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A study of prognostic factors for prediction of

complications and outcomes in burn patients
Rahul Dalal, Col Alok Sharma, Brig B. Chakravarty, Col M. Alam Parwaz, Col Anil Malik
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Correspondence to:
Dr. Rahul Dalal,
Flat No. K-302, Queen’s Tower, New D.P. Road, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra - 411 007, India. E-mail:

Aim: The aim of the present study is to evaluate various prognostic factors in burn patients and predict
prognosis and mortality of patients on the basis of prognostic factors. Materials and Methods: A study was
conducted on 10 adults, total body surface area burns of >40% (40-90%) sequential thermal burn admissions at
Burns Center. Blood samples were drawn from day of admission to discharge. Results and Statistics: (1) Fatal
outcome in four patients, persistent serum cholesterol <100 mg%. (2) The difference in cholesterol values
in patients with fatal outcome and survivors was significant. On comparing median cholesterol values for
non-survivors and survivors on post-burn day-7, there was statistically significant difference (P = 0.039)
by Mann-Whitney U-test. Serum cholesterol was significantly lower in fatal cases. (3) Infection or sepsis
in patients correlated with the presence of toxic granules, toxic vacuoles on peripheral smear, raised total
leukocyte count and low values of serum cholesterol. (4) Echinocytes (spiculated red blood cells [RBC])
were seen in all patients. In four patients, they persisted from post-burn day 4 until death. Progressive
decrease in echinocytes, which correlated with rising cholesterol values was seen in survivors. Conclusion:
Poor outcome in burn patients is related to persistently low serum cholesterol, high serum triglyceride and
presence of echinocytes, toxic granules, toxic vacuoles and high white blood cell counts or vice-versa.

Key words:
Cholesterol, echinocytes, total leukocyte count, toxic granules, toxic vacuoles, triglyceride

AIM order to determine the statistical significance of these

biochemical and hematological indicators for early
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the behavior prediction of post-burn complications or recovery.
of serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels, echinocytes,
toxic granules, toxic vacuoles and total leukocyte count INTRODUCTION
(TLC) in the early and late phases of severe burns, in
Thermal injury is caused by overheating of body tissues
above the critical temperature, leading to tissue damage.
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An improved understanding of burn pathophysiology
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Website: has contributed to improvement in fluid resuscitation, infection control, support of hypermetabolic response to
trauma, nutritional support and early closure of the burn
DOI: wound and burn outcome in general.[1] Thermal injury can
10.4103/0971-653X.147007 cause many changes in the skin i.e., local response and in
the body in general i.e., systemic response. The metabolic
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Dalal, et al.: Burn prognostic factors

changes are important among systemic response.[2] The Feeds were started with water, then diluted milk and then
pathophysiology of the burn syndrome is characterized upgraded to burns high protein diet as tolerated by the
by the burn wound infection and the host’s impaired patient, depending on condition of the patient [Table 1].
defense to it, hypermetabolism and increased energy
demand. Ominous post-burn complications are pulmonary Antibiotic protocol
insufficiency, renal insufficiency and complications In the first 48 h no antibiotic was given for small area
involving the gastrointestinal tract.[1] Any biochemical or burns (<10% TBSA)
hematological markers which can predict poor outcome or For large area burns with inhalation burns-on admission
complications will open a new vista to modify treatment intravenous antibiotics were given
strategies in order to improve outcome and decrease
morbidity and mortality in major burn injury. a. Cefotaxim/amoxicillin-clavulanic acid
b. Amikacin
MATERIALS AND METHODS Later antibiotics were given as per culture and sensitivity.

Totally 10 consecutive thermal burn patients with 40- Exclusion criteria

90% of total body surface area (TBSA) involvement were Patients referred >24 h post-burn injury, burns <40% or
admitted to our burns center at a tertiary teaching >90%, electrical and chemical burn injury patients and
hospital. Out of a total of 10 patients, five male and patients with pre-existing co-morbid conditions.
five female patients were studied with age range of 21- Parameters studied
55 years and mean age of 31.8 years. Written/informed 1. Serum cholesterol levels.
consent was taken from each patient or their relatives. 2. Serum triglyceride levels.
The study was conducted as per ethical guidelines. 3. Presence of echinocytes, toxic granules and toxic vacuoles
All patients received a uniform regime of treatment in peripheral smear.
consisting of standard fluid resuscitation, nutritional 4. TLC.
support, plasma expanders, fresh frozen plasma and
prophylactic antibiotic therapy. Wounds were dressed
Lab methods
1. In-vitro diagnosis of total cholesterol in serum and plasma
with topical silver sulfadiazine.
by — cholesterol oxidase-peroxidase method with Enzo
Blood samples were collected from all subjects by Kit-liquid cholesterol reagents obtained from RFCL
venepuncture on admission to burn center and after 24 h. Limited, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
Samples were collected daily for 1st week and for patients 2. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol assay by LDL-
developing complications and twice weekly thereafter cholesterol reagent obtained from ERBA diagnostics
until discharge from burn unit. Mannheim GmbH, Germany.
Diet protocol 3. High density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol assay by HDL-
Diet consisted of high protein with balanced carbohydrate cholesterol reagent obtained from ERBA diagnostics
and fat diet to provide high calorie diet. Mannheim GmbH, Germany.
4. Trigycerides assay by — GPO-Trinder method end
Energy requirement was calculated as per Curreri formula: point, based on the method of Wako and modifications
Age 16-59 years: (25) W + (40) TBSA of McGowan et al. and Fossati et al., obtained from
Age ≥60 years: (20) W + (65) TBSA
Transasia Bio Medicals Ltd., Baddi, Solan, H.P, India in
Enteral feeding was started within 24-48 h, and was given Tech association with ERBA diagnostics Mannheim GmbH,
orally or through ryles tube. Germany.

Table 1: Diet protocol schedule

Feed time (h) Milk (ml) Eggs (quantity) Butter (g) KabiproTM (g) Sugar (g)
0500 100 4 20 24 15
0700 100 4 20 24 15
1000 100 4 20 24 15
1200 100 4 20 24 15
1500 100 4 20 24 15
1700 100 4 20 24 15
2000 100 4 20 24 15
2200 100 4 20 24 15
Total 800 32 160 192 120
4887 Cal 496 Cal 2080 Cal 1147 Cal 699 Cal 465 Cal

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Dalal, et al.: Burn prognostic factors

5. Total leucocyte count study by Auto analyzer machine 5. Poor signs observed were:
(SysMex KX-21, Kobe, Japan). a. Decreasing serum cholesterol levels or failure to
increase by 10% (a 10% figure used for statistical
Laboratory data analysis and data assessment).
Expected cholesterol values, normal range 150-250 mg% b. Increased serum triglyceride levels which fail to
(average 200 mg%) were based on the comprehensive age decrease progressively.
and sex-specific data from the general population. c. Presence of echinocytes, toxic granules and toxic
White blood cell (WBC) response, presence of echinocytes, vacuoles on peripheral smear.
toxic granules, vacuoles, [Figures 1 and 2] cholesterol d. TLC counts increased by 20% or >16000 and <4000.
and triglyceride levels at the time of a culture-positive
infection were recorded. The antimicrobial therapy was
modified when there was clinical evidence of a new
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed with Statistical Package for the
Social Science (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois) for Windows
(version 17) for quantitative data analysis. Data are
expressed as means ± standard deviation to test changes
in dependence on time after thermal injury, comparisons
were performed using the Mann-Whitney U-test and
P < 0.05 were considered to be significant. The unpaired
t-test was used for correlation analysis. In all tests,
P < 0.05 was considered as significant.
Figure 1: Toxic granules

Fatal outcome was seen in four patients, with persistent

serum cholesterol <100 mg%. The difference in
cholesterol values in patients with fatal outcome and
those who survived was significant. On comparing
median cholesterol values for non-survivors and
survivors on post-burn day-7, there was statistically
significant difference (P = 0.039) noted (by Mann-
Whitney U-test). Cholesterol was significantly lower in
fatal cases [Figure 3 and Table 2].
1. TLC was significantly higher in non-survivors than in
survivors at the time of admission but not subsequently.
No significant difference in values was noted for
triglycerides (TG), echinocytes, toxic granules and toxic
vacuoles [Figures 4 and 5]. Figure 2: Toxic vacuoles
2. Infection or sepsis in patients correlated with presence of
toxic granules, toxic vacuoles on peripheral smear, raised
TLC and low values of cholesterol.
3. Echinocytes (spiculated RBC) were seen in all patients.
In four patients they persisted from post-burn day 4
unil death. Progressive decrease in echinocytes which
correlated with rising cholesterol values was seen in
4. Mortality was seen in a case of TBSA 40% (lowest burn %
death) while the highest burn percentage associated with
survival was 63%. Fatal outcome in 04 cases: I = Post-
burn day 7, II = Post-burn day 8, III = Post-burn day
10, IV = Post-burn day 24. Figure 3: Cholesterol levels

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Dalal, et al.: Burn prognostic factors

Table 2: Cholesterol levels statistical analysis

Unpaired t-test

Cholesterol values Status N Mean Standard deviation P value

Cholesterol on admission 1 4 148.2500 50.55937 0.857
2 6 155.3333 63.44657
Cholesterol 24 h 1 4 116.5000 35.36948 0.396
2 6 145.6667 57.47231
Cholesterol 48 h 1 4 104.7500 35.28338 0.277
2 6 141.3333 55.02969
Cholesterol 5 day 1 4 77.0000 15.53491 0.130
2 6 109.1667 35.38597
Cholesterol 7 day 1 3 63.0000 6.55744 0.041
2 6 115.6667 35.04664
Mann-Whitney U-test
Values Cholesterol on admission Cholesterol 24 h Cholesterol 48 h Cholesterol 5 day Cholesterol 7 day
Mann-Whitney U 11.000 7.000 6.500 5.000 1.000
P value 0.831 0.285 0.240 0.136 0.039

1: Death, 2: Survived

Figure 5: Triglyceride levels

Figure 4: Total leukocytes count levels

DISCUSSION Cholesterol is an inevitable component of almost all

phospholipid membranes in the human organism. It
The degree of metabolic changes experienced by burn occurs in both the free and ester form of cholesterol and
patients is directly related to the extent of injury. In fatty acids.
large burn injuries, cortisol, glucagon and catecholamines Free cholesterol is a component of cell membranes.
are markedly elevated.[3] Cortisol is strongly catabolic Cholesterol in the organism originates both from the
and is associated with negative nitrogen and calcium external environment by absorption from the digestive
balance, loss of tissue protein and bone mineral. It also tract and by synthesis de novo from acetyl-CoA. Under
stimulates gluconeogenesis, increases proteolysis and normal circumstances, a significant portion of the
sensitizes adipocytes to the action of lipolytic hormones. required amount of cholesterol is obtained from food.
Catecholamines increase the rate of glycogenolysis, hepatic Absorbed cholesterol from the diet is a component of
gluconeogenesis, promote lipolysis and peripheral insulin chylomicrons and is directed as chylomicron remnants
resistance.[4] These changes lead to release of amino acids toward the liver. The hepatic cholesterol pools originating
from muscles and lipolysis of adipose TG leading to the from chylomicron remnants (dietary cholesterol) and de
release of fatty acids into the plasma. The free fatty acids novo synthesized cholesterol are combined and excreted
can be used directly by most peripheral tissues for their as very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) lipoproteins.
energy requirements.[5] In burn patients, fat oxidation is Intravascularly, VLDL converts to LDL lipoprotein and this
increased to obtain endogenous energy substrates. In particle is a major source of cholesterol for many tissues,
addition to that, there is increased recycling of fatty acids specifically those undergoing frequent cell divisions. The
that leads to increase in triglyceride plasma level. maximal synthesis of cholesterol in a healthy human
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Dalal, et al.: Burn prognostic factors

being varies in the range of 500-1000 mg a day. About these parameters were studied simultaneously in all
1 g of cholesterol is eliminated from the body per day. patients. These parameters were selected on the basis
Approximately half of this is excreted in faeces after of ease of availability of simple tests for detection and
conversion to bile acids. The remainder is excreted as affordability. No previous study has been done on burned
cholesterol.[6] Indian patients regarding these parameters. Our study
doesn’t concentrate only on cholesterol but on all five
Dunham et al. in their study demonstrated that patients
parameters. The study was carried out with the basic idea
with severe trauma had a sudden reduction in total serum
that “Results of original research are not always consistent;
cholesterol concentration.[7] Hypocholesterolemia has been studies of similar therapies may reach contradictory
found in patients undergoing surgical interventions,[8] and conclusions, especially in different populations.”[24]
in those with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome[9-11] and
burns.[12,13] Fraunberger et al. demonstrated a relationship Infection or sepsis in burn patients in our study correlated
between hypocholesterolemia and several disease states, with low cholesterol, raised triglyceride levels, presence
as well as organ dysfunction. In patients with multiple of toxic granules and vacuoles and raised TLC.
organ dysfunction syndromes plasma cholesterol below Morphologic changes can be seen on the blood smear of a
100 mg/dl was associated with increased mortality patient with severe thermal burn injury. Acute hemolysis,
(P < 0.05). A decrease in plasma cholesterol was also leukocytosis and thrombocytopenia are the most common
associated with increased circulating levels of tumor abnormal hematologic findings. The severity of the
necrosis factor.[14] hematologic abnormalities is most closely related to
Other authors have associated hypocholesterolemia with the extent and severity of the burn. Involvement of at
inflammatory states.[15,16] least 15-20% of the body surface by third degree burns
is typically associated with a severe acute hemolytic
Nearly 30% or greater reduction in lipid and lipoprotein anemia. This hemolytic anemia is initially due to acute
concentrations is known to occur in a variety of intravascular hemolysis followed by extravascular
inflammatory states.[16] Interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis hemolysis and is associated with a wide range of abnormal
factor- have been implicated as potent negative regulators red cell morphology. The most common abnormalities are
of lipoprotein metabolism in-vitro[14,17] and in-vivo.[18,19] the presence of spherocytes, schistocytes and echinocytes
Coombes et al. documented an increase in triglyceride i.e., spiculated RBCs [Figure 6].
level and a fall of serum cholesterol level following These abnormalities are due to the increased osmotic and
severe burn injury.[12] Birke et al. demonstrated that the mechanical fragility of erythrocytes following exposure
cholesterol level fell gradually after thermal injury and to increased temperatures. The hemolysis is most severe
that these changes were proportional to the extent of within the first 24-48 h following exposure. Up to 30%
burn trauma.[20] It is also seen that serum cholesterol of the red cell mass may be destroyed during this time
correlates with organ failure and sepsis.[7] Proposed period. Simultaneous with the insult to the red cells
explanations for the development of hypocholesterolemia is increased vascular leakage due to changes in the
include down regulation of hepatic synthesis,[11] dilutional endothelium. This results in decreased plasma volume
effects with resuscitation,[21] loss of apoproteins in burns secondary to an increase in fluid sequestration within the
after blister formation,[12] and metabolic utilization.[11,22] tissues and extracellular spaces. Patients are at high risk
for intravascular shock and renal failure during this time.
Hypocholesterolemia occurring with the development of
infection was demonstrated during the 15-year period of
the Kaiser Permanente study, conducted in 15,000 healthy
men and women.[23]
In our study, we found similar reduction in cholesterol
and increase in triglyceride levels, which can be attributed
to increased energy demands, increased recycling of
fatty acids, hyper metabolism due to release of cortisol,
glucagon and catecholamines.
Ahmed SS[13] has done his study of comparison of three
parameters i.e., difference in cholesterol, TG and HDL
levels on burn patients in Iraq. In our study, the subjects
studied are of Indian ethnic origin with different food
habits compared with Middle Eastern population. Our
study has five different parameters of serum cholesterol,
TG, echinocytes, TLC, toxic granules and vacuoles. All Figure 6: Echinocytes

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Indian Journal of Burns || December 2014 || Vol 22 || Issue 1 61

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