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“In every walk with nature one receives far

more than he seeks.”

INTRO – Nature is a part of the planet that includes animals,
plants and landscapes. It is opposite to humans and human
creation. Nature is the greatest blessing for people.
BODY – 1. In the walk with nature people always received so
many good things from it. We can have peace in nature if we
want it. Also nature is our home where we need to protect it
from dangerous things, and not to destroy it.
2. Going into this trip, I had seen an opportunity to find
my personal happiness, while being able to obtain skills that
would help me in the future. For example, when I was sad, I
always was going for a walk in nature, that helped me to bring
positive emotions.
CONCLUSION – 1. In my opinion it is good to walk with
nature, because it gives us happiness, and do not let us to be
lonely. Also I can say that if we want to be happy in nature, we
need to protect it.

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