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The text:

The fully autonomous robot taxi has passed the legal hurdles for use
1 on the roads of Nevada and California after hundreds of thousands of hours'
testing through cities and traffic. Now Robot Car UK is set to follow suit.
The team at Oxford University led by Prof Paul Newman has equipped a
Nissan LEAF electric car with lasers and cameras and stuffed a computer in
the boot. First they drive it manually to construct a sensor map of the road and
its surroundings. Next time it can travel that route in driverless mode.

Proponents like Prof Sebastian Thrum from Stanford University argue

that robot cars will dramatically reduce the number of deaths on the road by
using their sensors to detect other cars and pedestrians quicker and more
reliably than a human driver and maneuver to avoid them. A robot car will not
get distracted by the attractive woman across the road or the screaming child
in the back seat and it won't get sleepy .One great advantage of the
autonomous car we shouldn't overlook is that it could greatly help those who
are physically disabled or partially sighted. Newman said: "I would dearly love
my father, for example, to not be worried about dependency on others for
transport. Newman is optimistic that if the developments are taken slowly,
they will be safer. That is certainly what he is planning for the UK. He does not
see a sudden step change in transport. The Robot Car will only take over on
short stretches of road for now or in tedious traffic jams. His cautious
approach is wise. One serious accident would set robot cars back a long way.
Some people fear that autonomous cars will take away their liberty and
individuality. The ad for the 2011 Dodge Charger car plays on this. It depicts a
3 near future in which robots are doing everything for us. The main character in
this advertisement asserts his masculinity by ripping the head off a robot
driver while the voiceover says, "robots can take our clothes, our food and our
homes but they will never take our cars". He then drives off aggressively at
high speed.
If the robot car can genuinely cut down on fatal road accidents and let
granny drive when she is over 100, we need to take these developments very

Glossary: Hurdles=difficulties / stretches=areas


kerker secondary Global Test Mrs. Meddeb

School No2 Duration: 2 h

Academic year: 2012/2013 Class: 4 arts 1

Name : ………………………… class :…………… Number :…………………

i. Reading comprehension:

1. tick the correct option: 1mark

The text is mainly:

 narrative  expository  argumentati


2. complete the table with information from the

text:3 marks

Invention Advantage Disadvantage

…………………………….. ……………………………..
…………………………… ……………………………

3. answer these questions: 2 marks

a. Who can benefit most from the robot taxi {p2}?


b. Is the advertisement in (p3) for or against robot


c. …………………………………………………………

4. Correct these false statements with details from

the text:3 marks

a) The robot car uses fuel to move.(p1)


b) the newly invented car will be more

dangerous than ordinary cars. (p2)


c) Newman is hopeless that the robot car

will be successful. (p2)


5. Find in the text words having nearly the same

meaning as the following (3marks):

a. Self-

b. Decrease(p2)

c. Mortal(p4)=………………………

6. what do the underlined words in the text refer


it(p1) refers to:………………………………

their (p4) refers to:………………………………

7. If the robot car is now in Tunisia will you use it?

Why? Why not? 1 mark.


ii. Language: 10marks

1- Fill in the blanks with words from the box. {There

is an extra word} 4marks.

that - Cloud - Romanticism - nature - daffodils - interesting - of - stanzas –


William Wordsworth was one of the major

poets of his time honored as England's Poet

Laureate. He was a …………………poet who helped
to coin the term '………………………..' in English
Literature. One of the major works of William
Wordsworth is: the Daffodils or 'I Wandered Lonely
as a ………………………..' a Poem ………………
William Wordsworth wrote on a stormy day in spring,
while walking along with his sister Dorothy near
Ullswater Lake, in England. He imagined that the
………………………….were dancing and invoking
him to join and enjoy the breezy nature of the fields.
Dorothy Wordsworth, the younger sister
…………………William Wordsworth, found the poem
so ……………that she took 'Daffodils' as the subject
for her journal. The poem contains six lines in
four……………………….as an appreciation of

2- Put the words between brackets into the correct

tense or form: 4marks

Yesterday a warning was issued over the

dangers of digital music players, following the death
of a young (finance) …………………analyst.
Mathew Johnson, 22, was rushing to work to work
while (listen)………………… to music through
headphones on his MP3 player when he (hit)
………………by a lorry. Dr. Chapman warned that
thousands who received MP3 players and walkman
as gifts should take extra (careful)
……………………”There are huge dangers when
you (be) ……................ not fully aware because
you are listening to music on some device”, Dr.
Chapman said. Mr Johnson, who (employ)
…………………. by a large company, was just 15
minutes to work. A witness who (drive)
……………………. behind the lorry said: “He was
wearing headphones and listening to music. It
looked as if he wanted (cross) ……………........
behind the lorry but somehow hit the back edge”.

3- Choose the correct alternative: {2marks}

Technology improves our quality of life. Some
of the (more/most) important discoveries we have
(done/did) would not have been possible without the
usage of technology. Things like the internet have
definitely changed the perspective we had of
distances. Now we can just connect to the World
Wide Web and communicate with people
(which/who) are miles away from us, all this in real
time, or if you prefer, we could just take a plane and
fly overseas to visit (their/them).

iii. Writing: 15 marks

A. Rephrase the following sentences using: so that

or so…that: 5 marks

a) He was talented. He creates unbelievable things.


b) The poets write poetry. They can express their



c) She is addicted to internet. She spends the whole

day online.


d)Alfred Nobel invented the dynamite. They clear huge

mountains to turn it into productive land.


e) They are creative. They are awarded the Nobel



B. The essay:10 marks

Some people think that video games have
several advantages, whereas others think
that they are dangerous for children. What do
you think?
Write a 12-line article in which you express
your opinion using appropriate arguments.


 adherence to task and content adequacy:

 lexical appropriacy and grammar


 mechanical accuracy (punctuation,
capitalization and spelling):

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