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Name : Lidiana Astuti

Program : Postgraduate English Education

NIM : 0203522032
Subject : Research of English Language Education

Journal Article Summary

Topic : English Education Journal

Author : Asti Gumartifa, Indah Windra Dwie Agustiani, Andriamella Elfarissyah
Title : Curiosity Factors and English Language Achievements: Non-English
Students Department
Source :

 Background
The key to encouraging students to study English as a foreign language is curiosity. Unfortunately,
the absence of curiosity during studying English leads them to think that studying English is
complicated, especially when it comes to speaking part. Through a literature analysis, this article
identifies critical points for recognizing students' curiosity in studying English as non-English
department students.

 Purpose
The results of this study can help educators in developing a better method on how to make English
enjoyable for the students. Teachers can offer interesting teaching procedures, materials, and
strategies which can gain students interest or curiosity.

 Method
Qualitative - This study investigated some previous research that discuss about the relationship
between curiosity and the study of the English language. The researchers also explore for some
aspects that stimulate students’ curiosity both internal and external aspects, such as : collecting
variety of problem from relevant references, identifying socioeconomic background, academic
accomplishments, pedagogy of curiosity, curiosity and education and curiosity in learning.
 Result
The results of the study confirmed that internal and external aspects both contribute to students'
curiosity in learning the English language. As a result, teachers as external aspects and students as
the internal aspects have their own role in the success of developing language learning curiosity. The
students’ enthusiasm in the learning process may be stimulated by multiple factors.

 Conclusion
According to psychology research, encouraging students' curiosity can enhance teaching practice in
different level of education. The first stage to encourage students' curiosity is in the classroom
learning environment. As a result, in order for students and teachers to successfully comprehend the
English language, other factors like learning media, parents' encouragement and stimulation are also
required. Additionally, greater investigation of socioeconomic status is necessary to see how it
affects the success of the English language learning objective, especially for students who are not in
the English department.

 Critics
1. This journal article doesn’t provide a real case related to the topic discussed.
2. The object of the research is not mentioned in the article.
3. The conclusion does not provide concrete guidance on how to encourage students’ curiosity

 Recommendation
1. The researchers should provide a real case and the object of the study to the related topic.
2. The researchers give a clear and specific recommendation/solution about the finding.

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