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1. What are the figures of speech enumerated on the article?
In one sentence, explain/define each figure of speech on
your own words
- Figures of speech contains of 5 kind of speech such as:
 Simile – where the use of ‘As’ ‘so’ ‘than’ or ‘like”
is mostly used to compare one thing or words to
another things or words at different kind.
 Metaphor – where the implicit use of words was been
used to compare the two unlike things. Ex: Comparing
the boy to a beast because the boy is wild like a
 Personification – giving the things or non—human an
attribute like they were the one who takes action
even if they’re wasn’t. ex. Grass is dancing
 Hyperbole – words used created heightened effects or
exaggerated statements. Ex. I’m so hungry I could
eat a horse.
 Understatement- this use words to make ironic effect
where it is the opposite of hyperbole as it made
seem less important or sever. Ex. After wrecking
your car: "There's a little scratch."
2. Are figures of speech important in literature? Why or why
- Figures of speech are important in literature because
this is not only by to make the statements, poems, etc.
more interesting by the use of different words but this
also helps the audience to focus and engage to different
statements that could comprehend by them. It also makes
the statements more thrilled and beautiful as it brings
life to the statements.
3.  How do figures of speech help in conveying meanings?
- Figures of speech help in conveying meaning by the means
in making comparisons, contrast, associations,
exaggerations and constructions on how the writers wrote
the statements, poems, etc. By the use of figures of
speech, it helps to clarify what a person or a writer
want to convey. As sometimes there are no words to
explain and to illustrate what does the speaker meant.
So thus, thinking and applying Figures of speech could
make it easier for them.

4.  What would be the difference between using figures of

speech and not using figures of speech in literature?
Explain thoroughly.
- For me, a statements or poems and such without the use
of figures of speech would be boring. Though, I am not
saying that other literatures are boring. I’m just
saying that it could less the excitement trough the
literatures. Also, it could affect on the audience
interest as it could not encourage them to focus and
understand what does the literature all about. For a
little comparison, For example. The students and some
other people are not quite interested to plain
literatures. It is more interested of them if
literatures could exaggerate their thoughts and feeling
just by reading and hearing different statements, poems
and stories.

Someday you're gonna realize

One day you'll see this through my eyes
But then I won't even be there
I'll be happy somewhere even if I can't

I know you don't really see my worth

You think you're the last guy on earth
Well I've got news for you
I know I'm not that strong
But it won't take long, won't take long
Cause, someday someone's gonna love me
The way I wanted you to need me
Someday someone's gonna take your place
One day I'll forget about you
You'll see I won't even miss you
Someday, someday

Right now I know you can't tell

I'm down and I'm not doing well
But one day these tears, they will all run dry
I won't have to cry sweet goodbye

Cause, someday someone's gonna love me

The way I wanted you to need me
Someday someone's gonna take your place
Oh, one day I'll forget about you
You'll see I won't even miss you
Someday, I know someone's gonna be there

Someday someone's gonna love me

The way I wanted you to need me
Someday someone's gonna take your place
One day I'll forget about you
You'll see I won't even miss you
Someday, someday

2. Figures of speech used in the song

 One day you'll see this through my eyes – (hyperbole) She
meant that the guy could know that the girl has moved on
through her eyes. That she is happy now without him.
 you're the last guy on earth – (metaphor) She was stating
that the guy felt like he is the only guy he could love
among of all the people on earth.
 I'm down – (Understatement) to express that she is sad.
 these tears, they will all run dry – (Personification)tears
could run and dry where she meant that all will be alright
and she won’t cry again.
 sweet goodbye – (simile) Referring into sweet as it is
now okay for her to say goodbye.

3. How do you think using figures of speech in the song you

chose helped the song? Expound
- Figures of speech helps the song good in constructing
sounded words to make the song more beautiful. It helps
the rhyming of the words. Also, an audience could focus
on what does the meaning of the song all about. This is
to describe what is her feelings towards the guy that he
can’t explain by the use of simple words.

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