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Online Assignment III

Name : Nirmal Singh

Registration Number : 12000654

Roll Number : RQ4E11A05

Section : Q4E11

Subject : Workshop on creativity

and innovation

Friend in Canteen
Once there was a girl named Lily, she was 9 years old. Her family just
shifted to the downtown from the village. It was her first day at her new
school. She was little nervous. She wore new Uniform and went to the
school. She entered the class and was shocked to see how Hi-Fi her
classmate was. She was scared that she will not fit in the class. She was
moving as quietly as possible to the last seat to get disappeared behind the
crowd. The teacher came to the class and announced Lily’s name to come
forward and introduce herself to the class. Lily was very nervous while
standing in front of class and forgot what her name was. Embarrassed, she
started crying. Teacher consoled her, everyone was laughing, she went
back to her seat and was planning to never come back. In the lunch period,
she went to the canteen alone. She took the food in the tray and started
walking towards her seat. There was a spilled bowl of noodles on the floor
which was not visible to her. She stepped on it and fell. She started crying
loudly. Seeing this, a girl come from another class and helped her. She
offered the food from her tray. Lily told her how horrible her day was. The
senior girl smiled at her and consoled her. They became best friend in few
days, going everywhere together, eating together. Lily found her lost best
friend in her.

Task 2
Objects to be included:

I. Burning boil
II. Hot cup (coffee, water, tea, soup)
III. Broken TV
IV. Lady on bicycle
V. Boy dancing
VI. Fish Bowl
VII. Ringing Phone
VIII. Burning Notes
IX. Sun
X. Guitar
XI. Lady and two kids
XII. Dumble
In the morning the sun was bright and Arun was very much frustrated.
Sundays are the only days when he gets time to relax. However, instead of
enjoying on this this day he was frustrated and the reason for frustration is
his job. He is not at all passionate about his government job and as he
brings down the burning boil to pour his hot cup of tea in the cup, he
decides to switch on the slightly broken TV with the intention to forget
about his life problems for a while and try relaxing for a bit. As he switches
on the television, he gets more annoyed seeing those crazy teleshopping
ads wherein a lady on bicycle was trying to sell her fitness products. He
then selected his favourite channel i.e. Colors TV on which India’s got
Talent was being telecasted. As he went on with few sips of his favourite
ginger tea, a story of poor boy came up who despite having many financial
hurdles didn’t leave his dream of dancing and just because of his hard work
and dedication, everyone could see, through the stage of India’s got Talent
the boy dancing.
The story was enough to provide heat in the moment, which lead to Arun
deciding not to live the rest of his life like this and to do something for his
passion towards music and modelling. He had some experience as he did
this in his college days. However because of family burden he had to settle
for a low paying job reluctantly, which didn’t let him sleep because he
wasn’t satisfied. Without any further thinking, Arun straightway picked up
his bike keys kept beside the fish bowl and in a hurry left the ringing
phone as it is because he was in the mood of doing something big with his
life now.
He straightway went to his college friend Akshma who was the best
vocalist of her times and had some experience in music. Akshma was now
a lady with two kids, however her passion for music was still alive and she
shared her old burning notes with him and Arun took guitar from her for
some days, till he could afford to buy a new one for himself. Arun thanked
her friend and came straight back home.
This evening he felt most satisfied as he started with basic music lessons
from YouTube. He even did some exercises after two years with the
dumbles he had in college. This Sunday was the day which changed the
whole course of life for Arun.

Filename: Innov CA3
Directory: C:\Users\HP\OneDrive - Lovely Professional University\Documents
Template: C:\Users\HP\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dotm
Author: Nirmal Singh
Creation Date: 13-04-2022 21:13:00
Change Number: 5
Last Saved On: 13-04-2022 23:33:00
Last Saved By: Microsoft account
Total Editing Time: 47 Minutes
Last Printed On: 13-04-2022 23:37:00
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 5
Number of Words: 638 (approx.)
Number of Characters: 3,637 (approx.)

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