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Hello and thanks for purchashing this limited edition ebook. I’m 100% sure you will start earning
within the next 24 hours, please keep in mind that this is not a quick rich method and requires
some time to set up (and scale), but it’s absolutely profitable.

I will teach you how to make money with a real and working method, fully scalable and
semi autopilot.

While I’m selling limited copies, this method is sort of evergreen and can’t really get
saturated as long as you’re following my tips.

Note: this is a blackhat method, it is absolutely not illegal but sort of unethical.
Let’s jump straight into it.

1 – Basics

First of all head over this site and register an account with a valid mail and with your
real information (required if you want to cashout via Paypal).

You don’t need to fill up the website and other unecessesary fields, just put “n/a”.

Finish registration and wait for approval (if you used the link above it should be faster).

Proceed to the next step after you get approved.

1.1 – Youtube Accounts

Now you will need some youtube accounts, please don’t use your own account, you may
get banned.

Clear cache, cookies and register some new fake Youtube (Google) accounts, better if you use
a VPN or even better if you buy aged accounts. You can find them on forums like CPA Elites or
with a quick search on Google.

I recommend to start first with one account and master the method, then you can buy
multilple accounts and scale up.

So now that you got some Youtube accounts you need to choose a niche and create a channel
around that niche. You can choose for example: gaming, cracking, gift cards, software
cracks, etc… For the sake of this tutorial I’ll use a gaming niche.

© Nord
Important: choose a niche that requires the user to download a file (so if you choose the gaming
niche, user will be required to download a game crack for example).

If you haven’t done yet, create a YT channel around this niche and upload a profile image and
add some information to your channel to make it look “real” and not spammy. Also choose an
appropriate name regarding the niche, for example in my case “Game Cracks Download”.

2 – Getting the materials

Go on Youtube and search for a video that is appropriate for your niche. So if you have chosen
the “Cracked Games” niche you need to search for keywords like “GTA V crack download” or
“game name crack”.

Or generally for any niche you can search “niche name download/generator/hack download”

As you can see there

are thousands of results
to choose from.

Pick up a video that is

legit, or appers as it.
You need to rip off
the video and edit it.

Search on Google for an online youtube video downloader, or go here and paste the link of
the video and download it in HD.
Now what I recommend to do is to edit the video with a free video editor and cut off some
parts or add a background music, so you won’t have problems when reuploading the video.

Don’t upload the ripped video because Youtube will detect and delete it, that’s why you need
to modify it.

You can find some background songs to add in your video here.

You can find a free video editor here.

© Nord
2.1 – Getting your link

Go on the site you’ve registered before and go to Promotion > Direct Download Link

As you can guess you will need to share your direct download link. Modify the link
as recommended, adding a custom filename. For example

http://priv-domain/go.php?a_aid=priv-id&fn=Your+Filename+Setup becomes:


Shorten the link via or

Save it somewhere, and go follow the next step.

3 – Let’s make some money

At this point you should have:

• A youtube channel based on a particular niche

• A ripped and edited video about your niche
• A shortened link that points to an installer

If you did not get it yet, you will be earning money for every user that clicks your link and
downloads and installs their installer.

They pay up to 2$ per install! Payout depends on the country, tier 1 countries are the most

Let’s do some quick math: if you manage to get 100 installs per day that’s 200$ right? Nope,
because as said payout depends on the country of the installer, in average an US install floats
between 0,40$ - 0,90$+ in my experience

So theoretically with 100 US daily installs you may get 90$ or more daily! In the worst
scenario it would be 40$/day, not bad either.

© Nord
Payout = installs*country rate.

Some more exciting math: let’s say you get 100 US daily installs per day with only 1 youtube video.
So 1 video = 100*0,40$ = 40$. Now imagine you have 10 channels with 3 videos each, that would be
a total of 30 videos. If you get 100 installs for each video that would be 3,000 installs.

Payout = 3,000*0,40$ (average US install) = 1,200$

Amazing right?

Now you may think “wtf you can make 1,000$ daily with this method, why you’re selling???”.

First these numbers are not 100% accurate and the method requires some work, easy money
does not exist.

Second you need to scale it up and keep track of it, it’s not fully autopilot.

Third it takes some time to scale and see the earnings and this is not for the lazy people
(like me).

But with the right tools and will to work, you can reach 50$-100$+ daily. It will take some
time and testings, of course.

100$ per day can be reached without problems if you’re not lazy and you’re smart enough (or
buy the ultimate edition of this ebook) to know how to scale and automatize.

Got excited enough to make some real cash? Let’s continue!

What you have to do now is to spread your link on Youtube and make autopilot
money, preferably targeting US people.

So go on your channel and upload your previously edited video, give it a cool title.

In my example will be:


Always use powerful keywords like “free/download/2018/best/etc..”

Now you need to put some text in description. You can do it in the lazy way, or pro way (highly

Lazy way: add your link and add some tags

Pro way: add your link and write a short review/guide, with call to action keywords, and
write many times your main keyword in the description.

In both cases don’t forget to add your shortened link.

To get an idea:

© Nord
For example, using the pro way a video will look like this:

Make sure to add CTA (call to action) keywords like “get it here/download now” and write
a persuasive description.

To generate fast and appropriate tags related to your keyword, use this free tool

Don’t forget to go to advanced settings and set the category related to your niche. In my case
is gaming.

Important: do not copy this exact template, this is only to give you an idea of what you should

© Nord
3.1 – Final adjustments

Now you’re ready to go, you can hit the big blue PUBLISH button and wait for the money to
come in…wait don’t rush yet.
Well, that is the method, I could say that I have nothing more to say but I want to
share professional tips and tricks to help you.

Yes you could just publish the video and wait, but the earnings will be very little. So let’s get
smart and see how to boost and rank our video.
If you followed my recommendations (pro way) you’re one step ahead because your video will
rank faster. If you’re new to SEO, ranking and similar don’t worry it’s easy, give it a read here.

Your main goal is to get the video ranked and gain traffic. Traffic = installs = $$$.

These (paid) tricks are optional but investing some money will help rank your video faster.

You will need to buy some high quality views, comments and likes to your video to boost
it. Before publishing your video you can choose to make it public or unlisted. I usually go
for public.

There’s not much difference, but some people recommend

to set it unlisted, send some views/likes and then set it
public after few days to improve the ranking.
While this is not a perfect science, you can experiment
and see what works better for you.

After publishing the video you will need, as said before, to boost it with views, likes
and comments. I won’t go in deep because it’s pretty obvious.

In the ultimate version of the ebook I explain more advanced tricks and traffic methods.

Free way: just make few fake accounts and comment/like or ask your friends some help.

Paid way: buy HR (high retention) views from some SMM Panel or trustable people on marketing
forums (CPAElites etc..). Also you can buy custom comments and likes. They are very cheap and
with 5$ invested you can buy 1k likes and 2-3k views.

Tip: you can wait few hours before sending the views and see if your video is ranking and
gaining some views. If it’s not ghosted (so if it’s already getting some views) you can
start sending HR views.

Send 1k-2k HR views and wait (few days) for results, if your video is ranking and gaining
views you can send further HR views and comments/likes.

That’s all. If you have chosen a good and popular niche you will get your first earnings
in matter of hours.

Now rinse and repeat with another video/niche and scale up.

© Nord
Extra tip: follow and research popular trends and use this method at your advantage.

4 – Getting paid

You can get paid automatically via Paypal/BTC/LTC and other. Go to My profile > Payment
Details, setup your payout method, minimum threshold and click on Save.

To request a payment go to Reports > Payouts to

me and select Request Payment

Some payments:

March was a great month

thanks to popular trend:

That’s why I said follow

popular trends!

(this is the income using

about 10 videos, imagine
using 100 videos)

© Nord
5 – Help Section

• My video gets deleted when uploading

o Modify the ripped video before uploading it. Just add a background music to it or
cut out some parts.
• My video got a strike/got reported/etc..
o There’s little you can do when receiving strikes like copyright strikes. Just ignore it
and upload a new (not the same) video.
• My video got deleted after few hour/days
o Probably because it looked like spam or you uploaded duplicate content, try not to
upload the same videos on the same channel. Example: don’t upload “gta v free
crack” video and then another “gta v crack download” video.
• My video is not getting any views
o Proably it looks spammy and youtube penalizes you. Wait few days and if still does
not gain views delete it and upload again a new video.
• Google Chrome (or any other browser) is saying that the link to my installer is malicios
o It can happen from time to time because your direct download link gets
flagged and you need a new private domain. Contact the support asking for a
private domain or setup a website with custom domain and redirect the traffic
to your direct download link.
• How can I scale the method?
o There are many ways, just think.
o I provide many methods and suggestions in the ultimate edition of the ebook,
you can upgrade to ultimate edition for a fee.

6 – Conclusion

That’s all, now go and setup your fist video and learn the basics, then think about scaling .

This method is 100% profitable and you can bank hard if you scale it. If you wish to know how
to scale, know more tips and have my mentoring feel free to contact me for an upgrade to the
ultimate package.

I will provide support to anyone but please remember:

Ultimate edition customers = higher priority


Discord: NordFrost#0001 |

© Nord
Welcome to the bonus section. Thanks for the purchase of the Ultimate edition,
you won’t regret it!
Here I’ll list all my tips and tricks that I’m applying to get huge profits. Some
options are free while other require some small investment.

1. Free boosting sources (views, likes, etc..)

2. Ranking tips (SEO)
3. Private Domain setup
4. Scaling

1 – Free boosting sources

Let’s start with the simplest thing you can do to boost your video: send bunch of views, likes
and comments.
You need to register to one, or better more, of these sites:

ytmonster | | ytubey | youlikehits

Basically you will be doing simple (and automatic) tasks like viewing videos or subscribing
to other channels to gain points.

With these points you can then spend them for buying likes, views, subscribers, comments.

These sites all look the same, and 90% of the time they’re just reskinned. Let’s see
how ytmonster looks:

Without going too much in details, your main task is gaining points by viewing videos (all done
automatically). So click on “Client” and on the next page click “Open xxx beta” and then click
on “Start”. That’s all, videos will be watched automatically and you will earn points.

© Nord
You can use your points and exchange them for views, likes, subscribers and even comments.
To do so click on “Campaigns” and create a new campaign (“+ New Campaign”). The next page
is self explanatory, fill out the forms with your desired values.

I recommend to start with 100-300

views and then increase each time up
to 1k-2k if the video is ranking.

Important: make sure to tick

“advanced settings” and choose the
length of the views to 120 seconds
minimum. Also don’t send them all at
once, put a limit on views per hour.

(Image on the next page)

© Nord
When you have filled everything click on “Submit” and you’re done. You can play around with
other services to get likes and views, everything is self explanatory on these sites.

I suggest to buy a cheap vps (5$/month) and run these sites 24/7 to profit.

This is the cheapest option in the long run, since you won’t be paying for likes and views.

2 – Ranking tips
Ranking is essential for your video to get views, and clicks to your link. Remember traffic = $$.

So you need to rank your videos in order to get conversions, SEO plays a fundamental role here.
What can you do is listed on chapter 3, follow my description template and optimize it.

Additionally you need to know the keywords for which the video will rank, it is very easy we will
mainly steal them.

1 – youtube search bar

Follow this tip for choosing the right title. Head over to the search bar and search for
your keyword, in my case as said before I used the gaming niche so my video was about
“gta v crack”.

As you can see tons of suggestions will appear: these are your golden keywords, mix them for
a perfect title name.

So a cool title will be “GTA V CRACK DOWNLOAD PC | INSTALL + DOWNLOAD LINK | 2018”

I suggest to add words like “free/2018/tutorial/working” etc.. to your title. You can also repeat
these keywords many times (2-3) in the description of the video.

© Nord
2 – stealing keywords that are already ranking

First of all install this extension for Chrome, click on the icon and register for an
account, confirm it and link it with your youtube account (it can be your real accoun

So lets go to the search bar and search for your keyword, in my case “gta v crack download”

Here is how it will look:

There are a lot of useful statistics, in order to get our “ranking keywords” we need to check
some of those videos that are in the first results, so click on one of them and let’s analyze it.

You can see that this video has a good SEO score, so try to mimic it at your advantage.

© Nord
What is important to us are the keywords

As you can see there are

many keywords that rank #1
so this video appears in the
first page of youtube when
you search one of those

What we need to do is to take

not of a bunch of these
keywords and add them to
our video description and

So for example my video

title can be “GTA V CRACK

Then you can use all of these

keywords in your description.

Write a good and persuasive

description and add many
keywords, make sure description is at least 100+ words.

You can extend it by adding for example common questions and answers.
As said before, mimic the videos that are already ranked, if they have a long description then
do the same by taking inspiration from their description.

Just don’t copy them word by word, or your video will be ghosted (de-indexed/not ranking).

VidIQ is your best tool, just follow the suggestions and try to achieve a good rating with
your videos, it will definitely help the ranking.

3 – Setting up a domain
If you use the given affiliate link you will probably notice that it gets detected and blocked
fast. That’s why you need to use a private domain that looks clean to the eyes of Google
Chrome and other browsers.

© Nord
You don’t want to get this message appear to your “victims” right? It will hurt the
conversion rate, only retard kids will continue and download the installer.

There are two ways: contact your affiliate manager for a private domain or either setup
your own. I won’t explain how to contact the manager, since it’s not a difficult task and I do
not recommend that option.
So lets see how to setup our private domain that will redirect the users to the installer.

First we need a (free) webhosting with a cpanel, you can use or any other that you like.

Register and create a simple website, you dont need to add anything just choose a
domain relevant to your niche. I will use 000webhost for this example.

Open the cpanel and use the file manager to navigate to the folder of your website
(public_html) and create a new file named file.php

You will need to add a code inside the file, head to cinstaller and go to Promotion > API

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You will get something like this

That’s self explanatory, copy and paste the script to your file.php file, save and you’re done.

Now you can use your domain instead of the given affiliate link. To use it just write for example

The domain is your website name, for example with 000webhost it will result into

That’s all, you can shorten this link to make them look less spammy and then put the shortened
link in the description of youtube videos.

You will need to change this link for every different video of course, don’t use the link with
“gta v crack” in a video related to csgo for example.

Important: do not use the same shortened link in more than one youtube video.

Use always different shortened links, for example you can do this: -> points to your domain with gta crack filename -> point to the same domain with gta crack
filename © Nord
4 – Scaling, the right way
There are plenty of ways to scale this method. You can expand your business outside
youtube, social networks work good. Just few ideas: you can upload videos to dailymotion,
metacafe, flickr and other shit.

You can spread your link even on big authority sites like slideshare, google pages,
pastebin, blogspot, and other 2.0 websites.

You can take advantage from these sites because they’re big and have huge monthly traffic,
your success depends on the keyword you use on these sites. I don’t really recommend wasting
time spamming here, but if done correctly you can get big free traffic to your link every day.

What I will talk about here is how to upload mass youtube videos. You will need a
software called MVB Pro.

Do this step once you’re familiar enough with the method and already made some money
from your videos.

MVB Pro is a powerful tool to upload mass videos to youtube and make each of them unique
so you don’t need to edit every single video. To use MVB Pro you will need:

• A MVB Pro licence (or a cracked version :D)

• A powerful internet connection
• Not a shitty laptop
• Bunch of youtube accounts
• Proxies

To make money you gotta spend money sometimes. I assume you have already all of
these requirements so lets see how to proceed.

This is how it will look like

As you can see the GUI is easy to understand and pretty intuitive.

© Nord
I will not cover everything, only the basics that you should know.

To add accounts click on ADD and input email,password and eventually recovery mail and phone
number if you got them (depends from sellers of yt accounts).

DO NOT validate click on the checkbox to verify if they’re valid. You need to assign them a
proxy first.

To add proxies go to Proxies tab and click on ADD and input ip,port and eventually user
and password.

Now you need to assign proxies to the accounts, so on the Accounts tab click on ASSIGN

I recommend to assign 1 proxy to max 3-4


1 proxy = 3-4 accounts

Assign the proxies and now its time to add our


So go on the Manage Videos tab and click on ADD

Select the video file and quick fill the title,

description and tags fields and click on add

Don’t worry about the title and description

for now, we will talk about in the next page

© Nord
The video now should appear on the list below. Right click on the video you have added and
press on EDIT

I can’t show my videos, but I will show you how the interface looks like and what you
should write.

Basically you need to edit the

upload video details section
and create a good title and

Maybe you’re thinking “should

I edit multiple times this
video? How can I make the
title and description different
when I upload the video on
different accounts?”

Or something similar.

Well think about it if you didn’t.

We will use a feature

called spintax.

I will not explain this, go here for learning what is it

To play around and see how it works use this tool

So basically you can make always unique titles and descriptions when uploading the
videos thanks to the spintax feature, avoiding bans or any other problems.

This is how it will look like, in my example:

© Nord
Don’t skip this part, and take some time to understand and write a good spintext.

Note how I used multiple links, make sure to add different shortened link because you
don’t want to use the same link in different videos (youtube thinks is spam and deletes the

So again take some time and write a good title and description, so when you upload the videos
they look different everytime.

Now before uploading the videos there is a last important thing to do.

Go to upload videos tab and click on


I wont go in detail, copy paste my settings if you’re lazy or take time to watch
these recommended tutorials

Everything you need to know is covered in the tutorials so please don’t contact me with
stupid questions.

© Nord
That’s pretty much all, now it’s time to upload the videos, again watch the tutorials
I recommended previously.

MVB PRO is not an easy tool and you need some time to learn it, but it will save you ton of
time! So watch the tutorials, take your time and learn it, dont ask me stupid questions thanks.

Wondering how to get MVB PRO for free? I’ve included a (hardly finded) cracked version

Use at your own risk, I use it on a VPS.

That’s all about scaling, on the next section you will find some places where to buy
accounts and proxies

© Nord
You can get (ipv6) proxies for as low as 0,06$ each! This is my private source and the
proxies work flawlessly

Get proxies for 0,06$ here

I usually buy accounts from

247accs (recommended)



Some smm panels where to buy views likes etc..



© Nord

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