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‘i2aian, 250 PM Loasing [<< Search more Sauins Answer Cyber Security Cyber Security is the most important part of our lives in the present decade and it may last for the more than 2 decades. Cyber Security is the platform which provides awareness against the cyber attacks going on the recent days. This awareness can be used to take precautions from these attacks and keep our identities safe from the attackers. This platform deals with the protection of the computer systems and the networks from the theft of the hardware, software and the electronic data and also from the disruption and misdirection of the services they provide. Cyber security is the practice of defending of the hardware, software and mobile devices form the malicious attacks. Its is also known as Information Technology Security or Electronic Information Security. Its is a state or process of protecting networks, devices and programs from any type of cyber-attacks. ic Cyber Attacks: DOS: DOS is commonly known as Denial of Service attacks. A Denial-of-Service attacks is a cyber attack in which the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network unavailable to its intended user temporarily. It is basically accomplished by flooding the targeted machine or resource with superfluous requests in an attempt to overload systems and prevent some or all legitimate requests from being fulfilled. Types of DOS attacks: 1. Distributed DOS 2. Application layer attacks. 3. Advanced persistent DOS. Precautions: Approaches included cloud-based applications which is based on applications layer analysis, indicating whether incoming traffic is legitimate and thus triggering elasticity decisions without the ‘economical implications of DOS attacks. hitpssereativeworks eistortoling-numbor-one-skl-improvel 12 ‘i2aian, 250 PM Loasing The most basic precaution used is Firewall, which has a simple rule added to deny all the incoming traffic from the attackers basing upon some protocols and ports of the originated traffic. Malware Attacks: Malicious software is most commonly known as the malware which causes a threat to the computer system as well as the organization networks. It is causes without the knowing of the user / Victim. This attack is done by installing the malware software in someone else’s device without their knowledge to gain unauthorized access to their personnel information, or to cause damage to the device or network, usually for financial gain, Types of malware attacks: 1. Exploit Kit. 2. Malicious websites and drive-by-downloads. Malvertising. 4, Man-in-the-middle attack. 5. Man-in-the-browser attack. 6. Social Engineering. Precautions: Keeping the software updated play a major role to be safe from these attacks Backing up the files also helps a lot; in case the files are stolen, Scanning executables before executing them to prevent from the malicious software. These are the most common attacks found in the cyber-attacks, and how to avoid being victims of these attacks. Likes: 0 hitpssereativeworks eistortoling-numbor-one-skl-improvel 22

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