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Pat ym aug repre ingens Pac, Or mould. Chat haeed gis ages Grace, eee ees oes elena bf ata de Le ~ Glavis Afirologia El Elimata: | ORA KEY tothe whole ART ASTROLOGY New Filed and Polifhed. _In Three P ARTS. CONTATNIN: L: Aw tacredulion By which an Ordinary Capacity} may Underftand the Grounds thereof, and how to feta Fi } gore upoa ary Occalion : Wici the Schemes of the Cufps of the Corleftial Hovfes in Copper Plates, very ufeful: in| | Horary Queltions, ae. 1, ee erie with Res and Examples how co Re. {alee or ‘ewfal Quedivns Afsobgiea, frm a Radial, Sttouvals ARE Henise, a ober ntg pcepuot Are IL, The Genethizeal Part ; wherein is hewn how to ReGtific sel alte mati," Reema psd ins wih re Valves isthe De rine cf Ocns Revlon, ad Proleions nov before psblihed Alt Tables, and all other Kequies, tot for Caltlaion, and Demon, i ‘Towhichareadded the Rudolphine Tables, whereby the Pla. fencl the Ploetimay be Caleolatal ft any Tine pal, feent, ott come: ‘The SECOND EDITION, much Enlarged and Ameod by HENRT COLET, Student ia the Aduhenuicky,| | and Airategy, | Rew rt i He ofa Dis, le Bo ‘Otion® JOB 38. 38° TORO rind oy, pal Brolga aioe Sa Set pdr CN yaad ae Ban eer a tie ee TO THE MOST EMINENTLY ACCOMPLISHD IN ALL INGENIOUS LITERATURE VELIAS ASHMOLE OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE &/y; ip CONTROLLER GENERAL OF HIS mafESTIES DUTY OF EXCISE, o&. HIS MOST HONOURED MEC#NAS, HENRY COLEY HIS HUMBLEST ADMIRER, WISHES ALL IMAGINABLE HAPPEL NESS, AND DEDICATES TO HIS PATRONAGE THESE HIS ASTRONOMICAL, AND ASTROLOGICAL IESSAYES YO THE READER. age, ‘Vpon my Refpetted Friend Mr, Henry Coley Ars Clavis A ftro- logia NewFil'd e Polifhed. Aimnow ncer feventy fone years of Age com pleat, and afier much Sicknel$ and Indilp tion of Body in my Old Age (elpecially thete two years lat paft) Lam now by the blefing ufGod upon the means uled, reafonably well re- covered again, and it was all aloug my intention Jud I not been unhappily prevented and dilcours- god) to have freely communicated to the worid ‘or the benefit of all honeft and grateful Sons of Urania) what many yeass ince] promifed in tatraduion 10 Cheifizn Afresigys Bue this Authee Cbeing the oaly Publick Perfon thar I have hopes of) hath now’ with no finall pains and Induttry, faved me that fibour, in pretenting the world with this molt complear piece of 4fivleen, which (aor improperly) he Inticks, 2 X27 10 rhe whole ART, wherein, in my Judgment, he hath fhew- himfelan ARTIST, aed very auch obliged Aa al lO To the Reader, all the younger Students therein, who may hereat- ter (God willing ) receive much more benefit by his Studies. The Work (to fpeuk my real thoughts) is well 4 digefted, his Method and Matter plain and fignif. cant and I cannot bue highly approve thereof : "Tis Judicioully Penn’d, and in every parc Adora- ced with Variety, and many things wholly New; he hath layed a fure Foundation, and added divers neoeffary Demouftrations in the fv zomica Parr, which cannot but be very fatisfadtory ro every In: genious Lover of Art. He has not filled his Book with vain affeaed Exprefis, nor impertinent Direffins and Tex- relegies 5 bur be has concifely handed each parti- calar, to his exceeding Commendation, To Con- clude, Idoube not but this Author (being quali- fied with Parts and Abilities in the Atethematicks allo) may in time become a great prometer of Art, and thereby merit the Refpests of allthe Legirt- mate Sons Of Hranis ; which is the real Judgment oftheir Old Friend, sam oy Ne te st Say ale as ie William Lil, Student in A ftrology. THE PREFACE TO THE READER. ‘ COURTEOUS READER, Have bere adventured 10 prefent yw swith 4 Second Edition of my KE ve Atrolog, being Inconraged shereants from she farouy thle Reception the Porter fenia amongt the Sows af ania, sorwichfending all shoe ambapry mil. fortunes it mee wathal both in the Printing and Compoting s 1 heve alle. endervvwed 19 prasife ior former Civilitier, ia rendering the werk mive Compleat and full in every particular, and to 4. dir it wish many neceffiry and confilerable Alditions , which £ hope will be fond of fingulsy 4 to every ingenins Stadent in this Sublime Art.” Altrology is no more but 2 put or mem, bet of Natural Philofophy, which veacheth by 4 the Motions, Configurations, and Influences of the THE | 88Ae5Stars, ancl Coettiat Planets, co Prognolt 43 cate The Preface. Gute, or Prelidt of the Natural effedts and Mutati- on; 6 comeinthe Elements, and thele inferiour Elementary Bodics. ’Tis aa Art of great Antiquity, aad if we iusy beliewe Aushirs, it 18 even as antient fas Adam, whesvs not unacqtainted theremith , as seell as al other Natacal Sciences: That he underfleod the nestares of thife Caekeftial Bodies be fame glisrer- ing ecor bis hea heer harmonious Attire fur Bifucaces, and Afferent Operations upon Subluni aries, according sothvir various Pofitions, Con fgurations avd Dercrmization can be doubted of by none, that duly confiders howe liberal Onenipetence feems te have been iz Crowning him (whilft abiding ta Innscenct) swith the cheicelt Underflanding. what Pregrels was made in Aftrology tefre the Univerfal Deliige «nave certainly be Determined: folephus, tix bis Hifory, gives us an account, thar eone of the Antient Patriarchs were fo well acqueint- ea withthe Matcrit) Heavens, aad fach Lovers ‘Areythat shey in{eribed the Principles thereof Pil ers tapreferce the fame tepaterity from the averbear- inz fury of that Scpendious Flood, which probably | by this Aurtbey ssight partly frelee tobe apprescbing. Tifer thee fee 4 ope eet, ani sagahs to guts thea Ufarpasion by keeping their anti- tai Rendevoar, the Seas, the fert people thas, we read devoted themjetves 20 Syderalsiudics were the ‘Afvrians + foon felloved by rhe Chaldeans, Aigyp- tions, and Arabians, who all living in Champtgne Countries, ble{edwitha pure Serene Aire, and cs cel im tnzenuity, feemed above ether afortals te whenve ited by Nature to foeh Divine Contemplations ¢ ° "The Preface. whence tis va wonder if ly their continwal Studies, and repeated Experiences, they vaifed this Art to uch a pitch of Glory, thot only fuch rhat were skilled thereia were admitied tothe Adminiflration of Sa- ered Rey or Manaing Afar of Sate teed fo efleemed they were, that ihafe mighty Monarchs 4 foe Talk sanld undertake no grand Bateyprize with wat fk conlling am ABtclogers Thfe Manes paid to Art oon kindled the Sparks of Emulation in the Indians, and Grecks, and tempted theme 40 put in tooas Rivals for the Favonr of the Beantions Ve sani 5 it being certain, that rhe Grecians firft learn- cdthis drt of the Chaldeans, and Aspyptians, as the Latines, and other Europeans have jince borrow. 24 is; from the Greeks: dnd thus you have a brief Account of she Origins!, and Growth of Alrabegy n= Tis an Art of general We to all forts of perfanss forit Diretts thers (in a Natural way) how they mz iff fortunately manage thei affairs in the swerld ; 43 by EleQions to choofe 4 fit and congraaus tints t0 begin any confidevable Enterprize, by the Ditettions of she Planers in their Nativities, and Annual, Revolutions, re diftever the maf propitious or dangerons times that are approaching 10 any New tives and in fine, Aterlogy gives theme full fare faction (if managed by an able Artif ) in she Refe- Jnvion ofa their lorary Doubs, _ This is aot all, for Altcology is eminently ufeful Aifpin the Praitce of Phyheck, for by the ie thereof (which have been often verified by E tace} she Pliyfcian may we ito hee tare and quality of the Difefe, snd confequensl Aa whee ‘Fhe Preface, what Houmiur opens alfa whether it may terminate tn feos Death, Fis an Art which is no lefs wlefal aad fervitesbie-to the painful Buibendman, who araty be thereby taught when’ tis a good and proper Scafon to Martwie apd Till his Gronad, and be may shencerdifeacer Tikevsife the various Alterations of the Aivey anid ABs ation of the weather, Be, Laltly, Py -Yfrsiagy rhe general Accidents of the World my be preditteg, the changes of Empires, and Governments, the Subverfion of Kingdoms and Conn» Tries: in flab, a whole Volume might be wrstten of the theikiey of thes Sublime Myjterious Are rbd aepeh hier cof this -§gé doubtlofs ‘will net be able to Fashoyn, alshough 1 milf confels there are fome Fax sons men now living, that have waded far therein Tet Affvolegy bath been ( and now #) ey frangh -tenfirdd, sird tondernhed by fame swhich ariderPand net thé very Radimienes thereef, but afefiach Argue snerits ageinf it as sebters have dane befare them gah ‘which hatve been already [uficientty ABfemered by fore val Learned men, sd ie partials that emitsent Knight SixChriftopher Heydon, who defends Affro- gy againft the areate! Antagonifs, and warrants the linpivel theresf, bish by Seripture and Resfon, Be. . “One grind Reafen ( tanpeje ) that bath cccalion- edmany incensons perjoais tabave bit low and: mean vhoxchts of Afirilgs, 3s this, Viz. There are Cand hath been) many ignorant and illiterate Profeffors of both See) isn, ana ebeat this Faomous and Flak ing Cityof London, { whofe names I [hall not mexti- 22) thet toocontidenly adventure 40 fet up with a very The Preface, erypall feck of Knowledg in Ajfrolagy, for the fake vom ve profes tbontlocs pee ae Oe cle to perform anything therein accokding to Art; on- 1s finff chore Cents with many Ioape¥tinencies, under pretence ofthe Language of the Stars, thereby abufing their Qucrents, and cenfequently bring a Scundalyp- on ithecollene aad u if a piece of Learning, and she move moble rofelors thereat , which hath deter- red many-perfors from the Study of Aftrology, tha stherwife (perbaps) might have proved good Prifie cieuts thereia, 1 (peak not this any prejudice & fave tocheir Perlint, nov in the leap 10 advantage myo Lacevet, far Jame a lover of rt, and thole thet ( without abufe) donfe it. in the wext place iffould give an account of the Or- E er and ateshod ofthe Beal it fell, which is divided tanto three Parts: but leaft Ifbanld tco much exceed she buwnds of an Epifile, iftall rather refer the Res- [der t0 the Table shereof, which will fuffcientl am fwer his Expectation im thee partienlar, 1 affame ne ‘great henear tomy felf in the Compolire of this wark, ‘nt cars afure the Reader I have prelented bins with saviety of Afatter, and many things wholly noval, ared st bisherts handled by any other Bnglih Afro. Soptcal Astlioy sivee 1 dave not conclude it £0 be 4 Com plea Syltem «ry BODY of Allyology, shar mut be sot expeited (Nolens Volens) from Jome Utopian Altvologer perhaps in the next Age m= | ToConelude, Thave omitted nothing, ner fared Lr any poins that mighe eanduce 10 she Complestin lash arrarks so that by this Poreable Vohumn, and she help of « Canon of Artificial Sines and°Tan. pents el ‘The Preface, — gents, (ery common io be bad far « Jmall Pricey You are compleatl farnifhed with all necilaries, for the txait bundling of a Nativity (which is the mo} con. Sderable Part of Aitrology ) alfo Horary Queltions; & Ecliptes, ce. Thus Ihave labonred to render every thing in this Aart plain ard perfpicuons to the meant Arche on, and have not confix'd my elf t0 tor much brevity, which bis orcajion'd the Book t0 fwell much Lizger shan was at firff intended, All which Ijreely ofer to jour farvourshle Acceptance, defirine the Reader would be at fo much pains as 80 Corre the Exrata’s ‘efore he Reads the Book, (for netwithftanding care as not been wanting, yet fome Typographical Fandes have efeaped: } dn [odiing, he will nor oly te hinlelf« Kindnefssbut allo oblige bi who is 2 Friend to.all that are Mathematically inclin'd, anda real: Lever of Arts in General, rom ny Hove a Baud Cen overage ‘he Od Ha ike Wadi Halfns Gare dissect Greyicton tame, Die ‘Mans, Macc 8 rape, Henry Coley, Chap. 10. Of the Tero of Art which aught tobe mele The Contents of the Firft Part, Elegtions, General Accidents, and rhe Beds of 3 Chap. 1. OF the smeloe Signs, and their manifuld Divi- (fon. Page, 9. Chap. 2. Of the Afpelts of the Planets az they move though the Signs, 14. "A Table ofthe Dexter,and Sinifter ACpetts of the Planees.ry: Chap. 3. Of che Deferiprivn, end Sypmrfication ofthe pmeloe Sign. 19. Chap de Of the Narer,Charaers ard Anifesons, Foner, japt, Orbs, and Laviende of the Planers, 3 Chaps. Of the Natures, Deferiprons, and Significarons af the Planers, “3, Chip. 6, 4 more Particular Deferiprion of she Planets, <= ‘hey may be poited sn amy of the ewelve Signs, 4 Chap. 7. Of the Difeaer, the Planets fgnife, iv general, ‘being pote in any ofthe salve Signs: Be 66 ATableof the Members of the Body, every Planet overs beng pied in any of he Sens whi ues "> 8 Chap. 8. Of the Flerbs, and Plaats thar are appropriated + the Gevernment of the Planets. ee Chap.9. Of the Effenial, and Accidemtal Digwitiesf ee Planets, Bic. 8 ATablecf rhe Effewial Dignivies according t» Peckomy.85. ATable of toe Effial,and Accidental Eornndey, and De. bilisie of the Planer. ee ATabie, rowing what Planets are Frierds, aed whar Ene. sles 5 as alfe theiy Colours, oo 4 Zeb ‘certain Countries, a Cities, under the Guoren. ret of the Placer, Secu on a te food by every Student, ot hap. 1x. How re ddd, and Subpraft Afironomical Fae. (04, and projet she Batt of Fortune. 98. hy The Contents- Chap. 13, Horronfe Scheme of Heswen ‘Schonei. AGeneral Table of ‘aa Ephemeris ; asalfe how t iy the Tables of Honfes, or the Bi the hourly Motion ofthe Phases. of the twelve Healer of Heaven, me Lg send their Afro Sa UI ed bythe ele Fowles, 115, are divided imo welve Houfes, Chap. 14. Why rhe Fleavens or Afanfons, and no more? Chap. 15. Why chofe Hos Aftrolegers ateribee unto them ? Wes fond ba fc figvicarion ae 118, Chap. 16, Of diversthings tebe canfidered, which conduct rch tothe better Jndging of a Hlerary Qneftion. SeGt. 1. OF the Siempre the Qaae 125, and Quefved is any Scheme of a Fierary Quefion- Set. 3 By wit ma et idem. oF iways things are bronghe te 126 Fi “igure be fit for a Px: t. wee ie bot 5 Of varying the Flonferin Pndgement, a Spat recess sary ders. 229, Quetion. 130 Apnea bcanfdeed ia Judgezeat of oo, a3 The Contents of the Second Part. Of the Elements of Altrology, or Pr rincipler of Indgement, Certain Aftroligical Axioms, 137. confirmed, and verified by Re: Coreen Arohizical Theorems, 0 obferued, fer the better Re 138. 140, Ranrarion of the 143. Chap, ions, with Afirelegical Judgements wpoc the Sete 1. May the Querents Life belong, or foe? Querems Li Posie bef Sclt 5. What Quarter ef he World may be me bappy? go ‘Sett. 4. Of the condision of ass abfent Party. Se€t. 5. To keow whether she Perfon tobe ScEh. 6. Of « Ship we Sea, her fafety, ov Danger. Chap. 2. Baten et Judgement proper to the fecond Seth, 1. Atay she Querent ever attain Riches ? By what rear: miay the Querent gain Wealth. 1 SeEh, 3. Of che rime wher Riches may be expetted. the Queren receive atlion forthe Geods be ha trafted. Qusfions, and Fudgensenss proper to she teird te 1 ‘Ponrneytyflal the be prafperons? idem Sell. 2. Afay the Buca are Neighbours agree togerber ? Seth. 3° OF the condition of an abfent Brother, Selt., Tevke Connfil, or Advice of « Neighbour, or Friend, See. 5. Whether Re Chap. 4. “Quefionr, Ei Shall he Querers enjey the Etat of his Farber. id erent obtain the Hanje, Land, or ether defies 10 take, or purchale. ‘vu better continue ines old Habitation. 4 Ofbidden Treafare, ScCks 2. What pirsof she 1 ones lene, oe fa 165. cps, or Ramowrs, fpread abroad, be idem. sand Jadgemenas appertaining 10 the is there ay om the place - ‘The Contents. Sekt. $. Shale Ciey, Town, Calfle, Fortor Ificnd, that is ‘Befeged. be taken, o” ner ? 13, Chap. 5. Quefions, and Judgements belonging rose ffi Heaje. 174. Set. 1, Shallshe Querent ever have Hue.’ idem. Betts 2. 11 the Querent wh Child? af fo, of what Sex eser Foie? ors Srtpezsed wih mre thus ane, 86 45 Se€l.’s. of Ambaffadors, Mlffengers, Gaming Sec. 197 Chap. Sedeemes sand Interogations proper te the fixth Henle, 812. of Sickpef, 8c. 181 Sedt, 1. Some General Kies how to Fudge of Diferfes. tern Selt. 2. Ofthe Navas, ard Qoaliy of de Diesen Ge tral 134, Se&t. 3. Ofthe Affittion of tbe Micon, by Satuca, or Mats i the fosr Trigons, according to theres Titimegi tte. Sect. 4. Seledt Aphorilmes, of gaad aft, it Afrolegical Padgement of Difeafe. 304. Sect. 5. OF the Bideliy, or Faljisy of Servants, as alfo ‘vl Cattle, &. f Chap. -. Jadzemens proper tothe fivemb Hone. 198. Se. 1. OF aarrisge, Hf ever Atary, Bc. idem. Thecanf of bindrancs. x ‘The time when, and of Agreement. 302, Uf Marcy mere tear ance. ideon the Porfoube Afarrytay2r 18 Ber ike Polen engaging mt ie Which may dye bef, Aart or Wife. 304 Sett.2. Of Law Snits, War, Publique Emirs, Pareaer- fri, Sc. 205. ‘Sect. 3, OF Tift, and Fugarives, or Sivays, with all its Ap ur Hinencies, Bic. 209. Chap.8. judgement, and Queftinns upon abe ge sed f “Of the Afcamers or Kind of Death te Querent sy diye, viz Natural, or Fiolent, 2B Seth Fpatned with eae or tifeniy? 220. Sekt. ;. Shall a Perfow, who is fallen into eronble, either for feral Fait coomcitte, ov spon [ufpcion, [ier Death ‘or Detrimem for she fame? 22k Chap.9. Judgements, and Queflions appertaining to the sinh Hoy 235 Sed Sal the Gere be opm bit Voge te ca, 8c. ‘bid. $e. Shab he Queren ottgin she Benefce defied, 225, Chap. 10. Judgements, and Ioveragations proper te the tents Host 226. Selita he aves asin the Place Of den ibid. ‘fred. Se€h. 24 Shall the Querene that isin danger, lee, ov bese ‘edout of bis place ? 227. Chap. Padgemet pope tke eleventh Hane, mayebe Querens be Fessunate bs his hopes, 8c. 228 Chap, 12. Jadgemens proper tothe twelfrh Hoult, of « Pere fon Inpane, wher bent gins legen sia time 2 Lsthe Perfor diftempered, besvinched? ae (Of Herfe- Races according to Haly, ee. 229.280.2316 Of te Refointin of Divers things, made tgetber, according oan ie} 23% ap. 13. Examples of she fudgenene of Quefions pon each of the tweine Houfes. “ Reh mm Sct. 1. Queftions exeroplfied from a Scheme, proper te the fof Hinfe,in 6 Paragraphs. 236. SO 3s Rees ese, propre fond Heal bo ara, 249. SeCt. 5. Queftions exeoplfied appertaining 10 the third Hunley an 4 Parag, 243. Sect g, Examples from a Scheme of Quefiont, awd these Afvolegical Anfivers, proper xo the ‘fearth ‘Henfe, ir 5 Parag, 245. ‘Seth The Contes . “AT ble, owing the Tnclinaion of the Air, from the Ce unttions and Afpeibsof the Planets. "34 Chop. 29. Prolomy’y Cendiloquium Englified, 335. Chap. 21. Hermes Trifimegiltus his Centitoquium, 329: Chap. 22. Bethem's Centilog, of Aphorifites. 33 Chap. 25. Brief Rudes to Compute the Stars, or Plavets Santbiog, Rijing, o Seeting, in sty Latitade. The Coatent: Sect. s, Examples appertaining w the fifth Howfe, ix 4 Parag. ‘ 248. Sell. 6, Examples baloging to te jsth Hale, in 2 arag. 250. Set. 7. Examples to Ufrate Quins proper eo te fever Hosfe in 8 Parag. 251, Se. 8. Examples proper to the eighth Houfe yam 3 Parag. yp Mp ATable of Stars, fred for that propofe. 348. Seth. 9. Qucions,andtkeir Afrolegicel Refponfes, apper. Wh its Explanation, and Ufe 349 taining tothe inch Honfe in 2 Parag. 258. Se. 10, Examples es Quejtions proper to the renth Houle, Oe jo 2 Parag. 260, Set, 11. Evamples uponshe eleventh Houfe, in2 Var 261. ‘Se&h. 13 Examples proper tothe wwelfeh Hate, 4 Pat, 262, Chap. 14+ Ofthe Planetary Hour, und Eledtins. ~ 24. The Contents of the Third Pare. Sete 1. Of the Planetary Fears. ibid. Gl Chop. 1. A Compendinm of Trigenometsy. 357 AT able of the Planetary Flows, Sc 26. Seth. 1, Difinitions, APEion, and Axioms of Spherical Set, 2.83. Of the Difeription, and Cifeof the Table Triangles, 8. ibid. the Planetary Flour. A Demusifvation of the Narure of Spherical Triangles, bar Sekt. 4. Of the fignificacion of shofe Hours. Réghe Angted, and Oblique, ~~ . 361. Sch. 5+ Of Elettions from the Nativity. Sette >, & 3. Examples of the 28 Cafesof Spherical Tri- Se€l. 6. Brief Rules ts be obferved in making Eleitons, . 365. Se€t.4. General Elettions in buying, its P.2. Cenrainine divers wfeful Precepts, Gt to bexnder- ee EE og editing itu aby. iw order tothe Caleta f eMart us fap. 15. ral Predifions ime Affairs, The Explanaties, and fe of a Caton of Antificias orthe Genital Adcsews ofthe Worl a wn Fateann a Nem, Chup. 16. Of the Nawal fgnificarion ofeach Planer, thet Lube Licsef thet, tn op Bevan Figure of the We 291. F Of Eslipfs, aud the Natural Caufes,and Rew. 297, Chap. is Of the Natneal portents, and fignifcarions of ipfer. yor. Chap. ig, Howto Pregrofticae of the Winds, iid Weaber, From she Conjusitions,and Alpes ofthe Haruth, 308 A How ta find the neereptdiftsace of a Star Cor Pla rie) fooushe nest Avsivasial, or Solftoat Point. 373, 372 1. Evinbicing a boi f Compendia of al the Propafei- us that are necsffary in the Dekérine of Direians 20 02 ronghe fy aC rmonef Sites, ! Pancents, 8°. 2 Tab lesoh Ci Degrees AEE oe ‘The Contents. “vatlang a Datévity, accerding to Regiomontanus, and seit tth Dit nd Co seni, o¢ Ar 396. L4. How 10 Reduce ast Ephewerides, or Afronomsic ‘Tablesto any ether Meridian, Bee. 397 Gell. g. Tychoe's Tableof equation of Tine, 400. OF the Agreement berween the Celenlarin by Tregonomety, ‘ad the Vulgar T ables, . 402. A neceffary Table of the Quantity of Time exch Sign is ‘paling through the Horizon, and Ateridian, 403. A Fablel Sexsgingy Leica! Lagerms, 404 Be. How ro Reduce the Planets Places to any bone of the Day, e+ Night, 8c. eAife divers ufeful Precepts to I | arate the Olecfebe Legifical Lagwithmess | 420. tel ion toc Secsney Bui Lert, fren tbe Lagarithrarical Tables of AefelureNambers.428. See.8, Sheming the eff Compendions ray of «A quating thelr af the Henin feign, 425 Seth. o. Several Propoftions of the ufe of 4 Table of How. fu 432 Seek, 10, Ofte feral may af dividing the Hlewventy for Exedtng of « Schemes, with a Table, and its Coapradlien for the dividing the Heavens, according te Campanus, ‘aed Gazuls. 48 Chap. . Of e Nativity, and the fioeral ways of Reifcas am there. 483 Seb. 1. What a Nativity is. id. Seth 2 dante Rien Nazis euwalmaye, ate SeQh. 5. Exampleshow ta-verfie the Aferndautyby an deci: dent. 445. Sct. 4. Hiwte Rellifie « Mativity,by the Sun,or Moon.449- Set, 5. Haw to Rellifes Narivity,by she Tratine, er Scale ef Hermes. 45h AT able fa the ready frsding the Conception, by the Nasivny, sod he contra 455 Sethe 6, Tine fof the Table of Cenerptin. Be Chap. NEN Chap. 4. Hoar ta et « Figure, che Rational way, By Poole ‘rte Olga Sperra Tene, wibnbeCudeoet fa erpendicabar 456. Chap. 5. How eefera Figure the Rational way, and Ref e Otte Spherical Triangle silane aie Calon ops erpendienlar 406 ies Fables of Houfesfor twelve fevenah Lativnedes, witha Caken Callacdige anne se Chap, 6. How so sate forte odd minatesof re Circle of Eilon ate workby she Ordinary Fablesof Regiomon= s, oe. Howto find the Declinasion and Ry Acs Plare ih Ente by Fae Fe Serer oe aps 7. Necelfary Conmiderasion ren ine 7) Carfieraions before pudemone nm Se8l 2 Of the General Siguifiatien of the Ler on dectinaNativig ihe Larheftoe Meome Sst. Ofte Fret of the Signs: being-Rlweficpeh- ity Chap. 8. Of the Signifintan of the Plavetsas they we Rater fee feel Honfes being pojited i any oar he Foon ina Nativity 43% SeQh 1. Of the Lord of te Afeeandare his pofcionin any of rhe Sele rd of coe Ae Latino Ch. 3. Of the Lord of che Seconds pein i _ Ciel fal Figure f Pie open ed tfes ee 49% the faut Hose SeEl. 5» OF, his pajtien, 82, $0 Sed. Of the potion fis Seep’: Of the pation ofthe Lord of the fixth Henjes0 soa Of the paftion ef the Lord ef the feoems see S. Of the poition of the Lord gf iy cighch Houfe Beef 90 Of the potion ofthe Lara fl Sah 1 Of the paftion ofthe Lord of XC 11, OF she pojtion of rhe Lard of che Sot 506 503 ihe Contents ~~ : yg BSS: ederim proper othe even Fane 350 ScGe 12, Of the Lardof sheemeifth's pajtion, Sc, Pak BS Salle Mais story, 8 bis, Chap, 9. OF the General Siznifiation of she Afpeéts of the He >” Wis manner ef pofi hall the Nerive Atarny ? as alfa rte 519 ef ber Qudlities aud Condisions, Bac. 553 SeC1. 1. Of the Conjurdhion ofthe Plantes, tc. ibid. Hh § 5. Of te Navives public Enemies 335 Belk 2, Of he Sipmfemion gf the Aft of he Plantain HE Skin. Pademan por tothe ib Houle a Notiviey 338 “Harioty S21 BG. Shallthe Native huave Chalslen ar nat > ba Seti. 3, Of the Oppofitions of the Planets ina Nativity 524 Of their Sex sted Condition, Sap aetna teen PRG Mecter se pen the reloe Heufes of a Narsvity Siz 8 2 Shall the Native Praestor act? co wha pert ofthe wartd, Sc&t 1. Judgaent proper to the firft Houle viz. Aday the feef te profit thas may come rvereby ibid Life ofthe Native belong or hart? tHE G2. Of the Natives Religun, Ke sco . § §. Of the Significater or Giver of Life, viz.Hyleg,6tes 31 HH sec, g, fudgymen proper Honfe of a Nativity 61 es 352 2. Ofthe Giver Tears, iz. ‘lchocoder 532 MSs Sell she Natio arriet Honomrar Procmvon ee sok 3 3 Ofthe Lorde the Gentare, or Almutea 33 82 Ofihe Nios Frade, Aaritery, o Prion Se. 564 Ga. Of the Complettion oft Native S31 BY 3. Brief Ruleste difiover the kini ol Trade 504. S5 Ofthe ddarmersof he Native S15 Gi Sech 10. Fudgwne proper a te cieveth Houle 365 $5. Of the Wir and Underfianding of the Nevive 336 9 9 1. Willthe Native brve Friends to agit bing, bc, ibid. S72. Of the feature and form of Body ; 3 82. Aphorifans of Priensfhip 567 § 3. Ofte Fortune or Atifery of the Nativein general 5 S08 11, Judgonere epox the swelfe Houle of a Nativity 568 ScGh 2. Fualzment proper tothe fond Honfeof Nativity 549 Hl § 1. Of the Nasiver privare Enemies, Sc. ibid, § Ofte Sigmiatrs of Riches or Peary, Be. Bid HE Sz hatte Narcan imps fiecns or Refnine 59 § 2. Agumentsof Wealth, and Poverty, &c. SH BRS 12. Pacem jraper so th ciginh Hanjer ese Od Seti. Paden span the hind Houle ofa Nativity 5:3 P91, shallthe Wanctr Dochbe eee eis sg bid. Gr. Shetais Muitehrve Merbrene Ser, Bee) bi. Chip, tie Sjecitimef the Neooty nde Bey § 2. Wil che Native and his Bresbren accord and etc I | Debi of the Vanes org ther Sh BE Chop, 12, Contains judgment Apboligiead xponthe frat Loup. sin Pudgasent proper t0 the fenrt Flonfe $35 Be etthe Exompleny Fiswre panes se $1. Of the Nasives Pasrimany or Etat lee by bis Father os Chap. 53, Chntains Jadgrent upon the fecond Honfe 335 $2. Of the matast lor and aeons barmcenthe Nave Hien se edemet neers Pld Lge a andhis Father SA° Che. 15, Poe dmsene wpo ee fours Haxfe sor Sct. 5. Jucizment proper rahe fixth Honje of a Nat Pensy SAF BE Cheb. 10. Zademmene upon the xe Hoafe “es G1. Of rhe Dutalere he Native , ibid CEP Yn Laekement eon ee fovenths fonfe 99 Sa. Uf Servants, cleis diy ar fol alle! fall Cattly FCio5. «=, Gu mone pm te fds Hexfe 3 be. SPS OND 3, Faskescene npoothe ninth Hone z 5 a? Cus a ‘The Contents. The Contents. agro. Gude deduced from the remb Her 603 Ghapeac. Jadgmere xpos che ceventh Hoxfe 605 Chap. 21. Judgenene apo ehcrvelfed Heft 695 Chap. 22. Judgorens upon she eighth Hoafe 603 Chap. 23, Of Duredlions of Siguifeuars 10 ther fovral ‘Promittors 609 SG 1. Whar a Dinektion i, wor Sigaificator, andar a Promiffor, co. ‘bid, Sell. 2. Of the Latirude of eke Tlances be eomjidered in * Direltiens ey A vem Demanfiration of the Latitude of the Planets in Dix rebbions, C. i253 Se€t. 3. Obforvationstobe noted in Diveltions 624 Set. Of the Efftts of Direltions in General 625 Chap. 24. Of Direition: im Natives, and sheir BALE, According ja Morine 633 Chap. 25. Of the Heafnreof Time ia Lirettions, witb nf. fad Lables thereof, Bc. 636 Ghap. 25. Exanples bow tofind the Declination and Right "Miemionef alto Planetsin the Exemplary Nativity 649 Chap. 27. Exanples of taking the Diftance of cach Plat © fromthe Aferidian in R.A. 657 Chap. 38. Evemplesof finding the Peles Elevation above the Circles of Pofticn of the Planets, Bec. Chap. 29. Exaneples of Dirlting Sigaificaors to their Ps 2 mtttors: 699 Chap. 30. Flew 20 Rell amd Direlt a Ravivity accer~ ding. to thee excallen: Afranomer and Hathemariciary Joba Kepler 68! Chap. 31. Of thy Revoletion of the Son so his Radice place i any perfans. Navivity on A General Resstational Table, wud its Ue Exenplifed 095 Taphorifes of Judging a Revolational Pageré, and an Ex ooo pT Chop G59 a Chap. 32. Haw to Dire @ Revolntional Figure, wisbm tee Tobe ond Example of one aes wines Clap, 35. Of fafetant, ¥ 4 General and Particalar proper therevncs, and their Conftvadbic coupe Optica caliiae Epa md Hes Excellent Apborifmesof ‘roofs he Nesey Tables of Obtigne avd Righs Afcesion, allo Tabien Teen iene Rie Aen Fa ‘et Lally, se Rudolphine Tables, by which may be Calcul he Planets pleces fer any time, pajt, prefenr, or to comes ined a4 To Mr. Henry Coley. IS fe ¢ my Friend ) thou thovld'® expedt, I now What by ay Kindaefs, Tarn prompted 95, Some powerful Lines ro tell the World, and thee , In what Efleem chy Writings ought t9 be: And werethy Subjce_ meas, pethays, I’de dare, “Mongft the moft forward Rhymers to appear , Bot fince thy glorious Theme’s fo bright, (0 high , ‘nd Treats of nothing underneath the Sley 5 ‘My groveling Atufe; who never could Afpire, Sits down infilence, and refolv's Admire: Nor will 1 fear, thoul’s take this ill from me 5 How can they Ciati, whole Herfeopes agree? TB —_ | To Mr. Henry Coley upon his Gla- vis Aftrologie Elimata, Ww: much of holy Peters Keys do hear , Buttheyhis ( Pick-déck) Sworddo mean,] fears, Some of the Keys of Deatl and Hell do Beaft , And to that Werld they fend a Mighty Haaj#s * To thew what Congeraurs, in this, they are .. Forthey, like Death, no Friend, nor Fee,do fpares Eva thofe that keep the Key of David toa , Make ule of Lacks, and Bolts ( as othersdo ) ‘To five out whom they pleave ; but now kind Fare Hath raughe co apen Great Gate! ‘Then giv’ a Key, a Key that will be fore ‘To lat, aslong ag th’ Wards of Heao’n endures Noronlya Ke, but chow a Clew hatt giv'n, ‘To dead us chrough the Labiviith of Heav'n ‘And whilf thou mak'tt Affrology thy Zheam ‘Fhou Prephecy' when echers do but Drea. Arttoplylax, ‘“ jafti A Of fait Urea hath exposté: ‘An Encomiafticon upon my moft obh.'- it Cre hath exp ” ging, and ingenious Friend Mp,’ 10 ctviset Gem within ber Golde Treahary, Henry Coley, and hisClavis A- 5 ‘vere snow yoor Fate, yoorbcnty dovtes ued $ ftrologia Elimaca, ce Hebe the admicer erg hme Skill dath reprefen: the State, | ‘Ofall your Readers, Sir: The Contemplation ‘Of tat Queens Wonder moves the Quill ‘Your worth to Celebrate, : Sorpalfing far th” Ignoble Term ‘of Reputation, Be Some Lines ( fraught with the Biases fyoae prey From yourowa Works, may raife Ingeniovs Fancies to a ftrain Of Poetry beyond the common Vein : Such Poetry as can exprefs The firangene! Tn extafies difcer'd, and i ‘The wrongs ofthat rare Soe [Tat the was forc'd to yield unto his Flame And then Reflr'd, Repr'd, bead {he came? es day save Seine a New Birth, nd clear'd che Encercourfe “owixt, Heaven an; ; Rubb'd off Centratted Rust, and boldly thew, Fans Hier naked Beauties tothe Publique View; 7 Framing the marchlefs KEY that does Impart Her Choicelt Treafures to the Sons of Arts” Whillt Adouneain-promifers ten Years lye fo. BAnd fcarce, at lait, bring forth a Soxserkén 5” “His Pregnant Genias bas produc'd, we lee, W Accornpltth'd Bedp of AST ROLOG 5 ‘Th America is found, nere’s Arts whole ove s and they be hope in oin, that look for more cn ref? dear Friend! Thy day "en lay Thou Ws emg ea eye dare Predigt sho fhalt fasmoreal prove y An Smiatrccers Ezy, and true Artifts Love. Did 19% 4s. oe, Hen, Care. Mla. othe Candid,and Impartial Rea- der, on my ingenious Friend Mr. Henry Coley, bis Clavis A- ftrologiz Elimata. : q A Sat gappensoes dh une the eh ‘Which ani then was mufed cp a Night ; ‘Aud by the pow'r of his refplendent Raycs ‘Torn: gloomy Nights ive eight thing Bayes: : Sopregnant COLEY here plays Pimbia part , j Draws back the Curtain which fo fhaddow'd ats q ‘And to the World doth fairly here cifplay , ‘What until now in glimmering Twilight lay 5 And by this Enchividion teaches more , ‘Than they (hall learn,who Read great Volume o're: For what foe’re, in former times, was well, Ts tavght, by this our Author,,to excell. What Guido, Arget, and the Antiencs did : Like Homer's this Nuc-thell’s bid 5 Whit Zyros with their Folio’ levy Wors, J Hie teaches how to Pocket up theStars; Andina thort (yetplain, and'eatic) way, Leains us to know what Heavenly Bodies fay; ‘And when, on Mortels, they do frewa, or finite, ‘When they thew favour, or cur hopes beguile, - ‘Ain Inredubtion doth the Work begin. , Like Silken Clue, for guide of rangers ia ‘Whichis difpos’d ia fuch a Formwe fee, Like Baits to draw in Ingenvity , ‘And they who farther Progrefs dare to make , ‘Theie Task within the other Pacts may take — Where they, with eafe, may learn to ReGlifc, ‘And Judge their own, or Friends, Nati ‘Set Schemes for Revelmions, nd’ Profttions , Kinaby bis eafie Roles to make Zlettiouss ‘Whesi beft ro buy, or Court a Girt that’s coy 5 ‘When fee a Friend, or when (10 win) to pla In fine, our Author hath fo play’d his pare + This may be term’'d the Sarguedy of Ares brief, yet full,that we conjeCture may CReailnghis Book) Pofterity will fay 5” ‘Suce COLET liv’d an Age in every Sphere, Gr elle was Guide to Chales's Wagener, Richard Piss, Asteied ©, NOTE This volume has avery tight binding and while every effort has been made to repro- duce the centres, force would result in damage . Arta fences Mathematical Profeffed and Tiaughe by th thd Sen Mahl Pit ny the Old Hole in the Wall, én Baldwins-Gardens, aesr Grays-Inn- Lane, we ‘Whole Numbers and Vulgar Feaétions Aichmetick. & To Decne 2nd by Legacthancs, _ F The Rudiments thereof, alfs che Diemonttratiog Geometry.y snd Praétiee, according tothe be@ Arsi os, The Ue of the Globes, 4 Caleta! god ‘erceftrial. To Projet the Sphere in ‘plane to sny Tati tude fevers! wayess To Calculate the Long tude and Latitude of the Plances, wich thes Declination and Afcention ; alfo the tine tir, quantity, and duration of Feliafes af the Ln. Aftronomy, } ‘anavies Tor any time pat or to come, ‘Orthe Dotérine an Caleu. § Plain and | lation of Triancles, bork ‘Y. Sprerical, With ‘the application of “gomenys the feveral Cates thereof) 2 emery? inthe moft ufeful Quefti-') ieoptaehys Trigédoinenry- i Navigetion, oe Dyaling . , Clncither of three? g ¢Plain . ‘Navigation. Sores linet BSc Chart Sapling, viz. S-B'0Grear Circie. _-Scale and Compats, _ 1. Geometrically ‘The Settor, and oxher Dyalling, 3: taro Go convenient Scales. 3-Arithmetically The Logarithmies, Sines andi Tangenss, ‘Several ready wayesto Meatore, Dot, and Di vide Land, Go. Moshe taling of Alicudes, Profundities, Diltances, ere. Tosetier with the Prose of all macney of Superficies a5 Surveying, Board, Glafs, Pavement : Allo of Solids; Tumber, Scone, ce. Kean! ¢ aud Irregular. Fee ge Gougsing fs oe Cone Oi Aftrlogy Fh earns hcan sata Siemon ATibie of the RightAlcentionofthe Lamu) Feb mj Mar:|Aprit| May [rune Thyra hari mind hersins hori] Ror) 45 352 eles 2g|t 233 ig 39|at £6p7 zal, 25/3 9 agl2t Sons 35] 23)5 1B alan saps 251 33]5 ig stjats8bs asl: 3 ty 4/5 9 aly 33 33|5 27 36|5 3 yo [5° 36 lao 4 [2a 7 hig se |=2 2 las 46h 40's oro la Shs Soh 44|5 cha 53h) 47 als 571 Tis B4ls 40. ala vie ot ea 77] Fo ost 5a Jao aglaz a5}o o8 |) “a 5 9lo 12 |n 6 lh a my 3 3012233J0 18 yo sao 3420 oF 20 58|244°/0 43 |2 ‘20 ga[22 440.26], 21 g6224e}o 30l2 251 ‘20 s0|22 59/0 33) 29 eal mo] » a0 sal aags|° 37|2 52 jo 44 gay a & * = S & * * 2 e 8 A PAL SEP ES PR RP A PP son Bolg aeey| eSB a Sons

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