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Amal International School

152, Dharmarama Road, off Havelock Road, Colombo-06.

GRADE 3 First Term (Assignment) Examination - 2020
Time : 1 ½ hours
Admission No: …………………………….

Read all the Instructions carefully

1. Answer all the questions.

2. Complete the examination on the given date and time.

3. This is an Open Book Examination. Therefore, you can refer relevant text books,
notes and materials accessible to you.

4. You are expected to write your Name and Admission number on the first page of
every answer sheet and attach the question paper along with the answer script.

5. Upon completion of answering all the questions, the answer sheets of a particular
subject should be folded properly and inserted into a big envelope.

6. The envelope should be glued / sealed neatly and signed by you.

7. On the face of the envelope, Name of the student, Admission number, Grade, the
Subject and number of answer sheets attached should be clearly written.

8. The sealed answer sheets (glued envelopes) of all the subjects should be handed over
to the school when the submission date is announced through the class groups.

9. We expect all our students to answer independently without any assistance.

1st Term (Assignment) Examination – 2020 Grade 3 – English Literature Page 1 of 6

1. Underline the most suitable answer.
A. Daedalus built a .......................... for Aegeus
A. iron palace B. stone palace C. wooden palace

B. The creature had the body of a ......................., But the face and head of a wind
A. woman B. baby C. man

C. The king of Crete, King of Minos, his palace

A. Minotaur B. Daedalus C. prisoner

D. Daedalus showed the to put up masts in their ships.

A. driver B. seamen C. pilot

E. Daedalus landed on the famous island of...........................

A. Minotaur B. China C. Crete

F. In a little village there lived a .....................

A. tailor B. cobbler C. painter

G. He has enough money to buy cloth for a long warm...........................

A. coat B. blouse C. skirt

H. He cut the Cloth ......................

A. carefully B. carelessly C. wastefully

I. Finally he made a ......................

A. button B. glove C. mask

J. He wore the ....................... indoors and outdoors until it wall all worn out.
A. umbrella B. cap C. hat

(20 marks)

1st Term (Assignment) Examination – 2020 Grade 3 – English Literature Page 2 of 6

2. Match the difficult words with the meaning.

A. Wandered a. the stem of a plant

B. Terrified b. great respect
C. Bellows c. very frightened
D. Stalk d. deep loud cries
E. Honour e. walked around without any plan.

(10 marks)
3. Write True or False.
A. The tailor didn’t work hard. (............)
B. The tailor had enough money to make a coat. (............)
C. The tailor wore it till it was worn out. (............)
D. He made a vest after the long warm coat. (............)
E. He makes all kind of clothes for all kinds of people. (............)
(10 marks)
4. Daedalus and the Minotaur
Answer the following questions briefly or write short answers.
A. Who was the most skilful worker in the city if Athens?
B. What did Daedalus teach the people in Athens?
C. Why was Labyrinth like a prison?
D. Why were people terrified of the Minotaur?
E. Were the people of Athens happy after the monster lost his way among the
winding passages. Yes or No?
(10 marks)

1st Term (Assignment) Examination – 2020 Grade 3 – English Literature Page 3 of 6

5. Read the poem below and answer the questions

Caterpillar by: Christina Rossetti

Brown and furry

Caterpillar in a hurry,
Take your walk
To the shady leaf, or stalk,
Or what not,
Which may be the chosen spot.
No road spy you,
Hovering bird of prey pass by you,
Spin and die,
To live again a butterfly.

A. Who is the speaker talking to?


B. Where is the Caterpillar going?


C. Who is the writer of the above poem?


D. Name a colour mentioned in the poem.


E. Write the rhyming word of die


(10 marks)

1st Term (Assignment) Examination – 2020 Grade 3 – English Literature Page 4 of 6

6. Fill in the missing gaps by inserting the most suitable word from the bracket given
below. “The Thrifty Tailor"

( Poor, winter, Village, clothes, tailor)

In a little ......................, there lived a ...................... who was so ...................... that he

did not have enough warm ........................... for the ......................... .

(10 marks)

7. Answer with ‘yes’ or ‘no'

A. Is a stalk a part of a tree? ..............

B. Does a frog look like a toad? ..............

C. Can a butterfly become a Caterpillar? ............

D. Is the Caterpillar fury? ...............

E. Is the Caterpillar brown in Colour? ..................

(10 marks)

8. Join to the correct number.

How did the tailor buy the things ?
Join in order:
1. Jacket 1. First

2. Button 2. Second

3. Long coat 3. Third

4. Hat 4. Fourth

5. Vest 5. Fifth

(10 marks)

1st Term (Assignment) Examination – 2020 Grade 3 – English Literature Page 5 of 6

9. Join to the correct picture with the words

A. Jacket

B. Vest

C. Button

D. Hat

E. Long coat

(10 marks)

1st Term (Assignment) Examination – 2020 Grade 3 – English Literature Page 6 of 6

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