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Cosmology- derives from word cosmos means world

Logia= Study

Pythagoras = the univers expand around a central point or central fire,

Divine Shapes

counter earth is not visible because it is behind the central fire

Aristotle= Describes the moon phases or phases of the moon. And stated that the sun
is farther from the
moon as well as the eart is round
Circular shadow, also the view when you travel south from orig pstion you will
observe star
Each of ancient elements have a certain weight where earth is heaviest and fire is
the lightiest

Aristarchus= the earth was moving around the sun or heliocentric view of the
but were reject and according to them if the earth is the center then the position
of sky should be different
as the earth revolves around the sun there must be a change or
STELLAR PARALLAX, Parallax Angle, The Pleiades

Eratosthenes= measured the circumference of shadow using sticks

Hipparchus= dealth observatories and measured the position of objects in the sky.
He designated
coordinates or positions of stars in sky or equatorial coordinate system. Apparent
or Apparent

Star of the First Magnitude= Maliwanag

2nd-lower= faint

Thuban old name for North Star

The stars were moving every one degree every century
you weigh more when on north, earth is not perfect square

Thuban- 3,000 BC
Vega AD 14,000
Polaris- Current

Claudius Ptolemy= the first to make heliocentric model.

Ptolemy supplemented the material hipparchus made

Retrogade Motion- apparent change in the motion of the planet

it doesn't support the first model ptolemy made so he improved it
retrogade happens or movement from east to west as months past by
As the earth passes the planet

but during time of ptolemy they couldnt explain the retrograde motion
so ptolemy solved the problem by having a planet or epicycles where the orbits
of planet is small so it could move faster


When the planet is on position x it's moving on the same direction or counter
and the center of it is also rotating counter clockwise
It will have the same motion as deferent

on y part the movement is to the right while on x is on the left

Equant Point

On the 2 and 3 is what we called the Retrograde Motion

Dark Ages

Renaissance- most important event is the displacement of earth from the center of
the universe

Nicolause Copernicus- made 3 contributions to astronomy

-Heliocentric Model of the solar system
-Concluded that earth is just a planet and all planet revolves around the sun
-The Earth is one of the 6 planets
-New model of universe
-But still cant prove that earth revolves around the sun

Galileo Galilei
-The first one to use spyglass or what we call telescope this age to observe the
celestial objects
-discovered that the moon is not a perfect crystal and is covered with craters
-moons do not revolve around the earth but revolves around the jupiter or what we
call Galilean Moons
-venus has faces, sometimes venus is crescent, quarter or full face
-crescent face is always observe from venus, a strong evidence that earth is not
the center
- and it is only possible with the sun centered
-Discovered the sunspots which states that sun is not covered with crystals
-his discovery were not accepted by religious or church and got house arrest

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