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Question no.

2 :

Analyze the quality of education in terms of student achievements between online teaching and learning
and onsite teaching and learning. (20 marks)

Thanks to covid 19, online teaching was the way to teach and learn. With the use of online teaching
came the question of quality of online teaching compared to onsite teaching.

Lets analyze an online lesson from start to end in terms of quality compared to onsite lesson. In an
online lesson, students will be required to use some online platform. Now due to unreliable internet or
outage of internet some students may not be able to join. And if some students are not online there is
no way the teacher can ensure that everyone is online. Contrary to this in an onsite lesson, if the
students are present in the campus, it is very unlikely that he would miss the lesson or can’t attend the

Secondly while the lesson is in progress, in an online lesson it is difficult for the teacher to ensure that
every student is paying attention as maybe many students may not have turned on their camera.
Therefore students participation is an issue in online classes.

Many students find it hard to engage in an online lesson due to not being in proximity of their friends
physically. The lack of actual human interaction reduces engagement for learners.

Due to very nature of online some time it limits the range of instructional material for example in an
online class, a teacher cannot use an actual demonstration or Science lab.

Last but not least the assessment in online class is difficult compared to onsite class. It is quite easy to
cheat in an online class.

Considering all the above factors, I prefer onsite lessons over online lessons.

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