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Muslim Women on the Veil

By Hanna Ingber

 May 27, 2015

To some, a Muslim head scarf represents patriarchal oppression in a backward society. To

others, it symbolizes modesty, identity and respect for a higher being.

After Suzanne Daley and Alissa J. Rubin reported on the struggles women in France face as a
result of prejudices and laws there restricting the wearing of veils, more than 1,000 New York
Times readers shared their opinions on this particularly sensitive and divisive subject in the
comments of the article and on Twitter and Facebook.

Among those voices were about two dozen Muslim women for whom this subject is deeply
personal. These women explained why they have chosen to veil or not. They talked about how
they were influenced by where they grew up, and how the decision has affected their
education, careers and interactions with others.

For almost all of these women, it was a matter of personal choice.

Here is a selection of their responses. They have been edited and condensed for clarity.

“My veil has never stopped me from doing anything”

I am an Indian-American Muslim girl living in the Dallas area who attends college. I chose to
start wearing the veil three years ago, even though the girls in my family don’t. I chose to wear
it myself after I studied Islam and thought it was a beautiful way to express my love for my
religion and nothing more.

I’m an active student who participates in all sorts of college and volunteer activities. My veil
has never stopped me from doing anything, and I refuse to let people’s stares and comments
get to me. I’m only using my freedom of choice and expression, and I have every right to
express my belief in this way as long as it’s not violating anyone else’s rights.

I have discussed my veil greatly with professors, and I believe it’s wrong to force anyone to
wear it as well as to force anyone to remove it. You’re taking away an individual’s right to her
religious freedom.

My mother doesn’t wear it, and neither would I ask her to, as I’m happy with whatever way
she chooses to express herself. I believe this should apply to everyone. It’s a piece of cloth for
God’s sake. What harm does it cause anyone? Only narrow-minded and uninformed views
cause harm to a society.

I pray people become more accepting and respectful of those who are just peacefully
expressing their religious beliefs.

— Sadiya Patel in Dallas

“It reminds me of who I am”

“God exists on the inside”

I am a Muslim woman, and I have never worn a veil, nor has my mother or her sisters. This has
not been out of any societal pressure — my mom and sisters were born and raised in a Muslim
country where many women do wear the veil — but because while we are devoted to Islam,
we believe that God exists on the inside and not in outward symbols that are too often
thwarted and perverted by political interests.

I certainly respect the right of Muslim women to wear the veil if they choose. But my
grandfather, who was born during days of the Ottoman Empire, never saw it necessary for his
four daughters to wear the veil, and if that was good enough for him then, then I think it
should be good enough for me now. This is my choice, one that should be free of influence
from religious and secularists alike.

— J in New York

“It gives me peace”

“It makes me feel confident”

The one thing I don’t understand is why people assume hijab/niqab is a symbol of oppression.
Never once in my life have I been told to wear the hijab. For me it has always been part of my
life growing up, and every morning when I see myself in the mirror it makes me happy because
I decided that I wanted to wear the hijab.

When I wear my hijab it makes me feel confident, I feel like myself, this is how I have always
been. But this isn’t how the majority of the world looks upon the hijab. We live in a strange
society where walking around half naked is acceptable but being modest and covering up is
frowned upon.

Not only this but also the fact that forcing a woman to not wear what she likes is OK, when
clearly it is oppression itself. How hypocritical is the French government.

— Safiya in Canada

“Forced to wear hijab”

“Just as another woman chooses to wear a bikini”

“Having that choice made me feel empowered”

I am a Muslim woman who has chosen to stop wearing my hijab after having worn it for 10
years (beginning at age 15). I chose to stop wearing my hijab as I did not feel that a piece of
fabric made me any more or less pious.

During those formative teenage years, I immersed myself in my religion. I wore my hijab by
choice, as my parents always gave me the option. Having that choice made me feel
empowered. Key word: CHOICE. Taking this choice out of women’s hands is, essentially, taking
away their power to control how they present themselves to the world.

No human being wants to be forced to do anything. Period.

— Shanonda1979 in New Haven

A constant reminder “that I do not live for this world alone”


France, where Muslims make up an estimated 8 percent of the population, has long displayed
discomfort with Muslim women who cover their heads.Credit...Dmitry Kostyukov for The New
York Times

“A material expression of solidarity”

“Our head scarves lived in a drawer, and our faith lived in our hearts”

I am a secular Muslim woman who emigrated to the U.S. in 1966 as a young child. The only
times my mother, sister and I wore a head scarf was when we visited a mosque, went to the
cemetery, or during home prayer service. The head scarf was not part of our identity, it was
part of our religious practice. Our head scarves lived in a drawer, and our faith lived in our

Islam, in fact, does not mandate that women cover their hair, head, or face. Islam mandates
that a woman dress conservatively, modestly, thoughtfully. The head covering is a
sociocultural influence that has existed for centuries and was acquired by the religion. The
head scarf is more an expression of culture and nationality, but has erroneously become a
religious symbol.

— B.B. in New Jersey

“Medieval, patriarchal, depersoning”

“Why not tell us not to wear shorts, skirts, dresses?”

I am Muslim, and I do not wear the veil. I have seen the women in my family wearing the veil
or not wearing it. For me, it’s a personal decision, and I think those who decide to wear the veil
should have their decision respected. Telling Muslim women to take off their veil excludes
them and prevents assimilation. And we all know what happens when people are excluded.
Extremists tend to take advantage of that exclusion. Plus, telling a woman not to wear the veil
in my opinion is policing what women wear. Why not tell us not to wear shorts, skirts, dresses?

— Kadidja in Austin, Tex.

“Judge me based on what’s in my head”

“A testimony to my faith”

As a Muslim women who was raised in Europe and now residing in the U.S., wearing the hijab
has always been a matter of choice married with a strong conviction of faith. I have worn
various styles throughout the years. At times I covered my face, and other times such as now I
have not, yet I am always aware that I am covered.

Some view it as a sign of my alignment with some foreign cause (it is not). Some feel that it’s a
way to connect to my African heritage (it is not). Yet some just think I just want to be different
(if only you knew). I’ve been complimented on the “regalness” of my garb, and I have been
verbally abused.

What has never changed is my firm conviction that wearing this voluminous covering is a
testimony of my faith. I believe in it and wearing it has everything to do with my desire to
freely practice that belief and nothing to do with challenging society’s values.

— Aaishah in New York.

“Constant warmth during winter”

“Covering my head didn’t stifle my brain”

I am a Muslim woman, born and raised in the U.S., with graduate degrees and a professional
career. I am not a victim who is being told to cover or not. I have free will. I love my country,
and it affords me the right to choose how I dress and protects me from discrimination in the
workplace and elsewhere. While wearing a head scarf for 17 years, I graduated from law
school and got a job. Covering my head didn’t stifle my brain, and it made me work harder to
compete. As I grew in my faith, I chose to stop wearing the head scarf. But that was my
decision. I respect women who choose to wear it, such as my very educated and progressive

— TS in Washington

“People should look beyond what’s on your head”

”I can’t imagine being able to converse with someone whose face I cannot see!”

I generally disagree with the practice of a full veil that covers one’s eyes even though I grew up
with my mom (in Pakistan) wearing it, and one of my sisters who is living in Japan now wears a
full veil as well. I empathize with people who claim that it hinders communication and most
likely hinders progress of women who wear it as well.

After living here in the U.S. for many years, I can’t imagine being able to converse with
someone whose face I cannot see! Eye contact, facial expressions, etc. There is just so much
more involved in communication than mere words and sound.

Also from a religious point of view, I think it’s an extreme interpretation of modesty to have to
cover one’s face.
— Sohail in Denver

“They react as if I’m dumb”

I was born and raised in the Netherlands. I’m Muslim and since a year and a half I’m wearing a
head scarf. Since I have not always worn a head scarf, I can easily see the difference in people
reactions toward me. Although not engaging in blatant prejudice is an unwritten rule over
here, there have been numerous occasions in which I have been discriminated against.
Moreover, this has been augmented since 2001, and even more since I have been wearing my
head scarf.

People now rudely stare at me. If they don’t stare they treat me like I’m air or as if I don’t
speak Dutch. If they do talk to me, they react as if I’m dumb. Before I wore my head scarf, all of
this was not the case!

— Tulay Degermenci

“When in Rome, do what the Romans do”

My husband and I have both lived in central Paris (I am a trailing spouse) since 2013. When we
first arrived, I didn’t wear any veil, but then my faith grew, and I started to don on the hijab
(one of those satin/colorful scarves, I always avoid black) six months ago.

Maybe I look distinctly foreign (je suis Malaisienne), I never had any bad experiences with my
head scarf. When I go to the stores, walk on the streets, ride in the metro, the French remain
polite and friendly or simply minding their own business. Maybe Parisians are more open-
minded and exposed to foreign cultures. I feel happy and at ease here.

I also believe in when in Rome, do what the Romans do. If the locals are uncomfortable with
full face covering or somber black abayas or dresses, wear something else. The world does not
revolve around a specific group of people.

— Hylda Yaacub

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