Striant (Testosterone): Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Interactions, Warning. (2021, November 10). RxList.
Retrieved September 22, 2022, from

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

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