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Chapter 1

Natural Features and Utilizations

1.1. The natural appearance

of the land and its use
A mountain is a landform that rises high
above the surrounding terrain in a
limited area.

Hill is a part of the earth’s surfacewhich

is higher than surrounding areas but
not as high as a mountain.

Highland is a large area of land and has

an altitude of 200 -600 meters above
sea level.
Mountain and Mountain Range
There are 2 types of mountain, such as:
1. active mountain is a mountain that is still carrying out
volcanic activity, such as eruptions or eruptions that
release magma, larvae, ash and rocks
2. non-active mountain is a mountain that is no longer
carrying out volcanic activity
Mountains have several benefits for humans, namely as
1. water storage
2. natural recreation facilities
3. Produce minerals such as sulfur
Examples of mountain in Indonesia:
• Puncak Jaya in Papua
• Mountain Selamat in Central Java
Hill and Hill Range
The benefits of hills for humans are:
1. paragliding and climbing sports facilities.
2. a place to farm
3. limestone mining.
4. tourist attraction
5. as a water catchment area.
Highlands are formed by erosion and sedimentation.
Highlands usually have cool air and fertile soil.
The benefits of the highlands are:
1. vegetable farms, such as: carrots, broccoli and cabbage.
2. tea, tea, clove, coffee and quinine plantations.
3. dairy farm land.
4. residential area.
5. a place of rest and recreation.
Lowlands are vast lands (dataran) and have an altitude
(ketinggian) of 0-200 meters above sea level.
Examples of lowland use:
1. agricultural land: rice, corn
2. plantation land: sugar cane, rubber and oil palm
3. farm land
4. industrial area
5. residential area
Delta is a land area formed from river deposits.
Deltas are located around river mouths or in areas
where rivers meet with sea water.
Examples of cities in Indonesia that are located in
deltas are Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Balikpapan,
Palembang and Merauke
The beach is land that is directly adjacent to the ocean.
The land on the beach is usually sloping and in the form
of sand.
Examples of beach use:
1. tourist attraction
2. salt pond
3. coconut plantation
4. settlements for fishermen
5. fish and seaweed farming
6. port


Beach Highland Lowland

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