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Meaning of law

The system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes

as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the
imposition of penalties.
System,Rules,Country or community,Regulating actions,Members and
Functions of law in regional planning in Tanzania
The law serves many functions in society.Four principal functions are
establishing standards,maintaining order,resolving disputes,and protecting
liberties and rights.
(i)Establishing standards.
The law is a signpost for minimally acceptable behavior in society.Some
activities,for instance,are crimes because society(through a legislative
body)has determined that it will not tolerate certain behaviors that injure or
damage persons or their property. For example,under a typical state law,it
is a crime to cause physical injury to another person With out justification
doing so generally constitutes the crime of assault. In regional planning it's
very important to flow the rules example we can't sell goods without
having a business license

(ii)Maintaining order.
Order is necessary in a civil society and is there fore reflected in the
law.The law,when enforced,provides order consistent with society's
guidelines. Example in regional planning Maintaining social order can be
done through law enforcement or the judicial system. Law enforcement
has the mandate to keep each citizen safe from unforeseen activities by
arresting criminals. The judicial system ensures that the rule of law is
respected and followed.
(iii)Resolving disputes.
Disputes are unavoidable in a society made of persons with different
needs,wants,values,and views.The law provides a formal means for
resolving disputes through the Court system. Also the Litigation is
generally thought of as the process of resolving rights-based disputes
through the court system, from filing a law suit through arguments on legal
(iv)Protecting Liberties and Rights.
The law protects various liberties and rights from violations or
unreasonable intrusions by persons,organizations,or government.

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