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Sigmund Freud

Born 1865 in Freiberg, Moravia to Jacob, his wool-
merchant father. Mother was Jacob’s third wife.
 Vienna exciting place of opportunity and optimism.
In 1867, Jews granted political rights and accepted
into society.
 Freud assimilated, identifying as a German.
 About the time he was 15, liberal political
atmosphere evaporated and anti-Semitism became
virulent, shattering assimilation
 Graduated from University of Vienna medical
school with strong interest in research but quickly
married and realized only private practice would
married and realized only private practice would provide needed financial support.
 Published well received scholarly papers on neurological disorders.
 Outbreak of WW II forced him to flee to London, where he died a year later in 1939.
 He kept modifying it as he went along
 He never presented a comprehensive summary of his final views
 His theory is more comprehensive than must since it has a number of aspects. For
example, he gives us:
 A theory of motivation
 A theory of thinking (which includes dreaming, etc.)
 A theory of personality development (psychosexual theory)
 A theory of mental structures (id, ego, superego)
 A theory of psychopathology and symptom formation
For about fifty years, Freud probed the unconscious mind. he conducted these studies though
patient’s dreams. One theory called the Psychodynamic Dream Theory which was based on the wish
fulfillment or unconscious desires of the dreamer.

Freud was also interested in patients who had problems that seemed more emotional then physical.
Thus he broke down human personality into three different forms
1. The ID-instincts and urges for oneself
2. The Ego- a system of thinking and planning
3. The superego- ultimately controls behavior

 STAGE Freud’s Psychosexual Stages

 Oral (0-18 months) 
  Pleasure centers on the mouth-sucking,
 chewing, biting
 Anal (18-36 months) 
  Pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder
 elimination; coping with demands for
 Phallic (3-6 years) control
 
  Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with
 Latency (6 to puberty) incestuous sexual feelings
  Dormant sexual feeling
 
 Genital (puberty on)  Maturation of sexual interest
 

Important Psychosexual Stage Theory Vocabulary
 Oedipus complex-a boy’s sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and
hatred for the rival father

 Castration anxiety
 Fear from boys struggle to deal with his love for mother while knowing he
cannot overcome his father physically

 Identification-the process by which, children incorporate their parents’ values into their
developing superegos

 Fixation-a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier psychosexual stage,
where conflicts were unresolved.
 Penis envy
 Desire for male dominated advantages
 Freudian slips
 Free recall/free association
 Concept of a person having one word and freely associating any word with it

Personality Theory According to Freud
 Personality is defined as follows:
 Our characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.

 Freud’s psychoanalytic perspective proposed that childhood sexuality and unconscious
motivations influence personality.

 Freud called his theory and associated techniques psychoanalysis.

 Unconscious-large below the surface area which contains thoughts, wishes, feelings
and memories, of which we are unaware.

 Free association-the patient is asked to relax and say whatever comes to mind, no
matter how embarrassing or trivial.

Sigmund Freud

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