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Recommendations Based on the findings of the study and the conclusions

derived from it, the following recommendations are as follows: Students should

be advised to limit the time they spend on social media platforms per day and

encourage them to spend those hours reading relevant academic books to

improve their knowledge. So, the students should better manage their study time

and prevent distractions that can be provided by social media. Parents should

strictly monitor their children's social media use and guide them in safe practices.

Prioritize their children before anything else, make sure they have a time limit on

using social media, and also give more attention to their studies. Teachers enact

rules and regulations restricting or prohibiting students from using social media in

order for them to use their online time wisely, maintain focus, and improve

academic performance. The teacher also needs to ensure that the students use

social media as a tool to improve their academic performance in school. The

school should need to consider the possibility of a review of the existing policy on

teenagers' exposure to social media. Another is that the school should punish the

students who are disobeying the existing policy. It depends on their actions and

the punishments given to them. Students who are against the rules are

repeatedly told

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