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Homework: Second and third conditionals

Objective: The student is able to recognize the context which he/she must
talk about imagine present and future situations, or to express the past consequences of
an unrealistic action or situation in past.

Writing Activity

Complete the second conditional sentences:

1. If I won the lottery, I would travel the world
2. If I had only one day to live, I would spend the whole day with my loved ones.
3. If I were famous, I would buy a mansion on a faraway island.
4. If I were the president, I would give free food to poor people.
5. If I were an animal, I would be a cat to sleep all day.
6. If I couldn’t speak, I couldn´t learn to speak in another language
7. If I lived in a big city like London, I could have a better job.
8. If I had an accident, I wouldn't be alive.

Speaking Activity
Activity: Prepare the answers for the following questions:
1. What would you have done if you had been the leader of the country during…?

If you had been the leader of the country, I would have provided education to children
and young.

2. What would your second choice for a university or degree subject have been?

If I hadn't studied Industrial Engineering, I would have studied law.

How would your life be different now if you had done that instead?

If I hadn't studied law, I would be a lawyer.

3. What would you have done in your last holiday if time, money etc. had been no limit?

If I had unlimited holidays, I would travel the world.

How could that have changed your life?

If I had traveled the world, I would have learned about different cultures.

4. How would your life have been different if you had been born a girl/ boy?

If I had been born a boy, I would have been a policeman.

5. How would your country be different if someone different had won the last election?

If Rodolfo Hernandez had won, the country would have turned into chaos.

6. If you could change one thing about your body or personality, what would it be?

If I weren't shy, I would be more daring.

7. What would you do if you knew that the world was going to be hit by a comet and
destroyed in one week?

If you knew that the world was going to be hit by a comet, I would enjoy traveling and
spending time with my family.

8. How would you have made … a success rather than a failure?

If I had a failure, I would have learned from my mistakes.

9. What things could make you emigrate?

If I had my job, I would have gone to another country to have a better future.

10. What would you do if you saw a UFO?

If I had seen a UFO, I would run away scared.

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