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Vlog Presentation


My Name Is Patthi Anil Kumar

Here is My Vlog Presentation for Assignment

The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as “… the management process responsible for
identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably”

Mankind Overview-In our Domestic

There are multiple number concepts about marketing, Here I’m going to Explain 3 of Them

1) Business to consumer
2) Buyer behavior
3) Segmentation

Definition B2B

I. Business to Consumer – It is also tagged as B2C, in general terms the process of producing goods and
services which directly sells to ultimate customer. B2C marketing is how businesses promote their goods and
services to consumers. In B2C, Customers are persuaded to purchase the product when they have sufficient
faith or trust. To persuade the customer a business needs to establish strong brand value or reputation. In
this type of business there is no choice of reselling for profits. This type of business has lot of competitors
and has a substitute in the market where it can be defeated through quality, price, and brand. Given
businesses not integrated with suppliers however organized with internal departments combined with
product research, development and other related decision-making units based on buyers’ behavior. The
business is followed by negations with available internal resources and try to apply price penetration process
to attract the customers. There are different supply chain models in B2C Marketing a) Direct sellers b)
Intermediaries c) Community based d) Advertise Based e) Fee Based.

Mankind strategy is different where as

1)Ethical marketing strategy - In pharmaceutical marketing, products (such as medications) are not offered
to consumers directly but rather through physicians or doctors who write prescriptions for the patients.
Perhaps the most significant contributors to the sale of pharmaceuticals are doctors. They draught the
prescriptions that specify the medications the patient will be given. The key to selling pharmaceuticals is
swaying the doctor. In ethical marketing, the doctors are influenced. Prescription sales are given prominence
in ethical marketing; the target client in this case is a doctor who is qualified enough to choose the best
medication for his patient.

2)OTC Marketing-Over the Counter, or OTC, refers to the direct sale from the pharmacy counter without any
suggestions or a doctor's prescription. Analgesics (painkillers) and antipyretics are the main medications
included in this category (For Fever.) Most people undergo this form of treatment to reduce their medical
expenses, yet it is unethical. The need to match uncertainties and abilities to achieve business marketing
success provides a clear indication that relationships matter (Ford et all., 1998). Mankind seeks to foster a
friendly, close-knit relationship with its customers. Mankind produces its brands according to Goods
Manufacturing Practice guidelines (GMP). Mankind manufactures its product and sell its products to
customers through online and offline stores at affordable prices. Mankind continues to maintain strong
relationships and long-lasting relationships by enhancing its products for every six months. There are types
of Marketing strategies which We move on to Consumer Behavior

2) Buyer behavior - As per Blackwell et all.,2001 Consumer behaviour is the activities people undertake when obtaining,
consuming and disposing of products and services Each day millions of consumers make numerous decisions and number
of choices has increased exponentially. For every decision there Is goal built in the minds of consumers When
customers encounter a product that appeals to their emotions, they decide to buy it right away. Here Mankind produces
condoms as well anti pregnancy pills where customer motive is to satisfy their emotions and to control births. It is
Important that customer is taken seriously and that they are offered a solution to the problem (Gruber et al.2009). Failure
to address issues after purchases repeatedly will do lasting harm to a company's reputation therefore it makes sense for
suppliers to give a chance to hear about the emotions and desires. there are three buckets of consumer decision making
first is cognitive second is habitual and third is effective cognitive. Mankind targets the consumer based on the problems
faced to treat like diabetes, metabolic disorder, dermal, dis erectile functions. Consumer Behavior helps to understand
what motivates and influences to buy. Consumer Decisions depends mostly on his own behavior. Some of the general
theories about psychological or sociological influences on consumer may be common all-over sub-continent like India.
Customers' decision-making is an emotive or rapid response. According to Bauer et al,2006 Involvement also has an
influence on decision making styles. Involvement also treated as avoidance and anxiety in terms of attachment theory it
may be while intimacy or loss and rejection, so mankind started a man force condom and started promoting which gave a
cutthroat competition where market of Intimacy and sex is a Taboo. According to broadca 2010 the theory of optimum bias
which is psychological bias where impulses are made based on the consumer's effective motivation or the desire for
accuracy. Man Kind breaks stereotypes and gives confident to have a protected sex. Man, force is a vocal for female
perception about intimacy. Man Kind gives an alternative like products like extra dotted, extra thin, flavors. Man, Kind
manufactures products according to the issues and gives awareness of every product by doing social campaigns and
advertisements. It is important to educate adult ones about STI and benefits of birth control.
Segmentation: “Market segmentation is the division of a market into different groups of customers with distinctly similar
needs and product/service requirements” (Baines et al, 2021). The act of Dividing up a market into groups of people with
similar needs.

1) There are two main approaches to segmenting markets:

Breakdown Method: Adopts the view that the market is considered to consist of customers which are essentially the same,
so the task is to identify groups which share differences.

Build-Up Method: Considers a market to consist of customers that are all different, so here the task is to find similarities.
There are multiple benefits of segmentation like customer retention, greater profits, deploy of resources effectively

According To Consumers are segmented based on behavioural-Perceptions, beliefs,

Psychographic – trend setters, conservative, sophisticates

and Profile – Age, Gender, Income, geographic,

Mankind segmented the market based on the problems faced by the consumer. It launched different types of products like
Discovery Mankind-Anti fungal, lifestyle problems

Life star Pharma-Dermal

Special Mankind-Tooth brushes, napkins

Future Mankind-Orthopaedic drugs

Magnet Labs-Acute and Chronic drugs

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