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Reflection of Jewel Alegre:

I came to the realization that nature is just as wide as we imagine it to be when I watched the video and
even the one from the prior task. Nature can be elegantly beautiful and understated, or it can be enormous
and complex, as science has shown. No matter how stunning, vast, or complicated it may be, troubles and
catastrophes are an unavoidable part of the package. The saying “There is always sunshine after the
rain” reminds us that while calamities are unavoidable, they also bring goodness and beauty into our
lives. Similarly, strong waves occur before calm waters, and rain falls before rainbows.

Reflection of Jamaica Veb P. Baladad

One thought came to mind as I watched the video: “In every storm, there is a beautiful meaning behind it.
” Similar to what is seen in the video, the video is about the depiction of nature magnificence that
highlights how the earth is purposefully made to show off its wonders and even its stunning calamities.
Even disasters in this world have the power to help in ways that are indescribable. The natural
equilibrium of the earth, and specifically of our biosphere, exists. Before humanity existed, everything
in this planet has already been calculated.

The advantages of staying in touch with nature are numerous. Being more environmentally conscious
can have positive effects on a person’s wellbeing on all fronts. It’s challenging to place a value
on the advantages of becoming more rooted. We become more present-focused, build emotional
resilience, and have more energy to handle stress when we spend time in nature and use all of our senses
to appreciate it.

Since mathematics is both a method and a language, it may be utilized to explain a wide range of
natural phenomena. The importance of mathematics in our daily life needs to be more clearly understood.
Math is crucial for humanity’s continued existence in the future and is used to date ancient artifacts
and solve problems in the present. Mathematics is used by mathematicians to describe and foretell both
internal and external natural occurrences. It enables us to grasp night and day instead of relying only on
shadows, much to how we utilized numerals and symbols to express time. The result of extensive testing,
observation, and error-correction is what we see in the modern world today, which appears to be
governed by mathematical laws.
Science and phenomena like natural disasters can be predicted with the use of mathematics. Although it
is practically hard to predict the scale, location, and timing of natural hazards, we are able to foretell
calamities like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and landslides thanks to
the aid of mathematics. In the world of reality, we can measure and observe things, therefore we use
mathematical tools to build models that match those observations.

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