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Business Ethics and Social Responsibility


A. Recall
Draw a hexagon and list the six stakeholders

Suppliers Costumers

Surrounding Environment
community community

Governments Competitors

Employees Financiers

B. Activity
List as many as you can in 2 minutes about your responsibilities as a student.
(plus point 2 for the winner who can list many responsibilities).
1. Be on time in class schedules.
2. Respect classmates and teachers.
3. Don't make noise in discussions.
4. Complete the tasks given by the teacher.
5. Be productive in recitation.
6. Always follow the instructions of your teachers.
7. Put your trash in the respective trash can.
8. Use "PO" and "OPO" when talking to teachers.
9. Follow the school regulations.
10. Obey the commands of your teachers.
C. Analysis
What do you think is the primary reason for knowing one’s responsibility in life?
- No one can make decisions for you. You are in command. No matter how much
you attempt to blame others for your life's events, they are all the outcomes of
decisions you made and continue to make. Also, each step toward being
responsible and productive boosts our self-esteem and strengthens our bonds
with friends, family, and coworkers. When we are responsible, we experience
significantly less stress and disturbance in our lives, and we earn the respect of

D. Abstraction

E. Assessment
If you’re going to list all the responsibilities according to their importance, which
do you think is should be in the highest and lowest position? Explain
Content (relevant, depth) ------------------------- 7 points
Presentation (flow of thoughts, grammar) ----- 3 points
Total -------------------------------------------------10 points

- Responsibilities to the general public should be the highest since this

responsibility is for the majority of the people not just one specific group of
people. For me, I view the responsibilities for the general public as the
combination of some responsibilities included in this lesson because
responsibilities for the general public include; protecting the environment(Social
Responsibility), promoting public health(Responsibilities to consumers),
developing the quality of service to the employee(Responsibilities to employees).
- I rank social responsibility last since the primary purpose of this responsibility
is to give back to society through volunteer work and charitable contributions.
This business duty is voluntary, not compelled, in my opinion. While customer
and employee responsibilities are critical, they should not be treated lightly
because they are a business requirement. Investor and financial community
responsibilities are also critical because if a business fails to meet these
commitments, investors, employees, and customers will suffer.

F. Application
If you’re going to be involved in a business in the future, how can you apply some
of the responsibilities mentioned?

- I will apply social responsibility by building an eco-friendly business that doesn't use plastics as
packaging. I will also apply responsibilities to customers and employees by making rules which
protect the right of each of them

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