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Question no.

5 :

As a professional teacher, how do you apply the quality cycle (PDCA or PDSA) in teaching your subjects
to enhance quality of education? Explain and give some examples. (20 marks)

As an educator the primary goal is to ensure effective learning in class. Effective learning can be thought
as measure of quality. At the end of lesson, the only thing matter is did the lesson meet its objective or
did the leaners understood the topic. Applying PDCA for lesson planning and reflection can enhance the
chances of effective learning. I use the PDCA cycle in my lesson planning and after reflection.

At the Planning stage, I analyze the information eg. Lesson objective (topic to be taught), learners ability
to understand different types of instructions, resources available to me, need for differentiated
instructions etc. For example the topic to be taught is Faradays’ law of electromagnetic induction. I will
plan to teach the topic in a form of self explore experiment rather than me lecturing the students. I will
use a simulation which will enable the students to interact and find out the law through their own
observations. While selecting the resource to be used, I will consider and ensure that different types of
media or instructional material (audio, visual, hands on activity) are included meeting the requirements
of all types of learners. I will include some form of assessment to check the learners understanding at
the end.

At the do stage, while during the actual lecture, I will try to conduct the lesson as planned. I will
demonstrate the use of the simulation while giving instructions orally. After demonstrating, I will ask the
students to start with the activity ensuring each student understands the objective of the lesson.

At the check stage, first I will observe during the class and take some mental or written notes. I will
observe aspects of the lesson eg. How easy was the simulation to be used? Did students struggle to
interact with the simulation? Did any student need more differentiated instructions? After completion of
the lesson, during the reflection session, I will reflect at the overall effectiveness of the lesson based on
learners understanding.

At the act stage, based on the information gathered in the check stage, I will modify my lesson for next
time. For example if students found the simulation difficult to use, I will use another simulation instead
of the one I used.

In this way, I use PDCA cycle and constantly reflecting on the lesson plans, I try to improve the quality of
education or as I mentioned at the start of the essay “ Effective learning in my classes”.

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