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of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80 Illrl ¸

The effects of in-store displays and feature advertising

on consideration sets
G r e g M . A l l e n b y *, J a m e s L G i n t e r
Max M. Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University, 1775 College Road, Columbus, OH 43210, USA


A heteroscedastic random utility model which allows for a flem~alepattern of cross elasticities at tire homehokl
level is explored. This flexibility enables the model to describe patterns of price sensitivity among competing ~rands
. . . . . . . . . . . . . F. . . . . . . . . . ,.,,,u~.tmve structure reflected in consideration sets. The effects of displays and features on
these price sensitivities and the consideration sets are examined. The model is applied to scanner panel data of t~a~
purchases, where in-store displays and feature advertisements are found to increase product net utility and decrease
price sensitivity for the promoted item.

Keywords: Heteroscedastic logit; Bayes Theorem

1. Introduction priced with larger margins and enjoy greater than

normal profits. This product differentiation stxat-
There are two general approaches that can egy is often directed at a target market niche.
lead to financial success for brands in a competi- The end result is less competition, larger margins,
tive market. The first is for the brand to position and abnormally hig~ profit as long as suffg'ient
itself at the core of the market where customer economies of scale can be realized.
demand is greatest. However, this placement is Successful product differentiation strategies by
also where competition is greatest and leads to a ~.ompetL,g firms to variety in the product
situation where products must be priced competi- Gfferings. Buyers choosing from among these op-
tively and abnormal profits are unlikely. A second tions will consider them to different degrees.
potential strategy is for the brand to achieve a Empirically, households have been observed to
position of product differentiation, in which there choose from subsets of the available brands
are no close substitutes. To the extent that this (Gensch, 1987; Silk and Urban, 1978). This f'md-
differentiated position appeals to a sufficient por- ing is consistent with eco,lomic modeLs of search
tion of the market, it enables the brand to be (Hauser and Wernerfelt, 1990, Roberts and L a b
tin, 1991) and FsTchological models of memory
(Nedungadi, 1990). The growing literature on
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1-614-292-9452; fax: + 1- consideration sets (see Shocker et al., 1991) sug-
614-292-0879; e-mail: g m a +; gests that these subsets w~y across honseho[ds

0167-8116/95/$09.50 © 1995 Elsev/er Science B.V. A~l fights reserved

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68 G.M. A ~ , J.l~ Ginter / lntenL J. of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80

and change depending on usage situations and and then makes a final selection from the subset
marketing a c t ~ e s . Therefore a critical issue is (see Swait and Ben-Akiva, 1987a; b; Hauser and
the extent to which household consideration sets Wernerfelt, 1990; Roberts and Lattin, 1991). The
can be influenced by marketing variables to assist purpose of these models is to explain why and
in the ~np]ementatinn of a product differentia- how consideration sets are formed.
~rdtegy. We study household choices with a single-stage
This paper e~arnines the influence of merchan- model which allows for a less well-defined set of
di~ng variables on household consideration sets considered alternatives. Shocker et al. (1991, p.
using a s~nner-panel dataset of tuna purchases. 193) suggest this may be a more descriptively
Our model is estimated at the household level, accurate approach when decision makers do not
and allows for the consideration set to be influ- expend sufficient mental effort to arrive at a
enced by tbe in-store display ~-~d feature advertis- well-defined set of considered alternatives. In our
a c ~ i f i e s of the bratlds. We find strong evi- analysis of household purchases of canned tuna,
dence that consideration sets are more than just we examine consideration sets in terms of house-
sets of preferred brands, even in this simple prod- hold preferences and sensitivities to the market-
uct choice situation, l-"ne analysis indicates that ing mix of the choice alternatives. As a result our
Imuseholds more actively consider the price of analysis descriptively characterizes consideration
brands in the consideration set, and tend to ig- sets, but does not offer a theoretical explanation
nore the prices of brands outside the set. of how they are formed.
Furthermore, we present evidence that display Second, our analysis is conducted at the
and feature variables are important in considera- household-level and does not impose restrictions
tion set formation and product differentiation. on the variability of model parameters across
Failing to account for their effect results in households. This is an important aspect of our
severely biased estimates of household price sen- analysis since any mis-specification of household
sit~ty, l--nese resuits highlight the importance of preferences and sensitivities to variables such as
using models which are able to accurately reflect price will tend to confound the analysis of consid-
household choices. eration sets. Past theoretical and empirical stud-
The remainder of the paper is organized as ies of consideration sets (and product differentia-
foUows. Section 2 presents the models used in the tion) have not allowed for household heterogene-
analysis and contrasts them to the current litera- ity in all model parameters (e.g. Anderson et al.
tare on consideration sets. Section 3 discusses the 1992). Because of the relatively short purchase
estimation procedure used to produce the house- histories of households in our scanner-panel
hold-level estimates~ Section 4 then diseusses the dataset, our analysis requires use of a choice
data, and the results are presented in Section 5. model that can parsimoniously represent flexible
Concluding remarks are offered in Section 6. patterns of substitution.
There have been many descriptive models pro-
posed in the literature which are capable of rep-
resenting flexible patterns of substitution (i.e. an
2. The model arbitrary elasticity matrix). Examples include the
work of Carpenter et al. (1987) who concentrate
In ~ i s section we present a parsimonious ran- on aggregate market share analysis, and Batsell
dora utility model which pern~ts a flexible pat- and Polking (1985) who examine consumer choice.
tern of substitutL~-n (nc~-~!A) between choice al- The flexibility of these models is due to a rela-
ternat~'es. Our approach is different from past tively large number of attraction coefficients re-
attempts to empirically model consideration sets quired for a general specification of the model.
in two respects. First, we do not attempt to spec- These models are therefore not suitable for
k~y a structural model of choice in which a house- household-level estimation with scanner-panel
hold first identifies a subset of choice alternatives data.
G.M. Allenby, J.L. Ginter / Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80 69

Flexible patterns of substitution can also be extent to which a brand has differentiated itself is
achieved with a random utility model that does reflected in the magnitude of its cross e t a s ~ i e s ,
not assume lid errors. Random utility models ~/ij, for j ranging over the brands. Since the own
with correlated errors were originally proposed elasticity ~/ii is equal in m a g n i ~ to the ~ m of
by Hansman and Wise (1978) for the probit model the cross elasticities, "Yi, j ~h~,,prod~-~ dfffere~i-
and by McFadden (1984) for the logit model. ation can be parsimoniously viewed in ~ of
Researchers in marketing have adopted these the brand's own elasticity.
models as a means of avoiding the IIA property Consider the standard assumptions underbfiwg
(see for instance Allenby, 1989; Currim, 1982; random utility models (McFadden, 1974) where a
Kamakura and Srivastava, 1984; Moore and consumer (household) is selecting a brand from a
Lehmann, 1989). However, correlated errors in product line. Brands are as~umed to be ck~e
the probit model substantially increase the num- substitutes to each other, and this results in the
ber of parameters in the covariance matrix, and selection of only one brand. Brand i is chosen if
many of them are not well identified. McFadden's
nested logit model is more parsimonious, but it
Ui/p i > UJpj for all j
requires a-priori specification of homogeneous or
sets of brands for which the IIA property applies.
In other words, a relevant subset must be defined In Ui - In Pi > In U~- In pj for all j,
before the model is estimated, and this makes the
model difficult to implement when different where U/is the (constant) utility per unit of brand
households perceive different competitive sub- i with price Pi- Utility per unit is assumed to be
only partially observed and is .-node|ed as
In this paper we focus attention on a random a random component or error term:
utility model with independent heteroscedastic
l n U i - l n P i + e i > l n ~ - l n p i + e j for all j
error terms. This model is sufficiently parsimo-
nious to allow estimation on the household level (1)
while not imposing an a-priori relationship be-
Assuming iid extreme value errors (0, o-) re-
tween choice probabilities and elasticities. An
suits in the standard logit model with one price
important property of the heteroscedastic model
coefficient which is equal in magnitude to i / ¢
is that choice probabilities meet the homogeneity
(see also Swait and Louviere, I993):.
restriction associated with economic demand
functions and therefore insure against a monetary P r ( i ) = exp[ V ~ / o , ] / ~ exp[ Vj/~r ]
illusion (see Deaton and Muelbanrer, 1980, pp.
15-16). The homogeneity restriction can be ex- where Vi = In Ui - in Pi and Pr(i) is the p r ~
pressed in terms of elasticities such that - ~ i i = ity of choosing the ith brand. A limiting aspe~ of
-~i, j ~hj + ~/i: where ~/ii is the own price elasticity this model is its proportional draw (ILA) prope~y
of brand i, ~ij is the elasticity of brand i with in which price changes by one alternative affect
respect to a change in the price of brand j and the other alternatives in proportion to their
~/i~ is the income elasticity. It should be recalled probabilities. The logit model is intended to de-
that the effect of a price change can always be scribe choice between close s-bstitutes. It is rare,
decomposed into a substitution and an income however, that a price change in the jth altema-
effect. However, in a choice model with constant five would have a proportionately equal effe~ oa
marginal utility, such as those investigated in this all other brands. As discussed earlier, this r e s ~
paper, the income elasticity for the choice proba- is counter to the existence of consideration sets ff
bility is equal to zero (see Allenby and Rossi, it is assumed to hold across all available brands.
1991 for a detailed discussion). A parsimonious and flexib]e method of a[k~-
The homogeneity restriction results in a parsi- ing for the differential effects can be achieved by
monious definition of product differentiation. The allowing the random components in Eq. (1) to
70 G.M. Allenby, J.L. Ginter / Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80

have different variances (see also Hausman and implied by Eq. (1). The resulting integral, how-
Ruud, 1987). The idea behind this relaxation lies ever, can not be expressed in closed form:
in r e ~ i f i n g that the error term represents in-
Pr(i) =Pr(V~ +ei> |~ +ej for all j )
fo~-mafion not revealed to the modeler of the
consumer actions. It represents uncertainty asso-
v, +
d a t e d with, or noise added to, the deterministic
signal In U~- In p~ whose variability is a function
xF([v, - +
of price. This variance term is a model parameter
to oe estimated and should not be confused with X-'-F([V/- V/+ei]/~.)f(eil0.i)de,,
an error term which reflects overall model fit. (2)
Brands for which consumers are more respon-
s~'e to price changes would therefore have small where V/= in U/- In Pi, F is the standard cdf of
variance (to reflect a stronger price signal), while the extreme value distribution and f is the pdf. It
other brands would have larger variance. The should be noted that any distribution could be
variance term sets the relative weights of the assumed and similar results would be obtained.
deterministic and random components in model- We prefer to use the extreme value distribution
big the choice probability. As the variance in- for two reasons: it nests the standard logit model,
creases, the ratio of the signal (deterministic com- and it leads to analytic expression for the gradi-
ponent) to noise (random component) ratio de- ents and derivatives that are ol a similar structure
creases. This results in an attenuation of the (see Appendix A).
effect of price and smaller elasticity values. For The choice probability in Eq. (2) is seen to be
example, the model can describe brands with a function of the difference in the deterministic
large choice probabilities and small cross elastici- components of brand i versus the other brands,
ties with large values of In ~ and a large vari- compounded by the stochastic terms. Consider
ance. Coaversely, brands with small choice proba- the case where 0.1 > 0"2. The presence of 0" in the
b ~ i ~ aad large elasticity, are represented by small denominator of the factors results ip price changes
•~ u e s of In U~ and ~ . This flexible representa- in Brand 1 having less effect on the choice proba-
tion c,f own (and therefore cross) price elasticities bility than price changes in Brand 2. In addition,
is especiall~ appropriate for the study of inter- ori governs the range of likely values of e i and
brand competition, product differentiation and appears in each factor. A large value of 0.i re-
consideration sets. duces the relative effect of any brand's price on
The deterministic term V/ (equal to In ~ - the choice probability, while a small value serves
In p~) might be viewed as a simple representation to increase the effect of prices. The influence of
of "value for the money." Basing a choice proba- Brand l's price on the choice probability is a
b ~ t y on this term would imply that price changes function of both 0"1 and 0"i. Therefore, the choice
have a very direct effect on choice probability probabilities will exhibit a proportional draw
(e.g- high price elasticity). The situation may be property where price changes by Brand 1 have a
one, however, in which the choice probability is similar effect on all other brands only when the
affected more by other (unspecified) factors than 0"'s are the same for all brands.
by price. The effects of these unspecified factors The level at which the brand is being consid-
are reflected in the variance term. If these effects ered will also affect the relative magnitude of the
are substantial relative to price, the variance term model parameters. If the brand is not part of the
be large and the price elasticity will be small. consideration set, for example, the probability of
In general, the magnitude of the variance term is choice is likely to be affected primarily by factors
inversely related to the price elasticity, as de- which are not specified in the model. As a result,
sen'bed above. the variance will be large and the price elasticity
As ~ t h the standard logit model, choice prob- small. On the other hand, a brand which is under
abilities are obtained by evaluating the integral active and intense consideration will have the
G.M. Allenby, LL. Ginter / Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80 7t

probability of choice determined to a greater merle evaluation of a one-dimensiona| /u~gra|

extent by its utility and its price, as compared to which can be closely approximated using wen
the utility and price associated with the other known numerical techniques. Cho~c¢ probabili6es
brands. In this situation, the variance term will and gradients (see Appendix A) were all ¢va|u-
tend to be smaller and the price elasticity larger, ated using Simpson's rule with 150 intervals rang-
to reflect the lower importance of unspecified ing from - 5 to + 10 standard deviations of ej. In
factors. our application the standard deviations were
The heteroscedastic logit model is capable of reparameterized as exp[~] to ensure posRhce esti-
representing a variety of cross elasticity patterns, mates.
including those obtained from a nested logit The Bayesian estimation procedure of
model. If a cleanly partitioned set of considered and Allenby (1993) was used to obtain househokl
alternatives exists, then the heteroscedastic logit estimates, The distinguishing feature of tb~ esti-
model will indicate a matrix of cross elasticity mation method is that it provides unktne esti-
values consistent with this structure. In contrast, mates of all parameters for each househokL In
the nested logit model requires prior identifica- contrast, many researchers using scanner t~ne|
tion of mutually exclusive market partitions data employ estimation procedures that resuR in
through specification of the correlation pattern of parameters which describe only the variability of
e's before estimation can take place. The fact model parameters across the populatkm. Exam-
that prior specification of the elasticity structure pies include Chintagunta et al. (1991) who pro-
is not required is an important advantage of the pose a candom effects model for the haterce~s of
heteroscedastic model. It also permits a smoother, a logit model, ~nd Kamakura and Russe|[ (t989)
continuous transition between alternative com- who propose using a mixture model which ap-
petitive subsets. This is an important distinction proximates the distribution of heterogeneity with
which we will exploit in the next section. a finite number of mass points. The limitation of
both of these approaches is that they do not
result in unique estimates for each househokL
3. Estimation procedure More recently, advances in estimating hierar-
chical Bayesian random effect models have been
Various approaches exist for estimating pa- proposed by Allenby and Lenk (1994) for a
rameters in discrete choice models. Since our tic regression model, and McCulloch and Ro~s/
goal is to draw inference about the behavior of (1994) for the general probit model using Monte
specific individual households, we are critically Carlo methods of estimation (see Gelfand and
concerned about the limited number of observa- Smith, 1990). These random effect models are
t,.'ons available per household in scanner panel capable of yielding unique estimates for each
datasets. No more than 10 or so observations are household for standard logit and probit models.
available per year in many typical product cate- However, in the analysis presented below, more
gories. This rules out the use of estimators with general versions of the standard models are ex-
unknown small sample properties such as McFad- pk~red which can not be estimated with these
den's (1989) method of simulated moments which techniques.
is justified on asymptotic grounds. The extremely small number of o b s e r v a ~ s
A great deal of work has been done to study per household available in scanner panel datasets
the properties of estimators for the multinomial precludes the use of standara maximum like~i-
probit model with general covariance structure hood estimation procedures at the household
(e.f. Kamakura, 1989). For the general probit level. Estimation problems arise whenever a
model, complexities arise in evaluating the (n - 1) household is observed not to have purchased a[!
dimensional integral needed to obtain the choice of the items under study. In our data,set reported
probabilities. In contrast, the proposed het- below, none of the 225 households were observed
eroscedastic logit model only requires the nu- to have purchased all seven of the items in the
,'r2 G.M. AUen~,, ZL. Ginter / Intern. Z o f Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80

dataset. In riffs s e t t ~ , maximum likelihood esti- as modified to correspond to a single observation).

mates attempt to drive the fitted probabilities for This procedure typically results in a relatively
items not purchased to zero by setting certain diffuse prior, with standard deviations greater
parameters to/nfinity. than five. It therefore prevents the prior from
The solution to the problem of data scarcity is overwhelming the household data. Household pa-
to introduce additional information. This is pre- rameter estimates are based on the mode or" the
cisely what is done in random effects specifica- posterior distribution, which reflects a combina-
tions= information across all households is used to tion of household information and the standard
infer parameters of the distribution of hetero- maximum likelihood estimates. Note that in the
genci~. Alternatively., some researchers intro- worst case, in which no data exist for the house-
duce additional k~formation by way of restrictions hold, this proceaure is similar to other (aggre-
on the parameters (e.g. assurmng the price coeffi- gate) estimation approaches. This Bayesian esti-
cient is constant across households or groups of mation procedure can be viewed as starting with
l~mseholds). Ross/ and Allenby (1993) propose and then improving upon aggregate parameter
that the estimation problem be addressed through estimates through consideration of the available
a Bayesian framework and that information be household specific data.
introduced through a prior distribution on the Similar to maximum likelihood estimation, the
parameters. Inferences are then based on the mode of the posterior is obtained by first taking
posterior distribution. The impact is to move the the log of the posterior, which is equal to the log
fitted probabilities away from zero and one by likelihood plus the log prior. For a normally
moving the parameter estimates closer to the distributed prior, estimation algorithms are sim-
prior mean. ple modifications to standard routines, which are
A normally distributed prior is constructed by available upon request from the authors:
first estimating the choice model with loyalty Objective
coefficients across households (see Guadagni and
Function: log posterior = log likelihood
Little, 1983; Allenby and Rossi, 1991). The maxi-
- 1/2(0 - 0)'E- ~ ( 0 - O)
mum Likelihood estimates, with loyalty adjusted
Gradient: g(log posterior)=g(log likelihood)
coefficients, are taken as the prior mean, 0. The - E - t ( 0 - 0)
prior covariance matrix, Z, is taken as the vari- Hessian: H(log posterior)= H(log likelihood)
ance-covariance matrix scaled back to corre- _ ~-~- 1
spond to the amount of expected inform, ation
contained in one observation of data (this adjust- In the analysis presented below we find the pre-
ment is based on the Fisher Information Matrix, dictive perfo_rmance of the household-level esti-

Table 1
Description of the data
Brand (Abbr) Relative mar- Average Percent of purchases on
ket share ~ price paid Display Feature
In wQter
Chicken o~ the Sea (COSw) 0.47 0.51 0.18 0.55
SlarkLq (STKw) 0.13 0.76 0.04 0.15
3 D~mond (3DIAw) 0.09 0.69 0.04 0.17
House Brand (HSEw) 0.03 0.66 0.02 0.12
ChL~en of the S~d (CuSp) 0.17 0.53 0.17 0.52
Starkdst (STKo) 0.07 0.75 0,02 0.22
3 Diamond (3DIAo) 0.04 0.70 0.05 0.12
a Relative market shares add to 1.09. These brands represent 87% of total category volume.
G.M. Allenby, J.L. Ginter/ Intern. J. of Researchin Marketing,12 (1995) 67-80 73

mates to be better than aggregate estimates that water based t u n a separately from the t u n a pack-
rely o n loyalty variables to account for hetero- aged in oil. Both of t h e m alternative m o d e ~
geneity. result in probability functions thet ~atL~ the
homogeneity restriction of d e m a n d func~kms. The
a-priori specification of a water versus oil market
4. Empirical analysis structure is based on the observation tha~ p r ~
form has b e e n found to be a reasonable basis for
A scanner panel dataset of t u n a purchases in partitioning the markets of a n a m e r of other
Springfield, Missouri is used to contrast the prop- products, e.g. tub versus stick margarine,
erties of the proposed model to a n u m b e r of brewed versus instant coffee. O t h e r specif~'atk~r~
alternatives. The data were extracted from a large of the nested logit model have b e e n i m a e s t ~ t ~ [ ,
E R I M (A.C. Nielsen) database and pertain to and they result in poorer in-sample a n d predic-
one of four chains in the city (chain 3). This chain tive fits to the data.
was selected to investigate the effect of high The heteroscedastic m o d e h differ in the
promotional activity by one of the brands n e r in which display and feature var/ables
(Chicken of the Sea). The dataset is comprised of the model. In the first model, dhplay argi fe~Rure
seven 6.5 oz. tunas which account for 87% of the are constrained to influence only the d e t e ~
total category volume. Four items are packaged tic c o m p o n e n t ( V ) in Eq. (2), while in the second
in water a n d three are packaged in oil. A descrip- medel they are constrained to hffluence ~ o,.
tion of the data is presented in Table 1. The The third model allows display and feature to
explanatory variables include price, the presence influence both V and ~r:
or absence of a n / n - s t o r e display, and a second
d u m m y variable equal to one if an item is fea-
tured in a major advertisement. Heterosce- Parameterizz:tion
T h r e e version of the heteroscedastic logit dastic Model
model are examined in the analysis presented
below, along with two standard models. T h e stan- t ; = f ( p , d, f )
dard models are the one-price coefficient logit V = f ( p ) ; ~r~-g(d, f )
model and a nested logit model that groups the V = f ( p , d, f ) ; o = g ( d , f )

Table 2
In-sample and predictivefits
Model Parameters In-s~.ple fit Predictive fit (601 obs)
Log-like Obs. Hit Pr [H/t Log-like

Aggregatemodels with loyalty

Logit 10 - 808.81 814 0.697 0.551 - 498.60
Nested Logit 12 - 796.36 814 0.702 0.552 - 487.57
Heteroscedastic Logit l 17 - 795.22 814 0.681 0.535 - 514.40
Hcteroscedastic Logit 2 17 -786.22 814 0.712 0.519 -495.85
Heteroscedastic Logit3 19 - 776.82 814 0.712 0.535 - 489.07
LogR 9 - 835.68 a 1530 ~).705 0.649 - 526.86
Nested Logit 11 - 831.26 1530 0.710 0.629 - 526.47
Heteroscedastic Logit 1 15 -825.17 1530 0.682 0.588 -519.35
Heteroscedastic Logit 2 15 -644.66 1530 0.705 0.652 -589.90
Heteroscedastic Logit 3 17 -452.68 1530 0.712 0.678 - 8t3.71
a For the household-levelmodels, fit is measured in terms ef the log posterior = log likelihood+ log prior. The ~'k~r va.F~Rce
corresponds to the expected informationcontained in one observationof data.
74 G.M. A / t e n b y J.L. C-liner~Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80

where f ( p , d, f ) = f l 0 - In price + fldDisplay + the aggregate-level models, implying that thert

flrFeature and g(d, f ) = exp[T0 ~ yaDisplay + exists substantial household heterogeneity in
yfFeature]. These specifications allow the investi- model parameters beyond that captured by loy-
gation of whether disp|ay and feature variables alty variables.
serve to change a brand's net utility (model 1), its The third heteroscedastic model fits the data
price sensitivity (level of perceived differentiation best at both the aggregate and individual level.
and consideration) ha model 2, or both (model 3). However, because the number of parameters dif-
All models were estimated at the aggregate- fers across models and estimation procedures, we
level, using loyalty variables, and at the house- also report predictive measures of fit to assess
~ d - l e v e l using the estimation prn_cedure de- which model is most consistent with the data. The
scribed above. For the aggregate-level models, goal of traditional statistics based on in-sa:a~ ~= fit
the first third of the data was used to construct such as Akaike's (1974) AIC or Schwarz:s (1978)
|~jalty variables ec,val to the model residual for BIC criterion is to approximate the predictive fit
each household. The loyalty of the hth household of the model by penalizing the likelihood for the
for the jth brand is def'med as: number of parameters. Since the household-level
models were estimated in this analysis by maxi-
mizing the posterior rather than the likelihood,
more reasonable evidence for the models can be
where Yajt is an indicator variable of purchase, obtained by examining their actual predictive fits
Ph~ are the fitted choice probabilities and N h is on a holdout sample.
the number of purchase occasions for the hth Three measures of predictive fit are provided
household. As discussed by Allenby and Rossi in Table 2: (1) the hit rate, defined as the propor-
(1991), traditional loyalty measures based on ob- tion of times the choice alternative with the high-
served purchases (see Guadagni and Little, 1983) est probability is actually selected; (2) the average
do not consider the possibility that a household hit probability, defined 2~ the average choice
may appear to he loyal to a brand because it was probability of selected alternative (Pr i Hit): and
frequently promoted. The above specification ac- (3) the log-likelihood which imposes a logarithmic
counts for the promotional activity through the penalty, function on the probability of the se-
choice probability. lected alternative.
Aggregate-leve~ estimates are based on the In general, the average hit probabilities are
second third of the data, while the final third was substantially better for the household-level mod-
reserved for pr¢:~edve testing. Household-level els but the log-likelihood values are worse. This is
estimates are based on the first two-thirds of the due to two factors: (1) the logarithmic function
data. which assigns an increasingly severe penalty to
choices with predicted probabilities near zero,
and (2) the fact that in our data we find over 15%
5. Results of the households purchase outside their "choice
set" in the hold-out sample. If these unexpected
observations are removed from the analysis then
5.L Made! fit the predictive log-likelihood for the household
level models becomes -248.34 for the logit
The ha-sample and predictive fits of the logit, model; -261.85 for the nested logff model; and
nested Iogit and heteroscedastic logit models are - / I A ,7 r_
---,~'~..:~, -248.03 and -246.73 for the three
presented ~ Table 2. The in-sample fit is mea- he'.eroscedastic models (n = 522). Therefore the
sured "~n terms of the log posterior ( = log likeli- su0erior log-likelihoods of the more simple
h ~ + log prior) while the predictive fit is re- household-level models are due to the fact that
p o ~ e d in terms of the log likelihood. TP,e fits of they yield less extreme predicted choice probabil-
the household-level models are much better than ities.
G.M. Allenby, LL. Ginter / Intern. J, of Research in Mar,t;eting 12 ('995) 67-8~) 75

On balance, the analysis provides most support tic model_ 3. As with the :~t~.~,qard i~vg~ra~.~,t, ~he.
for the household-level heteroscedastic logit intercept of one choice alternative (H3Eo) it: ~
model 3. In this model, in-store displzys and model is arbitrarily se~ to z~-o t~.~~chieve ge.Pstb
feature advertising influence both V and tr in Eq. cal identification. Aggregate-[e~-el e~tim~t::~ e ~
(2). This model has the best in-sample fit, and standard errors are reported on :he ie.q sine of
results in the best hit rates and hit probabilities the tabl::, while mean, minimum and maximum of
for the household-level analysis. As indica~ecl tne household-leeel es~.imat~s are r e ~ r g e d on the
above, this model is extremely accurate for the right side of the table. Two loyalty coeff~c~e~
85% of the sampie whose hold out purchases were estimated in the aggregate-le¢el model (one
were consistent with their historical choice behav- for V and one for o-), while none were estimated
ior. Its poor performance with the log.likelihood in the household-level models.
criterion is due to the fact that it leads to more There are two interesting results ~ d
extreme pl,~babilities that are heavily penalized with the aggregate-level estimates. Fh's¢, the rib-
with a logarithmic function. play and feature coefficients exhibit a signifi-
cantly l~siti'-e influence on V, and feature signifi-
5.Z Parameter estimates cantly influences o-. These merchandising vari-
ables selve to increase the net utility of the brarrd
Table 3 reports parameter estimates for both (V) and reduce the influence of price by decreas-
the aggregate and household-level heteroscedas- ing the "signal-to-noise" ratio (i.e. increasing the

Table 3
P a r a m e t e r estimates for hetercscedastic Logit Model 3
Aggregate-level estimate:; Household-level estimates a
(standard e r r o r )
Mean Min. Max.
V/=/30i - In Pi + g'X

COSw 0.552 (0.181) 0.462 - 3.505 1.657
STKw 0.563 (0.180) 0.449 - 3.332 1.458
3DIAw 0.347 (0.167) 0.193 -3.418 1.366
HSEw - 0.043 (0.281) - 0.209 - 3.245 3.263
COSo 0.174 (0.191) 0.191 - 4.305 2.tY20
STKo - 0.172 (0.254) - 0.044 - 5.954 2,635
3DIAo 0 0 0 0
Display 0.165 (0.060) 0.00t - 1.109 1.353
Feature 0.124 (0.038) 0.131 - 0.930 0.872
Loyalty 0.092 (0.076) 0 0 0
Sigma~ = ex~y0i + y'X]:

COSw -- 1.580 (0.205) - 2.878 - 5.942 2.669
STKw - 2.639 (0.407) - 3.899 - 8.401 O.159
3DIAw - 1.788 (0.166) - 2.193 - 4.818 0.624
HSEw - 1.362 (0.9,36) - 1.869 - 4.143 - 0.785
COSo - 1.483 (0.187) - 2.505 - 6.201 1.411
STKo - 1.165 (0.186) - 1.936 - 4.274 3.706
3DIAo - 1.351 (0.232) -2.115 -5.399 -0.133
Display 0.134 ( 0 . 1 6 9 ) 0.294 - 4.188 4.043
Feature 0.631 (0.I 14) 0.336 - 2.037 3.12e2
Loyalty 2.508 (0.260) 0 0 0

a R e p o r t e d are the m e a n , m i n i m u m a n d m a x i m u m o f the distribution o f household estimates.

76 G.M. Allenby, Z L. Ginter /Intern. J. o f Research in ,Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80

relative influence of non-price factors). As dis- equal in magnitude to the sum of the cross elas-
cussed above, the reduction of own price elastic- ticities, Ei,jr/ii. In models of discrete choice,
ity also implies a reduction of ~oss-elasticity for where the outcome variable is a probability, the
the competing brands. The position of the pro- elasticity is equal to the derivative of the choice
rooted item will therefore be enhanced with re- probability with respect to log price. Since a
spect to the consideration set. This effect is par- probability is already a percentage, this derivative
fieularly strong for feature advertisements, sug- is equal to the change L-. the choice probability (a
gesting that households may limit *,he amount of percentage change) with respect to a percentage
in-store brand evaluation more with features than change in price. Since this derivative is equal to
with in-store displays. the sum of the cross-derivatives, it also represents
Second, the results indicate that the loyalty the expected switching that can be expected for a
variables also serve to increase the signal-to-noise percentage price change.
ratio (o-), and do ffot significantly affect a house- Table 4 reports the own price derivatives with
hold's net utility for the brand (V). This result respect to log price averaged across households
contrasts sharply with results for the logit model and weighted by the frequency of purchase of
and other studies (Guadagni and Little, 1983) each household. These derivatives represent a
where si~ificant loyalty coefficients are inter- market-level expectation of the amount of choice
preted as adjusting the model intercepts to reflect switching induced by a price cut during a given
household preferences. Instead, the aggregate- time period. To facilitate the study of the differ-
level estimates in Table 3 indicate that loyal~ is ences of the models, the derivatives were evalu-
more closely related to lack of price sensitivity. ated at the regular, non-promoted price of the
The household-level estimates vary widely brands, assuming no display or feature activity.
across households, as indicated by the summary The own-price derivatives substantially differ
statistics report on the fight side of Table 3. The across models, with heteroscedastic model 3 hav-
mean of the distribution of household-level esti- ing the highest values (except for COSo). For
mates is approximately equal to the aggregate- example, the derivative for Starkist (water) is
level estimates for V but net for ~r. This is consis- -0.99, implying that a 10% price cut will induce
tent with the magnitude of the respective loyalty 9.9% of the choices to switch. In contrast, the
coefficients. The implication of these parameters logit model derivative suggests that a 10% price
for pricing and merchandising activity is explored cut will induce switching by 2.3% of the choices~
next. and 1.7% for the nested logit model.
As discussed earlier, the logit model assumes
5.3. Price sensitivity that price has an equal impact across brands.
However, if some households actively consider
All of the models estimated in this study pos- the prices of only a subset of brands, then the
sess the homogeneity property of economic de- estimated price sensitivity estimated across all
mand functions where the own elasticity r/i: is choice alternatives will be biased downward for

Table 4
Own-price derivatives


Lo~t Model -0.78 -0.23 -0.14 -0.11 -0.58 -0.13 -0.04
Nested Lo~t Model -0.62 -0.17 -0.11 -0.11 -0.45 -0.10 -0.05
Heteroscodasfic Model 1 - 0.39 - 0.41 - 0.28 - 0.08 - 0,23 - 0.22 - 0.29
Heteroscodastk: Model 2 -0.95 -0.82 -0.35 -0.12 -0.35 --0.26 -0.13
Heteroscedastic Model 3 - 1.13 - 0.99 - 0.41 - 0.15 - 0.43 - 0.35 - 0.14
G.M. Allenby, J.L. Ginter/ Intern. 3".of Researchin Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80 77

those brands in the consideration set. The nested 5.4. The influence o f display and feature on coff~k~-
Iogit model helps avoid this problem by locally eration sets
partitioning the alternatives into subgroups, but
this sub-grouping may be incorrect for some Our analysis indicates that in-store d/spays
households. The heteroscedastic mode; is more and feature advertisements serve to increase the
flexible (e.g. does not require an a-priori parti- net utility (V) of the brand and to reduce the
tioning of the brands) and results in the largest influence of price (or) in .'he purchase deciskm.
estimates of the price derivatives. These r,:sults The following analysis was cor=ducted m investi-
indicate that price sensitivi~ within a household's gate the extem to which these m e r c h a ~
consideration set is much greater than the (aver- s::~po~ v~riables affect household conskierado¢
age) price sensitivity across all brands. Tradi- .~etL
tional choice models rio#t, nested logit; which For puiposes of our analysis, we o~rationaJqy
fail to account for differing levels of co.~sMera- m e ~ : r e a h~lsehoid': consideration set by Lhe
tion substantially underes¢:;aate g,r i ~ sensitivirj pairwise probab~3P.ies that V¢¢obrands are ~ t -
in the market. taneot;sly con,~ider~d by the houset~ld. A mea-
This finding is cor=s~tent ~ t h the basic notion sure ~f ti,e proximivj of two brands can be o b
of consideration sets. Those brands in the consid- taincd by evab.~,~;iag the f'anction:
eration set are viewed as near substitutes, com-
d,,i = -tog (P~(i)V,(j)),
pete intensely, and are vuL,zerab~e to each other
through price sensitivity. If the cross elasticities which is large when either one of the b r a n d s / s
of brands in the consideration set are greater not considered by the household, and is sm~_U
b e c a u ~ of this intense competition, then each of only when both brands have a high choice p r o ~ -
these brands will exhibit a high own price elastic- bility. Averaging tiffs measure acioss househokts
ity. On the other hand, brands outside the consid- and across purchase occasions results in an aggre-
eration set tend to show relatively litg!e response gate distance matrix which reflects the ~fint ~ -
to price changes, i.e. price changes are not espe- sideration of ail brands due to household pxefer-
cially effective in introducing new brands into the ences and sensitivities to c h a n g / r i g marketing mix
consideration set. variables. This distance matrix can then be exam-

Price, Display and Feature Price Only

HSEw ,q.


0 O
SEw SIKw CO~,~
srKo~ ¢



-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2

Fig- 1. The influence of in-store displays and feature advertising o~ household consideration sets.
78 G.M. All~,~, J.L. Gimer / Interm J. of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80

ined using traditional multidimensional scaling alternatives, and find that these variables serve to
(MDS) meihods. decrease household price sensitivity. This effect is
Fig. 1 presents two-dimensional maps of joint particularly strong for feature advertisements,
consideration using Torgerson's (1958) classical suggesting that many households may identify
MDS. The left side of the figure is based on their brand selection before actually going to the
distance generated from the pricing, display and store and observing the array of prices.
feature activity of the brands in the holdout (pre- Finally, the results indicate that in-store dis-
d i c ~ e ) sample using the third heteroscedastic plays and feature advertisements influence inter-
h ~ t model. The fight side of the figure is based brand competition through household considera-
only on the pricing acthdty. The two dimensions tion sets. In our analysis of fitted choice probabil-
aexount for over 70% of the variance of the ities, we find evidence that these merchandising
distance metric in both plots. support variables serve to increase the likelihood
In-store display and feature advertising serve that choice alternatives with the same brand
to move the aggregate competitive structure away names are jointly considered. Without these vari-
from a water versus oil orientation, to one b a ~ d ables, brands of the same form (oi! versus water)
more on brand names. The right plot shows wa- tend to be considered more often.
ter-based tuna on the left and oil-based tuna on The effective management of household con-
the fight. When display and feature variables are sideration sets with in-store displays and feature
included in the probability calculations, choice advertisements can therefore assist in efforts to
alternatives with the same brand names are plot- achieve reduced competition and higher profits.
ted close to each other. The distances in these Displays and features offer an immediate, short
pk~ts reflect joint consideration, i.e. joint mem- term reduction in price competition, similar to
berslfip in the consideration set. The differences the long-term effects traditionally sought in a
in the interpoint distances and brand groupings product differentiation strategy. We expect that
in the two plots therefore qualitatively illustrate these merchandising support variables are partic-
the importance of display and feature in modify- ularly effective in low-involvement product cate-
ing household consideration sets. gories where there is limited information search
and consideration sets are often not precisely
6. Discussion

The analysis .v,e

. . . . . . . "e,~
A above indicates that Appendix A: Gradients for the heteroscedastic
consideration sets exist and are important in even logit model with independent extreme value er-
the simplest of choice settings. In o u r study of rors
household purchases of canned tuna, we find
evidence that standard choice models, which as- Choice probability:
sume a proportional draw response to price
changes, do not accurately reflect household pur-
chase behavior. Our analysis indicates that it is
Pr(i) = fF([V i - V l + Ei ]//O'1)
not sufficient to simply allow for household het-
x e ( [ v, - v2 +
erogeneity in brand preferences in choice models.
it is also necessary to allow sens/tivities to the ×-.- F([v,- +
prices of the choice aiternatives to differ across
households and across brands. Failure to do so
results in substantially biased estimates of house- V~ = X~fl - In p~
hold price sensitiviBt.
We allow for price sens~th~ty to gepend on the
in-store display and feature acthdty of the choice F ( x ) = e x p [ - e -~]
G.M. Allenby, J.L. Ginter ~Intern. 1. of Pw~arch in Marketing 12 (1995) 67-80 79

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