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Topic: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease

Lecturer: Dr. Reaport (JCR)

DEFINITION Lecture Discussion: Complete Mole

Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD) (Figure A) - A haploid sperm will fertilize an empty egg. The haploid sperm
 A group of tumors typified by abnormal trophoblast proliferation (23,X) will duplicate on its own to produce 46,XX  now a diploid karyotype.
Trophoblast So purely, the chromosome that you will develop here from the fertilized
 Produces the peptide hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) product will be of paternal in origin  hence we call this type of fertilization,
 Measurement of hCG in serum is essential for GTD diagnosis,
management, and surveillance Sometimes you could have a product of 46,XY. It is being developed from
your dispermic fertilization wherein 2 haploid sperm both coming from the
Hydatidiform Mole father will be combining itself to form 46,XY because the Y chromosome only
 Characterized by the presence of villi excessively edematous immature be coming from your male factor
Note that the ovum is empty  so the mother has no contribution on its
 3 Types: development
1) Benign complete hydatidiform mole
2) Partial hydatidiform mole  Partial moles usually have a triploid karyotype- 69,XXX, 69,XXY-or
3) Malignant invasive mole much less commonly, 69,XYY.
Nonmolar Trophoblastic Malignant Neoplasms  Each composed of 2 paternal haploid sets of chromosomes contributed
 Lack villi by dispermy and 1 maternal haploid set
 Include choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic tumor, and  Less frequently, haploid egg may be fertilized by an unreduced diploid
epithelioid trophoblastic tumor 46,XY sperm
 Triploid zygotes result in some embryonic development, but ultimately
Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia
is a lethal fetal condition
 Malignant forms of gestational trophoblastic disease
 Fetuses that reach advanced ages have severe growth restriction,
 Include invasive mole, choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic
multiple congenital anomalies, or both.
tumor, and epithelioid trophoblastic tumor.
 Also known as malignant gestational trophoblastic disease and
persistent gestational trophoblastic disease
 Early-stage GTN is cured with single-agent chemotherapy and later
stage with combination chemotherapy

 Classic histological findings of molar pregnancy include trophoblast
proliferation and villi with stromal edema
 Complete mole has abnormal chorionic villi that grossly appear as a Lecture Discussion: Partial Mole
mass of clear vesicles Compared to the complete mole where the ovum has no contribution, here
 Partial molar pregnancy has focal and less advanced hydatidiform the mother’s ovum is active (has a maternal contribution). So 2 sets of
changes and contains some fetal tissue haploid sperm fertilizes the ovum  produce 3 sets of chromosomes (2 sets
from father, 1 set from mother)  a triploid karyotype. The zygote that you
Epidemiology and Risk Factors: will produce from this fertilization will usually present as misabortion later
 Increased prevalence in Asians, Hispanics, and American Indians on as pregnancy advances because it will contain a lot of congenital
 Strongest risk factors are age and a prior hydatidiform mole: anomalies, lethal fetal conditions and it could be very small (hence it will not
o With prior complete mole  risk of another mole is 0.9% reach term pregnancy)
o With a previous partial mole  rate is 0.3%
o After 2 prior complete moles  risk of 3rd mole is 20% Features of Partial and Complete Hydatidiform Moles
 Women at both extremes of reproductive age are most vulnerable
(adolescents & 36-40 yo: twofold risk) , (>40 yo: tenfold risk)

 Molar pregnancies typically arise from chromosomally abnormal
 Complete moles: have a diploid chromosome (46,XX) and result from
 Chromosomes of the ovum are either absent or inactivated
 Ovum is fertilized by a haploid sperm  duplicates its own
chromosomes after meiosis
 Chromosomal pattern may be 46,XY or 46,XX due to fertilization by two
sperm (dispermic fertilization or Dispermy)  less common

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Topic: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Lecturer: Dr. Reaport (JCR)

Lecture Discussion: Differentiating Partial and Complete Mole  Nausea and vomiting may be significant
Risk for Malignancy/Neoplasia  higher in complete mole (15-20%)  Uterine growth that is more rapid than expected, and is comparatively
Serum hCG levels  higher in complete mole (>100,000 mIU/mL) softer. Fetal heart motion is absent with complete moles
 It can stimulate your ovary to produce multiple theca-lutein cysts  Ovaries can be fuller and cystic from multiple theca-lutein cysts
 Can also produce symptoms like nausea, vomiting and some (common with complete mole) and likely result from ovarian
electrolyte imbalances  medical complications much more overstimulation by excessive hCG levels
common here o Expectant management is preferred because they regress
Large for dates uterus  in complete mole following pregnancy evacuation
 This means that when you compute for the AOG, the discrepancy is o Larger cyst may undergo torsion, infarction, and hemorrhage,
very significant. For example, supposedly the AOG is 4 months only but oophorectomy is not performed unless extensive
(so that is half way the umbilicus and the symphysis pubis) but when infarction persists after untwisting
you get the fundic height, it is almost 5 or 6 months size uterus 
 Serum free thyroxine (fT4) levels elevated and thyroid-stimulating
there is a discrepancy of about 2-3 weeks or more
hormone (TSH) levels decreased due to thyrotropin-like effects of hCG,
Presence of fetal elements  seen in partial mole but clinically apparent thyrotoxicosis is unusual
 You don’t see any fetal elements in your complete mole, that’s why  Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia are relatively common with
diagnosing complete by UTZ is very easy. When you reach the age advanced molar pregnancies, but seldom seen today because of early
of pregnancy wherein your embryo should be visible, yet you do not diagnosis and evacuation
see one  you’ll highly consider complete mole  In continuing twin gestations, severe preeclampsia frequently
mandates preterm delivery
In both partial and complete mole, histologically, it will show villous edema,
trophoblastic proliferation, and trophoblastic atypia BUT it is more diffuse Diagnosis
and marked in complete mole Serum β-hCG
Special staining (p57KIP2) is seen in partial mole  Values in the millions are not unusual with more advanced moles, and
 It is always negative in complete mole because p57KIP2 is maternally can lead to erroneous false-negative urine pregnancy test results
expressed. Remember that in the pathogenesis of complete mole,  "Hook effect," excessive β-hCG hormone levels oversaturate the
the haploid sperm fertilizes an empty ovum (no maternal assay's targeting antibody and create a falsely low reading
This happens when a patient uses a normal pregnancy test kit 
registers the pregnancy as negative but when they undergo serum
Twin Pregnancy β-hCG quantification, you would see that the values are already in
 Rarely, one chromosomally normal fetus is paired with a complete hundred thousand or millions. This is a possibility due to
diploid molar pregnancy oversaturation of the receptor of the test kit
 Must be distinguished from a single partial molar pregnancy with its
associated abnormal fetus  β-hCG levels may also be significantly elevated, but more commonly
 Amniocentesis and fetal karyotyping aid confirmation concentrations fall into ranges expected for gestational age with a
 Survival of the normal fetus varies and depends on associated partial mole.
comorbidity from the molar component
 Preeclampsia or haemorrhage are most worrisome which frequently Sonography
necessitate preterm delivery  Mainstay of trophoblastic disease diagnosis, not all cases are confirmed
The more advance the pregnancy, the more likely that the complete initially
mole will have a tendency to bleed  we watch out for this  Complete mole: echogenic uterine mass with numerous anechoic cystic
spaces but without a fetus or amnionic sac  "snowstorm"
 Risk for developing subsequent GTN (20% risk), for those who continue
their pregnancy
 Post-delivery surveillance is conducted as for any molar pregnancy

Lecture Discussion: Twin Pregnancy

Sometimes your molar could be presenting with a normal pregnancy in the
form of twin pregnancy  so 1 complete molar and 1 normal pregnancy. You
 Partial mole: has features that include a thickened, multicystic placenta
really need to differentiate that you are dealing with a twin pregnancy (1 is
along with a fetus or at least fetal tissue; in early pregnancy, these
normal, other is complete molar) because management differs if it is found
that the other one is a partial molar pregnancy (meaning the other one was sonographic characteristics are seen in fewer than half of hydatidiform
not a normal pregnancy) moles
 Twin pregnancy (with normal pregnancy)  monitor the living fetus
until it reaches the age of viability
 You can differentiate it via karyotyping and amniocentesis

Clinical Findings
 Typically, 1 to 2 months of amenorrhea precede the diagnosis.
 Symptoms tend to be more pronounced with complete compared with
partial moles as gestation advances  Sensitivity 44% & Specificity 74%
 Untreated molar pregnancies will almost always cause uterine bleeding  Most common mimics: incomplete or missed abortion, confused for a
(spotting to profuse hemorrhage) multifetal pregnancy or a uterine leiomyoma with cystic degeneration
 Moderate iron-deficiency anemia develops in more advanced moles
with considerable concealed uterine hemorrhage

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Topic: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Lecturer: Dr. Reaport (JCR)

Pathology Intraoperative:
 Classic molar changes may not be apparent because villi may not be  2 large-bore IV catheters are needed before doing the procedure
enlarged and molar stroma may not yet be edematous and avascular In (1 for blood transfusion, 1 for medications)
pregnancies before 10 weeks  Anesthesia is also given (can be either regional or general
 Histopathologic evaluation can be enhanced by immunohistochemical anesthesia)
 Use also uterotonics to allow the uterus to contract (most
staining for p57 expression and by molecular genotyping
commonly used is oxytocin)  if oxytocin is not effective, use
 p57KIP2 is a nuclear protein whose gene is paternally imprinted and
methylergonovine, carboprost, or misoprostol
maternally expressed. Strongly expressed in normal placentas, in
Contracted uterus = lesser bleeding
spontaneous pregnancy losses with hydropic degeneration, and in
partial hydatidiform moles  Sonography machine  used while performing suction with
 Complete moles contain only paternal genes. p57KIP2 protein is absent dilatation & curettage
and tissues do not pick up stain. Suction is needed, not just only D&C, because we want the
 Molecular genotyping determines the parental source of alleles. It can trophoblastic product to be evacuated immediately (to prevent
distinguish among a diploid diandric genome (complete mole), triploid more bleeding which is why we want to perform the procedure
diandric-monogynic genome (partial mole), or biparental diploidy faster)
(nonmolar abortus)
Management  Anti-D immune globulin  given if Rh D-negative
 Maternal deaths from molar pregnancies are rare because of early Done to prevent the desensitization of the mother to the next
succeeding pregnancy since molar pregnancy is still a pregnancy
diagnosis, timely evacuation, and vigilant postevacuation surveillance
(considered an abortion)
for GTN
 Preoperative evaluation attempts to identify known potential  Submit specimen for pathologic examination  to confirm
complications like preeclampsia, hyperthyroidism, anemia, electrolyte diagnosis
depletions from hyperemesis, and metastatic disease  Initiate contraception  later on you will be monitoring the serum
 Most recommend chest radiography β-hCG levels serially UNTIL it goes back to normal (6 months)
 CT and MRI are not routinely done unless a chest radiograph shows lung So within 6 months the patient should not get pregnant which is
lesions or unless other extrauterine disease is suspected why contraception is needed. We do not want her to get
pregnant because β-hCG will increase and monitoring of it will
Some Considerations for Management of Hydatidiform Mole be confounded

Molar Pregnancy Termination

 Molar evacuation by suction curettage is usually the preferred
treatment regardless of uterine size
 Preoperative cervical dilatation with an osmotic dilator is
recommended if the cervix is minimally dilated.
 Intraoperative bleeding can be greater with molar pregnancy
 With large moles, adequate anesthesia, sufficient intravenous access,
and blood-banking support is imperative
 Use of larger suction curette and oxytocin is infused to limit bleeding
 Intraoperative sonography is often recommended to help ensure
complete uterine cavity emptying
 A thorough but gentle curettage with a sharp largeloop
 Sims curette is performed when myometrium has contracted

Lecture Discussion: Suction Curettage

Suction curettage will be inserted into the uterus
getting all the trophoblasts that it can suck in. After
doing this, the uterus is now partially evacuated. You
Lecture Discussion: Some Considerations for Management of H. mole
now start with uterotonics (Oxytocin)  once it is
Preoperative: contracted do now dilatation & curettage in order to
 You could have bleeding problems so you request for baseline CBC remove the remaining trophoblasts at the corneal
levels. If initially the patient is presenting with anemia, make sure that area of uterus. After which, specimen is submitted
you transfuse your patient before doing a surgical procedure for pathologic examination. Large-bore IV catheters
 We also get the baseline serum β-hCG, electrolytes and thyroid are required for blood transfusion and medication
 Check the kidney function (creatinine) and liver function (hepatic
aminotransferase)  because in some cases wherein we need to give
prophylactic chemotherapy, the drug is metabolized to those 2 organs  Pelvic arterial embolization or hysterectomy may be necessary in rare
(make sure that it is functioning well before giving it) cases
 Chest radiography is mandatory
 With large moles, the amount of tissue may be sufficient to produce
 Hydroscopic dilators  the cervix need to be soft enough to
accommodate the 14 mm cannula (because if it is not soft enough  clinically apparent respiratory insufficiency, pulmonary edema, or even
laceration = bleeding) embolism

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Topic: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Lecturer: Dr. Reaport (JCR)

Molar Pregnancy Termination continued….. GESTATIONAL TROPHOBLASTIC NEOPLASIA (GTN)

 Anti-D immunoglobulin is given to Rh D-negative women because fetal  Why do we monitor the serum β-hCG? Because if it is not ↓ to normal
tissues with a partial mole may include red cells with D-antigen or it is ↑ despite monitoring, we already consider the patient as having
following curettage GTN
 Long-term prognosis for women with a hydatidiform mole is not  Includes invasive mole, choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic
improved with prophylactic chemotherapy. Chemotherapy toxicity tumor, and epithelioid trophoblastic tumor
(including death) may be significant, hence is not recommended  Almost always develop with or after some form of recognized
routinely pregnancy
 Hysterectomy with ovarian preservation may be preferable for women  Half (50%) follow hydatidiform mole, a fourth (25%) follow miscarriage
with complete moles who have finished childbearing. or tubal pregnancy, and another fourth (25%) develop after a preterm
o Women 40-49 yo have 30-50% risk of subsequently GTN or term pregnancy
 Theca-lutein cysts do not require removal, and they spontaneously  Four tumor types are histologically distinct, they are usually diagnosed
regress following molar termination solely by persistently elevated serum β-hCG levels because tissue is
 Labor induction or hysterotomy will likely increase blood loss and infrequently available for study
theoretically may increase the incidence of persistent trophoblastic
disease (ACOG, 2016) Criteria for Diagnosis of Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia
1. Plateau of serum β-hCG (±10%) for 4 measurements during a period of
Post-evacuation Surveillance 3 weeks or longer – days 1, 7, 14, 21
 Monitoring is by serial measurement of serum β-hCG to detect 2. Rise of serum β-hCG level >10% during 3 weekly consecutive
persistent or renewed trophoblastic proliferation measurements or longer, during a period of 2 weeks or more – days 1,
 Initial β-hCG level is obtained within 48 hours after evacuation 7, 14
 β-hCG quantification done thereafter every 1 to 2 weeks until levels 3. Serum β-hCG level remains detectable for 6 months or more
progressively decline to become undetectable 4. Histological criteria for choriocarcinoma
o Normal: <5 mIU/mL
 Median time for such resolution is: Clinical Findings
o 7 weeks for partial moles  Characterized clinically by their aggressive invasion into the
o 9 weeks for complete moles myometrium and propensity to metastasize.
So we expect that in 2 months’ time, the serum β-hCG  Most common finding is irregular bleeding associated with uterine
should be normal subinvolution. Bleeding may be continuous or intermittent, with
sudden and sometimes massive hemorrhage.
 Once β-hCG is undetectable, this is confirmed with monthly  Myometrial perforation from trophoblastic growth may cause
determinations for another 6 months intraperitoneal hemorrhage.
 A reliable contraception is imperative to avoid confusion caused by  Lower genital tract metastases are evident in some, whereas in others
rising β-hCG levels from a new pregnancy only distant metastases are found with no trace of uterine tumor.
Reliable contraception means use of medications. Other means like
withdrawal or use of calendar and the likes are not really reliable Diagnosis, Staging, Prognostic Scoring
 Unusually persistent bleeding after any type of pregnancy should
 Most recommend: prompt measurement of serum β-hCG levels and consideration for
o Combination hormonal contraception diagnostic curettage if levels are elevated.
o Injectable depot medroxyprogesterone acetate  Uterine size is assessed along with careful examination for lower genital
o Or progestin implant tract metastases (bluish vascular masses). Biopsy is not required and
may cause significant bleeding.
 Intrauterine devices are not used until β-hCG levels are undetectable  Baseline serum β-hCG level and hemogram, search for local disease and
because of the risk of uterine perforation if there is an invasive mole. metastases includes tests of:
 Increasing or persistently plateaued levels mandate evaluation for o Liver and renal function
trophoblastic neoplasia o TVS
 Factors predispose a patient to trophoblastic neoplasia following molar o Chest CT scan or radiograph
evacuation: o Brain and abdominopelvic CT scan or MRI.
o Complete moles  15-20% incidence of malignant sequelae o Less commonly, PET scan and CSF β-hCG level determination
(partial moles 1-5%) are used to identify metastases
o Older maternal age  GTN is staged clinically using the system of the FIGO 2009:
o β-hCG levels > 100,000 mIU/mL o Low risk: scores of 0 to 6
o Uterine size large for gestational age o High risk: >7
o Theca-lutein cysts >6 cm
o Slow decline in β-hCG levels
So these are the patients we consider as high risk for developing
neoplasia. They are the ones whom we can give
chemoprophylaxis. We use methotrexate (vs. Actinomycin)
because it is less toxic

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Topic: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Lecturer: Dr. Reaport (JCR)

D. Epithelioid Trophoblastic Tumor

 Rare tumor develops from chorionic-type intermediate trophoblast
 Uterus is the main site of involvement, and bleeding and low hCG levels
are typical findings
 Primary treatment is hysterectomy because they are relatively resistant
to chemotherapy.
 Metastatic disease is common, and combination chemotherapy is

 Best managed by oncologists
 Prognosis is excellent with rare exceptions
 Chemotherapy alone is usually the primary treatment.
Lecture Discussion: FIGO Staging and Diagnostic Scoring System for GTN  Some also consider a second uterine evacuation to be an adjuvant
therapeutic option in some GTN cases to avoid or minimize
A patient scoring >7 and is Stage IV  consider giving multiple drug therapy
If patient scoring <7 and Early stage  single drug therapy
o Suction curettage may infrequently be needed to resolve
Example, patient with serum β-hCG of >100,000 = score of 4 bleeding or remove a substantial amount of retained molar
metastasis in the lungs and liver = score of 4 tissue.
8  high risk  Hysterectomy may be primary or adjuvant treatment
This may be offered if the patient is already old and she does not
Histologic Classification want to get pregnant anymore  helps lessen the dose of
A. Invasive Mole chemotherapy given
 Most common trophoblastic neoplasms that follow hydatidiform
moles, and almost all invasive moles arise from partial or complete  Single-agent chemotherapy protocols are usually sufficient for
moles. nonmetastatic or low-risk metastatic neoplasia. Methotrexate is less
 Previously known as chorioadenoma destruens, characterized by toxic than actinomycin D.
extensive tissue invasion by trophoblast and whole villi and there is  Combination chemotherapy is given for high-risk disease, reported
penetration deep into the myometrium, sometimes with involvement cure rates approx. 90%
of the peritoneum, adjacent parametrium, or vaginal vault. o EMA-CO: which includes Etoposide, Methotrexate,
 Locally aggressive, but are less prone to metastasize Actinomycin D, Cyclophosphamide & Oncovin (vincristine)
 Frequent causes of death include hemorrhage from metastatic sites,
B. Gestational Choriocarcinoma respiratory failure, sepsis, and multiorgan failure due to widespread
 Most common type of trophoblastic neoplasm to follow a term chemoresistant disease
pregnancy or a miscarriage, and only a third of cases follow a molar  Once serum β-hCG levels are undetectable, serosurveillance is
gestation continued for 1 year.
 Composed of cells reminiscent of early cytotrophoblast and o Effective contraception is crucial to avoid any teratogenic
syncytiotrophoblast, and contains no villi effects of chemotherapy to the fetus and to mitigate confusion
 Rapidly growing tumor invades both myometrium and blood vessels to from rising β-hCG levels caused by superimposed pregnancy.
create hemorrhage and necrosis. Myometrial tumor may spread  Quiescent hCG is a phenomenon where there is very low β-hCG levels
outward and become visible on the uterine surface as dark, irregular that plateau and presumably is caused by dormant trophoblast.
nodules. o Close observation without therapy is recommended, but 20%
 Metastases often develop early and are generally blood-borne. Most will eventually have recurrent active and progressive
common sites: lungs and vagina, but tumor may travel to the vulva, trophoblastic neoplasia
kidneys, liver, brain, ovaries, and bowel.
Subsequent Pregnancy
 Commonly accompanied by ovarian theca-lutein cysts
 Women with prior hydatidiform mole generally do not have impaired
C. Placental Site Trophoblastic Tumor fertility, and their pregnancy outcomes are usually normal
 Rare tumor arises from intermediate trophoblasts at the placental site.  2% risk for developing trophoblastic disease in a subsequent pregnancy
 Associated with serum β-hCG levels that may be only modestly  Sonographic evaluation is recommended in early pregnancy
elevated. They produce variant forms of hCG, and identification of a  Women who have successfully completed GTN chemotherapy are
high proportion of free β-hCG is considered diagnostic. advised to delay pregnancy for 12 months.
 Treatment by hysterectomy is preferred because these locally invasive  Fertility and pregnancy outcomes are typically normal, and congenital
tumors are usually resistant to chemotherapy. For higher-risk stage I anomaly rates are not increased. One exception is an unexplained
and for later stages, adjuvant multidrug chemotherapy is also given. higher stillbirth rate of 1.5% compared with a background rate of 0.8%
But if you are dealing with a patient that is very young (1st pregnancy  After hydatidiform mole or GTN treatment, in subsequent pregnancy:
is PSTT)  of course you try 1st chemotherapeutic drugs because o The placenta or products of conception are sent for
they will still desire to get pregnant later on. So although pathological evaluation at delivery
hysterectomy is the preferred treatment for PSTT, our treatment o A serum β-hCG level is measured 6 weeks postpartum
still depends of the future fertility plan of the patient

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