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Methods industry could use to encourage people to study science and


Another method we could use is promoting the new scientific achievements.

The scientific community is one of the least recognized communities. All of
us can name five soccer players but almost nobody can name a live renowned
scientific. If we really want to people get interested in science and
engineering, we should start promoting scientifics like Hollywood stars, not
only showing their achievements on TV and other media, but also awarding
them with generous monetary prices for expanding the human knowledge.

Only when we start understanding technology and science will we realize how
it has improved our lives.
Positive aspects

Very flashy, captivating

Negative aspects

Expensive, not wanted, can lose the spectator attention, aggressive



Very effective, you place your product (product placement) in every home.


Try not to make boring commercials

Positive aspects


Negative aspects

Bad for the environment, someone has to deliver the fliers


Only effective if someone wants your product or service


Add discounts on the flier, use eco-friendly paper


The aim of this report is to make a comparison between two types of advertisement, the
fliers that usually can be found on our streets and the first one that everyone thinks of, the
tv commercials. It will also consider the effectiveness of these methods and make
recommendations for improvements.

Tv commercials

The engagement that a good tv commercial can get is the most desirable consequence for
brands. A flashy commercial with the support of a good marketing campaign can rise the
sales and make a lot of profits. The product placement that can be acquired with this kind
of advertisement is the reason of its effectivity.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a tv commercial, they are very expensive, also a
bad tv commercial can lose the spectator attention or even rise hate against your product.
Occasionally those consequences are fruit of aggressive campaigns directed to the wrong


One of the most common garbage cities produces are fliers. This highly polluting
advertisement that’s usually not asked for, also has the inconvenience that someone has
to deliver it.

In the other hand, the cheapness of fliers is the characteristic that makes it a good option
for new advertisers. The effectiveness of this method is not clear, because you only will
get a sale if you deliver the flier to the correct customer.


To ensure this advertising options are effective I would recommend, in the case of fliers,
making it eco-friendly. This ecologist action can attract more customers. Also, the
addition of some kind of discount in the flier can make the undecided customers to hire
you or buy your products.
For tv commercials I would say that the point is making them happy and luring with
catchy songs and run away from boredom.

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