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Baroque architecture is an architectural period originating in the late 16 th century in Italy. It is a

part of the historical development of architecture which resulted from the attempts of architects to
modify and somewhat move away from the certain characteristics and guidelines of the classical
architecture. It is highly associated with the Counter Reformation movement, led by the Catholic Church
to bring back its faithful. They utilized the characteristics of baroque architecture to inaugurate an
overtly emotional and sensual appeal in their churches and other structures. It is a product of boredom
and modifications of the classical rules of architecture.

The baroque architectural style is defined as dramatic, grandeur, and contrasting through its
main use as sculptural elements which are highly ornated with bold or curvaceous and twisted
elements, producing rich aesthetics. The materials used during this period was


INFLUENCES.  Aside from being part of a historical development in architecture, the Baroque style
emerged from various conditions during its time. Even way back in the Renaissance, there were already
architects who got bored following the rigid rules of classicism and attempted to come up with new
arrangements and forms. Then, there's the Counter Reformation of the church, which gave the religious
clergy a challenge to bring back its faithful, who turned away from it in favor of Protestantism. 


ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTERISTICS. Aiming for visual effect, Baroque buildings often had the following

a) Use of abundant materials such as marble, gilt and bronze

b) Baroque pediments were often highly decorated or interrupted at the center; tips turned into scrolls
and were gilded

c) Architectural treatments used to express emotion and usually used by the upper class

d) Use of illusionism (ex. the use of trompe l'oeil, which is a type of painting wherein the images are
rendered realistically) as a show of artistic play in the architectural treatment.

e) Oval is the most distinct shape; complex interlacing ovals allowed architects to have larger spaces

Architectural Origin


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