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Read and translate the following text:

Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the best
method. Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country?

The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the
language all the time you are in the country. You will be surrounded completely by the language
wherever you go. Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other
people. In Italy, it is always possible, in the class, to speak Italian if you want to and the learning
is slower.

On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to study. You don't have to make
big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is
never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher in Italy, I
think you can learn in a more concentrated way than being in Britain without going to a school.

So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to
spend some time in the UK. This is simply not possible for most people, so being here in Italy is
the only viable option. The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximize your
opportunities: to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible outside
the class.
Simple Present Tense
(prosto sadasnje vreme)

Simple Present Tense (prosto sadasnje vreme) se koristi se da izrazi radnju koja je uobicajena,
koja se ponavlja cesto ili predstavlja neku cinjenicu, stav govornika ili opste poznatu stvar. Moze
da izrazi i neki unapred utvrdjen redosled kao sto je raspored, red voznje ilu TV program.

Radnje koje se ponavljaju (navike, obicaji, rutine):

1. I get up at 6 o’clock. (Ja ustajem u 6 sati.)
2. She wears a uniform at work. (Ona nosi uniformu na poslu.)
3. The English drink tea at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. (Englezi piju caj u 5 sati popodne.)

Prilozi i fraze koji se mogu koristiti kako bi iskazali koliko cesto se desava neka radnja su:

always (uvek), usually (obicno), often (cesto), sometimes (ponekad), never (nikad), every day
(svakog dana), every month (svakog meseca), every year (svake godine) itd.

Zatim, once a year (jedanput godišnje), twice a day (dvaput dnevno), three times a week (triput
nedeljno) i sl.

Prilozi kao sto su always, usually, often, sometimes, never dolaze pre glavnog glagola u
potvrdnom obliku.

Fraze kao sto su every day, every month, twice a year… najcesce dolaze na kraju recenice:

1. I always go to school at 8 o’clock in the morning. (Ja uvek idem u skolu u 8 sati ujutru.)
2. She usually drinks tea in the evening. (Ona obicno pije caj uvece.)
3. We never eat in the living room. (Mi nikad ne jedemo u dnevnoj sobi.)
4. He goes to the dentist twice a year. (On odlazi kod stomatologa dva puta godisnje.)
5. She brushes her teeth every day. (Ona pere zube svakog dana.)
Opste poznate istine (nesto sto je uvek tacno):

1. People change money in banks. (Ljudi menjaju novac u bankama.)

2. A day has 24 hours. (Dan ima 24 casa.)
3. The Earth goes around the Sun. (Zemlja se okrece oko Sunca.)
4. The Sava flows into the Danube. (Sava se uliva u Dunav.)

Simple Present Tense (Prosto sadasnje vreme) se gradi od osnovnog oblika glagola (infinitiv
bez “to”- bare infinitive). Na primer, infinitiv sa “to” (ili full infinitive) glagola raditi glasi to
work a infinitiv bez “to” glasi work. U potvrdnom obliku samo na trece lice jednine dodajemo
nastavak -s. Za sva ostala lica ostaje osnovni oblik glagola, tj. nema nastavka.

Potvrdni oblik

Jednina (singular) Mnozina (plural)

1.I work. (Ja radim.) 1.We work. (Mi radimo.)
2.You work. (Ti radiš.) 2.You work. (Vi radite.)
3.He/she/it works. (On/ona/ono radi.) 3.They work. (Oni rade.)

U zavisnosti od toga kako nam se glagol zavrsava, nastavak za trece lice jednine moze imati
razlicite oblike. Na primer, ukoliko se glagol zavrsava na -o, -x, -ss, -ch, -sh onda cemo dodati
nastavak –es.

She goes. (go – ici)

She fixes. (fix – popravljati)
He kisses. (kiss – ljubiti)
He teaches. (teach – predavati)
-Ako se glagol zavrsava na –y i ukoliko je ispred njega suglasnik –y prelazi u –ie:
He cries. (cry -plakati)
It flies. (fly – leteti)

-Ako je ispred –y samoglasnik, onda nema promene:

She plays. (play – igrati)
He stays. (stay – ostati)

Izuzetak je glagol have (imati) koji u trećem licu glasi has.

Upitni oblik
Upitni oblik glagola u Present Simple Tense-u se gradi od pomocnog glagola do, odnosno does
(za trece lice jednine) i osnovnog oblika glavnog glagola.

Sva pitanja se u engleskom jeziku dele na Yes/No pitanja i Wh– pitanja. Yes/No nemaju upitnu
rec i na njih se moze odgovoriti sa da ili ne. Wh- pitanja pocinju upitnom recju a one su: when,
what, why, where, how, how much, how many…

Yes/No pitanja:

Jednina (singular) Mnozina (plural)

1.Do I work? (Da li ja radim?) 1.Do we work? (Da li mi radimo?)

2.Do you work? (Da ti radiš?) 2.Do you work? (Da li vi radite?)
3.Does he/she/it work? (Da li on/ona/ono 3.Do they work? (Da li oni rade?)
Odricni oblik
Odricni oblik se gradi od odricnog oblika pomocnog glagola do (odnosno does za trece lice
jednine) u odricnom obliku i osnovnog oblika glavnog glagola. Odricni oblik formiramo tako sto
dodajemo negativnu reccu not uz pomocni glagol do, odnosno does za trece lice jednine.

Jednina (singular) Mnozina (plural)

1.I do not (don’t) work. (Ja ne radim.) 1.We do not (don’t) work. (Mi ne radimo.)
2.You do not (don’t) work. (Ti ne radiš.) 2.You do not (don’t) work. (Vi ne radite.)
3.He/she/it does not (doesn’t) work. 3.They do not (don’t) work. (Oni ne rade.)
(On/ona/ono ne radi.)
Change the verb into the correct form of Present Simple Tense:

1. London ____________(be) in England.

2. The summer __________ (be) hot.

3. She ___________ (drive) very well.

4. They __________ (open) the store at 8:00.

5. Linda______________(be) a very pretty girl.

6. I ______________(have) several jobs.

7. Water ________________ (boil) at 100 degrees.

8. Water_______________(freeze) at 0 degrees.

9. My sister ____________(speak) English very well.

10. He _____________ (have) a big apartment.

11. A triangle _________________ (have) three corners.

12. My birthday ______________ (be) in June.

13. Books _______________(have) pages.

14. Dogs _______________(be) good friends.

15. I __________________(work) hard.


1. _________________(I wake up) at five in the morning?

2. _________________(you go) to work by train?

3. _________________(she drink) coffee every morning?

4. __________________(he smoke)?

5. _________________ (it hurt)?

6. ____________________(we dance)?

7. ___________________(they travel)?

8. _____________________(Emma cook) well?

9. __________________________ (Alexander exercise) regularly?

10. ___________________________ (I look) well?

11. _______________________(you rest) enough?

12. _______________________(William work) too hard?

13. ____________________________(they travel) often?

14. ______________________________(Anthony go) to sleep too late?

15. _______________________________ (you bake) cakes?


1. I usually ________________________(go) to school in the morning.

2. They ________________(visit) us often.

3. You____________________ (play) basketball once a week.

4. Tom _______________________(work) every day.

5. He always _____________________ (tell) us funny stories.

6. She never _____________________(help) me with that!

7. Martha and Kevin __________________(swim) twice a week.

8. In this club people usually _____________________(dance) a lot.

9. Linda _____________________(take care) of her sister.

10. John rarely __________________(leave) the country.

11. We __________________(live) in the city most of the year.

12. Lorie _________________________ (travel) to Paris every Sunday.

13. My grandmother _______________________ (bake) cookies twice a month.

14. You always __________________(teach) me new things.

15. She _______________________(help) the kids of the neighborhood.


1. I _______________________ (not ride) horses.

2. You _______________________ (not sell) cars.

3. He ___________________ (not bring) gifts.

4. She ______________________ (not take) pictures.

5. It _________________________(not cost) so much.

6. We __________________________ (not seem) so happy.

7. They _______________________ (not buy) new products.

8. Michael ______________________ (not dance).

9. Michel __________________(not run) fast. ______________ (Jenny, run) fast?

10. Tim and Kate ______________________(not work) every day.

11. Lucas and Clara __________________(not eat) meat.

12. I __________________________(not swim) much.

13. You ________________________(not ski) at all.

14. It __________________________ (not hurt).

15. We ____________________________ (not give up).


1. Christopher ________________________ (drive) a bus.

2. We ________________________ (have) some money.

3. ___________________________(you watch) movies?

4. They ___________________________ (not work) for us.

5. I ________________________ (love) to dance.

6. She ___________________(have) many friends.

7. Alexis and her husband always ______________(come) for the summer.

8. ______________________(he draw) well?

9. James _______________________(not remember) me.

10. Laura ______________________ (be) a beautiful girl.

11. I __________________(not eat) cheese.

12. Cats ________________(like) to sleep.

13. You ______________________(be) a smart boy.

14. She ___________________(wash) the dishes every evening.

15. ___________________________ (you be) ready?

16. I _________________ (be) ready.

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