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Name: Mc Darlin B.

Diaz Section: BSN 1 Y-1-10 DATE: 09-09-20

1591: Francios Viete 1610: John Napier

1543: Giordano Bruno Invents Analytical

MAC Publishes Description Of The
Publishes The Ash- Trigonometry Marvelous Canon Of Logarithms
Wednesday Supper, On Napier’s invention and cataloguing
Viete’s invention is essential
Cause, Principles, And Unity, of logarithms is an essential step in
to the study of physical and
And On The Infinite Universe easing the task of numerical
And Its World calculation


1591: Galileo Galilei 1610: Galileo

1543: Nicolas Copernicus
Demonstrates The Properties Publishes The Messenger Of The
Publishes De Revolutionibus Of Gravity Heavens
Orbium Coelestium (On The
 from the top of the leaning Galileo’s 24-age booklet describes
Revolution Of Celestial tower of Pisa, that a one- his telescopic observations of the
Bodies) pound weight and a one moon’s surface, and of jupiter’s
hundred-pound weight, moons, making the church
Copernicus’ masterwork he
dropped at the same uneasy. The inquisition soon want
sets out the heliocentric
moment, hit the ground at
theory galileo to desist from spreading
the same moment, refuting
his theory
the contention of the
Aristotelian system that the
rate of fall

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