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The role of santri in dealing with the dangers of terrorism

Santri as one of the nation's younger generations have a major

role in fighting radicalism and terrorism, which have recently
become increasingly widespread. Santri as a manifestation of
the nation's strength bravely carry the principle of 'Islam
Rohmatan Lil 'alamin' where students are raised in a boarding
school environment that is good for development as the next
generation of young people.

As we all know, Islamic boarding schools are known as

religious educational institutions that are very unique and
uniquely Indonesian, which are hundreds of years old and still
exist today. Pesantren experience assimilation with the
community well. The success of pesantren like this then
becomes a model of religious tolerance among Muslims in
general. This is what makes the world view that the character
of Islam in Indonesia is often perceived as a friendly and
peaceful Muslim.
The friendliness of the face of the pesantren is formed by the
character of the pesantren itself, namely:
1. Tawassuth which means impartiality or moderation.

2. Tawazun, maintain balance and harmony.

3. Tasammuh, tolerance.

4. Tasyawwur, deliberation.
5. Fair, being fair in acting or reacting.

These five characters have long shaped students to live a real

life in society as a nation and state, so now when we talk
about solutions to the problem of radicalism and terrorism, I
think we should return to the pesantren strategy, because it
was pesantren that introduced the first way to protect this
nation from various kinds of understanding from outside
which is now starting to undermine the nation .

In fact, the role of santri in preventing radicalism has been

exemplified by their predecessors, for example, when
expelling allies in Surabaya through the November 10
battle, the santri had a big role in their famous "Jihad
Resolution". So, what should the santri do in the fight
against radicalism and terrorism today?

Okay, let's go, as #SantriZamanNow as well as the young

generation who are the foundation of the nation, there are
several things that need to be done, namely:

Improving Religious Understanding, Radicalism among

youth is caused by a lack of religious understanding.
Learning religion superficially can trigger them to commit
violence, even in the name of religion. Recent acts of
terrorism are carried out by suicide, such as suicide
bombings, because Islam actually prohibits suicide, so that
acts of terrorism in any form are contrary to Islamic
teachings. Terrorist acts in the name of Islam often
associate their actions with jihad, even though they do not
know the true meaning of jihad. Well, this is where Santri
plays a real role in preventing radicalism in the younger
Forming peaceful communities in the surrounding
environment, Santri can be pioneers in the formation of
peace-loving communities in their environment. These
communities are the ones who carry out socialization to
the community and to schools about the dangers of
understanding radicalism.
Maintaining Unity and Unity, Santri as the younger
generation have the ability, intelligence, courage and have a
strong determination to protect the Indonesian people they
love. Showing the attitude of defending the State of the
students at this time can be done by displaying positive
behaviors in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945
Constitution by upholding the unity and integrity of the
nation which aims to fight all kinds of hatred and violence
that want to destroy the integrity of the Unitary Republic of
Indonesia. In this case, Santi entered and played a real role
in maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation.
In the Semarang State University, many students are also
students. Therefore, UNNES's steps in fighting radicalism
and terrorism are increasingly evident because it is
supported by its students, some of whom are also students
of Islamic boarding schools.
Let's maintain the unity and integrity of the nation, and
prevent, fight, and eradicate radicalism and terrorism!

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