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Sample Questionnaire

Personal Information
Name (Optional): _____________________________ Sex: ___ Age: ____
Occupation:__________________________________ Income: ________________


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1. I am aware on the No Shortchanging Act of 2016 of Consumers.

2. As a consumer, I have the duty to ensure that the exact amount of change is received
immediately after every transaction
3. As a consumer, I need to report any instances of shortchanging to business establishment’s
consumer welfare desk or to write a letter of complaint to the DTI not later than ten (10)
working days after the violation was committed.
4. I know that Business establishments that are found to have violated the provisions of the
No Shortchanging Act shall be liable to a penalty ranging from P500 to 25,000 or 3% to
10% off gross sales on the day of the violation, whichever is higher.
5. I am aware that 3rd offense will pay P25,000 and revocation of license.

6. I am aware that business must remind their customers to ask for an exact change.

7. I am aware that providing sufficient change is now a legal responsibility.

8. Lacking loose bills or coins should not be an excuse for a business establishment.

9. I am aware that giving candies instead of cent-worth change is no longer an accepted

alternative in business.

10. I know that Ra 10909 states that managers or staff of the business establishment, should
NOT talk their way out of giving their customers the exact change that they deserve.
11. I tried to reject candies as my change

12. I am a victim of candy currency.

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