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A Roadside Stand Summary in English by Maths NCERT Solutions

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June 1, 2020 by Prasanna

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A Roadside Stand Summary in English by RobertCLS 6 CLS 6

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A Roadside Stand Poem by Robert Frost About the Poet RS Aggarwal Solutions RD Sharma Solutions

One of the America’s foremost poets of the twentieth century, Robert Frost was born in San Francisco and
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lived there till the age of eleven. When he was just eleven, he moved to England. In 1911, due to some
circumstances, he sold his farm in Derry, New Hampshire and moved with his family to England. Here, he
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met and received the support of Ezra Pound.

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Frost received four Pulitzer prizes and Prizes like Bollinger Poetry Prize (1963). Robert Frost’s (1874¬1963)
best works include ‘Birches’, ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’, ‘Mending Walls’, and ‘The Road Not RS Aggarwal Class 7 RD Sharma Class 11
RS Aggarwal Class 6 RD Sharma Class 12

Poet Name Robert Frost

Born 26 March 1874, San Francisco, California, United States

Died 29 January 1963, Boston, Massachusetts, United States Search the site ...

Poems The Road Not Taken

Awards Robert Frost Medal, Pulitzer Prize for Poetry

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A Roadside Stand Summary by Robert Frost
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Robert Lee Frost was an American poet who lived from 1874 to 1963. His simple style of writing, I realistic Solutions Chapter 8 Remainder and Factor
depiction of rural life and constant reference to nature made him one of the most in uential : poets in Theorems Ex 8A

American history. His most famous poems include ‘Mending Wall’, ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ MCQ Questions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 2
and ‘Birches’.He received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry four times. Polynomials with Answers

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A Roadside Stand Theme
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The poem, ‘The Roadside Stand’ is Robert Frost’s scathing criticism of an unequal society where there is a
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huge division between the rich and the poor, the haves and the have-nots, owing to the inequitous
distribution of wealth. The poem depicts, with clarity, the plight of the poor and the complex dynamics of
their existence. It also focuses on the unfortunate fact that the unequal progress and development between
cities and villages have led to the feelings of distress and unhappiness in the rural people.

A Roadside Stand Summary in English

The poem “A Roadside Stand”, composed by Robert Frost is about a farmer who puts a little new shed in
front of his house on the edge of a road. Several thousands of cars speed past it. He desires to sell wild
berries, squash and other products. He does not like charity. He tries to sell his products for money. He
believes that money can give him a better lifestyle as he saw in the movies. However, his hopes are never
ful lled. People in cars go past without even giving a cursory look at his stall. And if few of them happen to
look at it, they see how the letters N and S had been turned wrong. They believe that such badly painted
signs spoil the beauty of the countryside.

Nevertheless, a few cars did stop. One of them desired to take a U-turn. It came into the farmer’s yard and
spoiled the grass. Another car stopped to know the way. And one of them stopped as it needed petrol,
though it was quite evident that the farmer did not sell petrol.

The poor village people had little earning. They have not seen much money. They lead a life of poverty. It is
known that some good-doers plan to remove their poverty. They aimed to buy their property on the roadside
to build theatres and stores. They plan to shift the villagers into the village huddled together. They wished to
teach them the ways that could change their good and healthy habits. They even aimed to teach them to
sleep during day time. The ‘greedy good-doers’ and ‘bene cent beasts of prey’ desired to force the bene ts
on the poor village people and befool them.

The poet feels quite miserable at the pitiable sufferings of the poor village folk. He even had a childish
desire for all the poor to be done away with at one stroke to end their pain. But he knew that it is childish
and vain. So, he desires that someone relieves him of his pain by killing him.

A Roadside Stand Summary Reference-to-Context Questions

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. The little old house was out with a little new shed
In front at the edge of the road where the tra c sped,
A roadside stand that too pathetically pled,

a. Where had the little new shed been put up and why ?
A poor farmer had put up the shed at the edge of the road.

b. What imagery does the rst line create?

It creates the imagery of an impoverished farmer’s home and a roadside stand that he has set up.

c. Where is the shed set up?

“ le little new shed is set up in front of his house which is on the edge of the road.

d. What is the poetic device used in the third line?

Personi cation has been used in the third line. The shed has been personi ed. It pleads pathetically for
some extra cash ow.

2. It would not be fair to say for a dole of bread,

But for some of the money, the cash, whose ow supports
The ower of cities from sinking and withering faint.

a. Why does the peasant not want bread?

The poet stresses that the peasant does not want bread or the basic amenities of life but a source of
alternate income, apart from his trade.

b. What does the peasant yearn for?

The peasant yearns for some of the city money to sustain him better, and liberate him from his hand-to-
mouth existence.

c. How does money sustain cities?

Money in the cities, always in excess, brings luxurious bene ts.

d. Explain: ‘ ower of cities’.

This is a metaphor. Just as owers are kept from withering with extra care and nurturing, similarly, extra
cash ow helps cities to bloom and ourish.

3. The polished tra c passed with a mind ahead,

Or if ever aside a moment, then out of sorts
At having the landscape marred with the artless paint

a. Explain the poetic device in ‘The polished tra c’.

‘The polished tra c’ is a transferred epithet that depicts the sophisticated, urban city- dwellers.

b. Why are their minds ahead?

The urban rich have their minds preoccupied with their own lives and its related problems.

c. How do they react to the presence of the stand?

They are indifferent to the presence of the roadside stand, if ever they chance to look at it.

d. Why do they feel out of sorts?

The presence of the roadside stand annoys them as they feel that it mars the beauty of the landscape.

4. Of signs that with N turned wrong and S turned wrong

Offered for sale wild berries in wooden quarts,
Or crook-necked golden squash with silver warts,
Or beauty rest in a beautiful mountain scene,

a. What do N and S turned wrong symbolise?

These inelegantly painted signposts and other rustic signs are a source of annoyance to the urban rich.

b. What does the stand sell?

It sells some home-grown produce like wild berries, crook-necked golden squash with silver warts and
amateur paintings of the mountain scene.

c. Explain: ‘beauty rest in a mountain scene’.

This probably refers to a scenic painting made by the inhabitants of the roadside stand, to sell to the rich

d. What qualities of the offered articles make them un t for sale?

The articles for sale at the roadside stand are wild and lack the polish of similar articles available in the
cities. Thus, they hold no appeal for the urban rich who drive past.

5. You have the money, but if you want to be mean,

Why keep your money (this crossly) and go along.
The hurt to the scenery wouldn’t be my complaint
So much as the trusting sorrow of what is unsaid:

a. How do the rich behave meanly with the poor?

When the rich city people refuse to buy anything from the roadside stand, the poor peasant feel dejected
and angry. They ask the city men to keep all their money with themselves and leave.

b. Explain, ‘trusting sorrow’.

‘Trusting sorrow’ is a metaphor that refers to the fact that the peasants set up their shed trusting that their
wares will attract the city folks to buy their products and thus, provide additional income. However, they are
lled with sorrow when no one shows interest.

c. What is the poet’s complaint?

The rich have hollow complaints such as hurt to the scenery. They are unable to understand the concerns
of the poor and their core level struggles.

d. What is ‘left unsaid’?

The poor wait in hope expecting the rich to ful ll their promises. Gradually, their hopes give way to the bitter
realisation that the promises of the rich are not meant to be ful lled.

6. Here far from the city we make our roadside stand

And ask for some city money to feel in hand
To try if it will not make our being expand,
And give us the life of the moving-pictures’ promise
That the party in power is said to be keeping from us.

a. What is ‘city money’?

Using light satire, Robert Frost criticises the political party in power for preventing the peasants from
enjoying the lifestyle like that of the city-dwellers.

b. What do the peasants want from the rich?

The poet stresses that the peasants want the generosity of the rich. They want promises ful lled in order to
have some extra cash to alleviate their suffering as promised by movies and political parties.

C. Why is feeling money in hand important?

it is important for the farmers to have the promised money in hand, instead of the empty and false
promises of the politicians.

d. Explain: ‘our being expand’.

The extra in ow of cash would help improve the quality of the lives of the poor peasants.

7. It is in the news that all these pitiful kin

Are to be bought out and mercifully gathered in
To live in villages, next to the theatre and the store,
Where they won’t have to think for themselves anymore,

a. Who are the ‘pitiful kin’?

Pitiful kin refers to the poor farmers living in rustic farmlands.

b. Who is buying them out and why?

Real estate agents buy them out and force farmers from villages to cities, promising riches. It bene ts them
temporarily, but the bulk of the bene t goes to these unscrupulous agents.

c. What is the good news for the poor?

The good news for the poor is that the government is planning to relocate them, as part of a welfare
scheme for the poor.

d. Why are they to be placed next to the theatre and the stores?
Cunning and manipulative politicians relocate them next to the theatre and the stores to make them
dependent and unable to think for themselves.

8. While greedy good-doers, bene cent beasts of prey,

Swarm over their lives enforcing bene ts
That are calculated to soothe them out of their wits,
And by teaching them how to sleep they sleep all day,
Destroy their sleeping at night the ancient way.

a. Explain: ‘greedy good-doers, bene cent beasts of prey’.

Greedy good-doers are apparent benefactors but actually ‘beasts of prey’ exploit the innocent village folk by
giving them a short term sense of security

b. Who are these people?

The greedy good-doers and bene cient beasts are the civic authorities, real estate agents who make the
poor complacent and lull them into a false sense of security.

c. Name the poetic devices used in the rst line.

‘Greedy good-doers’ and ‘bene cent beasts of prey’ are both oxymorons. Alliteration has also been used in
the rst line.

d. How do ‘they’ destroy the poor?

The brokers and estate agents promise farmers’ bene ts, so that the farmers will not have to think for
themselves as they will not be needy. Now sluggish, farmers will sleep all day, thereby losing their sleep by

9. Sometimes I feel myself I can hardly bear

The thought of so much childish longing in vain,
The sadness that lurks near the open window there,
That waits all day in almost open prayer
For the squeal of brakes, the sound of a stopping car,

a. What can the poet not bear?

The interminable wait of the farmer for prospective customers, distresses the poet.

b. What is ‘childish longing’? Why is it in vain?

The poor people’s futile expectation for city money has been compared to children longing for things
beyond their reach. It is in vain as the rich are too self-absorbed and hard-hearted to help them.

c. Explain the poetic device used in the third line.

Sadness has been personi ed, as it lies in wait, near the open window, desperately praying for a customer to

d. What does it pray for?

The personi cation is sustained as sadness prays for a city-dweller to stop by, and at least, enquire about
the prices of the farmer’s wares.

10. Of all the thousand sel sh cars that pass,

Just one to enquire what a farmer’s prices are.
And one did stop, but only to plow up grass
In using the yard to back and turn around;
And another to ask the way to where it was bound;
And another to ask could they sell it a gallon of gas
They couldn’t (this crossly); they had none, didn’t it see?

a. Explain: ‘sel sh cars’.

This is a transferred epithet. The people sitting in the cars are sel sh as no one has charity as motive as
they stop by.

b. Name the reasons for which the cars stop occasionally.

The cars stop either to reverse, or to ask for directions or to ask if they could buy a gallon of gas.

c. What is the queer demand of the city folk?

The insensitive city people ask if the roadside stand sold a gallon of gas, knowing fully well that gas was
well beyond their means.

d. What makes the people at the roadside stand ‘cross’?

With every passing car that stops, the farmer’s hope rises, only to be disappointed. None of them seem to
want what he has to offer. This makes the people at the roadside stand cross.

11. No, in country money, the country scale of gain

The requisite lift of spirit has never been found,
Or so the voice of the country seems to complain,

a. What is country money?

Country money is the meagre income and the meagre pro t that the poor farmers make. In no way does it
compare with the a uence of the rich in cities.

b. How has the country scale of gain helped the farmers?

It has not freed them from their poverty. It has not provided them with the extra cash that is required to
improve the quality of their lives.

c. How does money provide ‘the requisite lift of spirit’?

Money is a very important factor in modern living. It provides con dence and gives an additional lift to one’s

d. What is the complaint of the villagers?

No matter how hard the villagers try, they can never make as much money as their counterparts in the city.
Thus, they never have the money to enjoy the luxuries that the city people have.

12. I can’t help owning the great relief it would be

To put these people at one stroke out of their pain.
And then next day as I come back into the sane,
I wonder how I should like you to come to me
And offer to put me gently out of my pain.

a. What kind of relief does the poet visualise for the poor?
Frustrated by the helplessness of the villagers, Frost offers to end the lives of the poor at one stroke and
liberate them from their grief and pain.

b. What makes him change his mind?

Thankfully, common sense prevails before he has taken the thought too far. Sanity returns to him the day
after he has had this thought.

c. What is the truth that he realises?

When Frost wonders how he might feel when someone found him in pain and decided that death was the
best option for him, he realises the futility of his earlier thought.

d. What is the poet’s pain?

The poet’s pain is the iniquitous divide between the rich and the poor, the interminable wait that the poor
must endure for their misery to be addressed and their suffering to end.

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