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Faith G.

Adalla BSA – Animal Science 3B


The University of Eastern Philippines, College of Agriculture Fisheries and Natural

Resources is celebrating the 65th founding anniversary with the theme, Agriculture
Innovation: Embracing the Impacts of the Covid19 Pandemic. In the first day of 65th
founding anniversary of CAFNR, I watch live in the page of CAFNR department, the speaker
is Ma'am Emily Adora wherein she tackled the title: "An Inspiration to the soul revisiting
CAFNR students values", I learned a lot in watching it live, she clearly discuss the
importance of online etiquette, i relate a lot regarding the topic, it is knowledgeable to the
students about the values that we need to understand about online etiquette, the values that
the students show to their professor and instructors during class and online session.

I observe the founding anniversary, and it was a lot of fun. There were a lot of
contests, such as singing competitions, quiz bees, and tiktok competitions. I was also amazed
by the spoken word poetry that was related to our founding anniversary theme. I also
appreciate watching each person give it their all in the competition. I appreciate watching the
professors join in singing; they are all excellent singers with a variety of styles in which they
perform their songs. The skills presentation is the most exciting part for me; they have an
outstanding and excellent demonstration, they present and act effectively, and I get
techniques on how to make the banana cheese roll, step by step. I also watched the bangus
deboning skills demonstration. I remember learning how to debone bangus in high school,
and it's a great demo. The product of mocha flavoured coffee, which is a unique technique of
brewing coffee, is the next thing on display, followed by abaca furniture, which is a really
wonderful and amazing product they do.

In the webinar, I learned a lot about several topics, including the title "Potential of
Protoplast in Genetic Improvement of Farmed Carrageenophytes and in Biofuel, Animal
Feeds, and Carrageenan Production," which was discussed effectively and timely relevant by
speaker Dr. Ronelie C. Salvador. I learned a lot about Hydroponics: The Future of Home
Gardening, which will be covered by Dr. Anita Mante, and it is eco-friendly DIY hydroponic
technology. Prof. Dindo Setenta also taught me new abilities in tree identification; the title of
it is "Basic in Tree Identification," and it is simple to understand and follow. These are all
interesting topics, and I will promote this session to my colleagues; the 65th founding
anniversary of CAFNR was a fantastic event.

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