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would you like to go ti the bookshop with me?

We can meet at the bus stop at

111 am.

Jane wants to

invite Shirley to joing her

meet Shirley in the evening

walk to the bookshop with Shieley

to enter these races you must be able to run than 100 metres.

everyone can this competition

this competition is for people who can run over 100 metres.

he races in the compettition will be no more tah 100 metres long.

Are you free to come and help me with the geography homerwork?

i can't find my map

bill can't find his geography homerwork

jhon needs help with his school work

jhon wants to help beill with his homerwork

The waiting room is only for train passengers. Please keep the door closed when it is cold.

people not travelling by train can't use the room.

the door must ne kept clsed all the time .

everyone can enete the waiting room when it is cold.

members of the school team can get free tickets to this Sunday's match
in a bank

on a laptop scream

at a school's gym

the cellings in the old building are every low. very tall children must be careful.

this building is very high

it's easy ti hit your head if you're tall

old children may have an accident

Ana and Karla were talking on the phone to plan their outing. They met at the nearest museum
in the city. They saw many beautiful things. They spent a lot of time there. Then they went for
a coffee with another friend.

A todos los miembros de mi familia les gusta correr, incluso a mí. Pero a veces me resulta difícil
encontrar a alguien con quien correr. Mi hermano y yo a veces corremos juntos, pero él es
mucho más rápido que yo. Y mi padre está demasiado ocupado para venir en este momento.
Así que mi mejor compañera de carrera estos días es mi prima Mandy. Vamos casi todos los
días, ¡es genial! No salimos a correr cuando llueve, pero igual quiero mantenerme en forma
esos días, así que voy al gimnasio o juego al bádminton con mamá. Y a veces nado en la piscina
local. Eso es lo que más me gusta.

También escribo un blog sobre correr. Empecé a escribirlo porque me gustaba escribir posts
sobre dónde salgo a correr, cómo me siento cuando corro y el tipo de equipamiento que me
gusta llevar. Ahora mucha gente sigue mi blog y me da muy buenos consejos. Algunos incluso
dicen que empezaron a correr después de leer mi blog, ¡así que es genial!
Por supuesto, no todos mis amigos están interesados en correr, así que no les pido que me
acompañen. Pero pueden ver que es muy importante para mí, y siempre quieren saber sobre
mis últimas carreras, así que eso está bien.

Me gustaría mejorar mi forma de correr para poder participar en más carreras. He participado
en algunas carreras locales, pero nunca he ganado nada, pero eso no importa. Me gustaría
probar pronto una carrera de 25 km. Todo el mundo dice que es difícil, pero ya veremos.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

Hi John,

How are you?

Best wishes,

Dear Harry,

See you soon.

Thanks for your email.

It was nice to hear from you.

Bye for now.


Observa las diferentes formas de empezar y terminar un correo electrónico a un amigo. Elige
las que deben ir al principio de un correo electrónico.

Hola, John,

¿Cómo estás?

Te deseo lo mejor,

Querido Harry,

Nos vemos pronto.

Gracias por tu correo electrónico.

Ha sido un placer saber de ti.

Adiós por ahora.

Lily was wear her new dress, when I met her.

We were watching a film, when we heard a strange noise.

When you were calling me, I had dinner.

When my dad was getting home, my sister listened to music.


Narrator: Unit 13, Listening Part 3, Exercise 1.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Josh talking to his friend Kyra about


Kyra: There’s no school next week, Josh.

What are you going to do?

Josh: Hey, Kyra.

I’m going to buy some new clothes for snowboarding.

Kyra: Oh, are you planning to go snowboarding soon?

Yes, Dad isn’t free on Thursday or Friday so we’re going

on Saturday.
I can’t wait!

Kyra: Lucky you!

Josh: Yes, I love it.

Kyra: I’ve never gone snowboarding.

Is it expensive?

Josh: Well, I got an excellent pair of boots for ninety

pounds and

I bought a snowboard that wasn’t new, so it was only

eighty pounds.

And a ticket to go on our local ski mountain is forty

pounds a day.

So it isn’t cheap!

Kyra: And do you get very tired when you snowboard?

Josh: Yes, because the day is so long!

Dad likes us to get there for nine o’clock

so we can ski for an hour before the crowds come at ten.

That means we leave home at eight.

Kyra: Are you out all day?

Josh: Yes, we are.

Why don’t you come?

You’ll have an amazing time.

Kyra: Oh, no!

It isn’t safe.

I might break a leg or something and that would be


1  What is Josh going to buy?

A  new clothes for school

B  something to wear to do sport

C  a new snowboard

2  When is Josh going snowboarding?

A  Thursday

B  Friday

C  Saturday
3  How much did Josh’s snowboard cost?

A  £40

B  £80

C  £90
4  Josh starts snowboarding at
A  8.00 am.

B  9.00 am.

C  10.00 am.
5  Kyra thinks snowboarding is

A  dangerous.

B  amazing.

C  terrible.

For each question, choose the correct

1What does Marina say about computer games?

A  She plays them to take a break from studying.

B  Somebody pays her to play them.

C  Lots of them have got mistakes in them.

2Marina has been interested in computer games since

A  her mum became a photographer.

B  her dad bought her a computer.

C  she was a small child.

3What happened when Marina was 14 years old?

A  She didn’t get a job as a games tester.

B  She found an advertisement for a new video game.

C  She started to use the internet.

4What does Marina do as part of her job?

A  She teaches other people how to play the game.

B  She makes sure that she wins all the games.

C  She checks each game carefully more than once.

5How does Marina feel about her job?

A  She almost always enjoys it.

B  She doesn’t want to do anything else.

C  She thinks it can be boring.

Narrator: Unit 14, Listening Part 5, Exercise 1.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Annabelle talking to a friend about her


How does each family member contact her?

Boy: Hi, Annabelle!

What are you reading?

Annabelle: It’s a postcard from my uncle.

He’s a pilot and he often writes to me when he flies to

new places.
Boy: Does your aunt go with him?

Annabelle: No, she doesn’t.

She doesn’t like flying, but she sometimes calls me to see

how I am.

Boy: Really?

Has your cousin emailed you this week?

Annabelle: No, he never sends emails.

He prefers to write his news on his blog.

Boy: Oh, cool!

Doesn’t your brother have his own webpage, too?

Annabelle: Yes, but he never writes anything there.

He usually just sends messages on his phone.

Boy: Oh yes, I remember your last birthday.

We were writing a letter in our French class

when you got a message from him.

The teacher was really angry.

Annabelle: Did I say that my grandmother has just sent

me a card
with a funny cartoon on it about texting?

I don’t know where she gets them from.

Boy: Awesome!

Annabelle: Do you know, my mum’s phone is broken at

the moment.

She has to leave us messages on bits of paper instead.

Exercise one great question writes the correct answer in the gap write one word or a number
or a date or time

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