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No good thing will He withhold from them that


Psalms 84:11

For the LORD God is a sun and shield:

the LORD will give grace and glory:

no good thing will he withhold from

them that walk uprightly.

Are you like me who felt and believed that no

good thing will He withhold from them that

WORK UPRIGHTLY. I engaged in good works to

receive from God. I felt if I fast more, God

would withhold no good thing from me. So I

fasted and prayed for baptsm of the holyghost,

and other things from God. I thought it is no

good thing will he withhold from them that

work uprightly.

Not untl I began to walk uprightly not Work

uprightly did I see the manifestaton of the

finished works of hhrist in my life. yy faith with

corresponding actons, i received the provision

already available in me in hhrist then and only

then did experience(sight and feelings) follow.

No good thing will He withhold from them that


No good thing will He withhold from them that






On 12/12/2020, I perceived God interpretng

"Walk" to mean "Align" in response to my

engaging God prior to that tme, that Lord what

do you mean by "walk". What is the definiton

of walk?

"Walk" is seen as "Align"

Then I understood psalm 84:11 in a fresh light

which says, no good thing will he withhold from

them that walk(i.e align) uprightly.

Align means to positon into a way of thinking.

Align means to identfy with or match the

behaviour, thoughts etc of another person.

Untl our thoughts are aligned to Godss

thoughts, His ways will not be our ways.


we would not see the manifestaton of the

finished works of hhrist in our lives even if we


If it seems as if we are coming short of an

experience of the riches of His grace, the

problem may be because we are not WALKING

UPRIGHTLY even though we may be WORKING


We work because we have not seen the work

of hhrist. yut when once we have seen that,

faith will spring up in our hearts, and as we

believe, experience will follow.





Walk in them not Work for them.

"Walk" is seen as "Align"

Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created

in Christ Jesus unto good works,

which God hath before ordained that

we should walk in them.

We see God revealing the finished works of

hhrist saying we have been created In hhrist

Jesus unto good works which God has before

ordained that we should just walk(align) in

them. We should believe and accept as true

that we have been created unto good works

and thus walk(align) in them. We have the

power of God because we are created unto

good works.

We have been created in hhrist Jesus not we

would be created in hhrist Jesus unto good


yrethren see God has created us unto good

works but has ordained that we should WALK


Once this word "walk" dawn in our hearts, we

would manifest good works which God has

created us unto in hhrist Jesus.

God has worked the work in us in hhrist Jesus

but now says we are to WALK in them.

God is the Worker, Man is the Walker.

This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him,

whom He has sent.

God is the Worker; Man is the Walker.

No good thing will he withhold from them that

walk uprightly

Psalms 84:11

For the LORD God is a sun and shield:

the LORD will give grace and glory:

no good thing will he withhold from

them that walk uprightly .

I recall when God drew me to this scripture

after a prayer meetng, God underlined the

word swalk uprightlys not sWork uprightlys.

It dawned upon my heart that no good thing

(includes all you are desiring from God) will God

withhold from them that walk uprightly.

A person working uprightly but not walking

uprightly will not experience grace and glory.

My eyes opened that day and I told God, teach

me to walk uprightly. It launched me into a

whole new realm in my walk with God and I

saw how receiving from God became so simple

just by walking uprightly. I used to feel I must

work uprightly to access no good thing but God

humbled me to see that no good thing will he

withhold from them that walk (align) uprightly.

Walk simply means to Align.

I want to charge us all to engage the holyghost

our helper to cause us to walk uprightly so that

we may access more and more the riches in

hhrist Jesus.

I am not saying it is bad to work uprightly, I am

saying working uprightly without walking

uprightly will make you stll dry of the sun and

shield that gives grace, glory and every good

and perfect gift

"Walk" is a powerful work highlighted in the

yible especially Ephesians.

Genesis 13:14-15, 17

"And the LORD said unto Abram,

afer that Lot was separated from

him, Lif up now thine eyes, and look

from the place where thou art

northward, and southward, and

eastward, and westward:

For all the land which thou seest, to

thee will I give it, and to thy seed for


Arise, walk through the land in the

length of it and in the breadth of it;

for I will give it unto thee."

God gave the promised land unto Abram and

told him that as far as He can see, that would I

give you. After seeing and seizing, God told him

then to walk (not work) the length of it and the

breadth of it.

The promised land is hhrist whom God has

promised to as many as believe in Him. God is

also saying as far as you can see of hhrist, that

will I give you. The second instructon God is

also giving us is, Arise WALK IN THE LENGTH,



It is as many as walk uprightly. There are many

"new agers" who are walking (i.e., aligning) but

are not walking UPRIGHTLY.

The Word "WALK UPRIGHTLY" is paramount in

Psalm 84:11 to access every good and every

perfect gift that is from above.

How do we walk uprightly?

Galatans 6:14, 16

But God forbid that I should glory,

save in the cross of our Lord Jesus

Christ, by whom the world is

crucified unto me, and I unto the

And as many as WALK ACCORDING

TO THIS RULE, peace be on them,

and mercy, and upon the Israel of


Walking UPRIGHTLY is walking according to this

rule called the cross of our Lord Jesus hhrist.

There is a rule already laid called the hross of

our Lord Jesus hhrist. Other foundaton should

no man lay but that which is laid which is our

Lord Jesus hhrist and His finished works on the


Any man that walks and boast in any other

thing save the cross of our Lord Jesus hhrist is

not walking UPRIGHTLY. If your boast is in your

fastng and praying and not in the cross of our

Lord Jesus hhrist, then it is a labor in vain. It

would not stand the test of the consuming fire.

If your boast is in your good works and not

based on the cross of our Lord Jesus hhrist, it is

not an upright walk. You may be working

uprightly but you are certainly not walking


A person is said to be walking UPRIGHTLY if and

only if He walks according to this rule called the





EXALTATION), then you are not WALKING

UPRIGHTLY. This is in order that no fesh should

glory in His presence, but only glory in the cross

of our Lord Jesus hhrist.


We walk by faith and not by sight

nor feelings - 2 Corinthians 5:7

The order is Fact-Faith-Experience. You must

believe the fact of the finished works of hhrist

by faith then will experience follow. Revelaton

knowledge of hhrist must precede faith that

comes from above. Revelaton of the finished

works of hhrist and His Word draws out faith in

our heart which launches us into an experience

of the riches available in hhrist Jesus. We walk

by faith. It requires faith to walk and walk

uprightly. Romans 10:17 says, Faith come by

hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

If faith is not coming it means there is problem

in our hearing. So let us look into swhat we

hears and show we hears.

Take heed WHAT ye hear

Mark 4:24

Faith comes by hearing so also unbelief which is

manifest as fear also come by hearing.

Faith is believing what the Word of God is

saying over what your senses are saying

Unbelief is believing what your senses are

saying over what the Word of God is saying.

You must guard your ears and cease

absorbing the report of fear of the 10 spies as

the Israelites did in Numbers 13:27-33. They did

not believe the report of the Lord through the 2

spies - Joshua and haleb.

Hence Jesus warns that we take heed WHAT we

hear because WHAT we hear either grows faith

or grows fear.

If we feed on the news from around, we

become fearful but when we feed on the

goodnews from above, we become faith-full.

Smith Wigglesworth never allowed newspaper

around his home because he guarded WHAT he

heard. We may not need to go to such extreme

but we must screen out report from s10 spiess

around our lives which could be our friends,

relatves etc that instgate fear.

Fear is a lack of internal boldness that springs

out of unbelief.

Fear is lack of internal boldness. The person

may have boldface but lack boldness. yoth the

one with boldface and the one with boldness

look bold but only the one with boldness is

truly bold. The yible says, the righteous is bold

as a lion.

Someone may have external boldface but he is

fearful within because he lacks internal

boldness, internal confidence.

It is internal boldness not external boldface that

conquers fear be it fear of failure, fear of

exams, fear of tomorrow, fear of eventualites

They that know their God shall be bold and do


This internal boldness is the courage that rises

with danger which streams out of the Spirit of

power, spirit of love and Spirit of a sound mind.

Have you had fear because of lack of funds or

fear of how a need would be met.

This fear actually springs out of unbelief. You

lacked internal boldness though you may have

boldface chantng the Word of God but you lack

that internal boldness or internal evidence of

things not seen.

yoldface is not synonymous to yoldness.

INTERNAL yOLDNESS is not synonymous to


yoldness is the expression of an unseen

substance of things hoped for. It is an

expression of an unseen evidence of things not


Faith is expressed as boldness while Unbelief is

expressed as Fear.
yefore any victory is won without, it must first

be won within. If you are defeated within by

fear, you would loose the batle without.

Okay I had fear for a while to carry out a

project. God has helped me to conquer all

other projects but this project, I was so afraid. I

felt a failure. I lacked internal boldness to

conquer it. I needed help. I had ruled myself

out of the race. So I turned to God to help me

that I need internal boldness.

I turned to the Word of God which is the source

of faith and boldness as stated in Romans

10:17 which says, Faith comes by hearing and

hearing by the Word of God.

God granted me that internal boldness from 1

Samuel 4:5-7; Isaiah. 53:1; Numbers 13:27-33.

I perceived God charging me afresh to quit

myself as men and fight through that I be not

servants unto the Hebrews as they have been

unto me.
I saw scenarios of the philistnes who almost

lost the batle because of the news they heard

coming from the camp of the Israelites. yut

when their commander charged them with a

good report, faith manifest as internal boldness

returned and they discomfited the Israelites

and took the ark of God.

yut my Lord did not stop only at Take heed on

WHAT YE HEAR, He also said;

Take heed therefore HOW ye hear - Luke 8:18

"How" is seen as "from which perspectve";

"from which point of view"; "from which

paradigm" etc.

So when Jesus is saying take heed HOW ye

hear, I perceive He is saying take heed from

which perspectve ye hear.

We must not only take heed WHAT we hear but

we must also take heed HOW we hear. We may

be devoid of faith all these while because of



We may be hearing the right WHATs? the word

of God but because of the wrong HOW WE

HEAR, we keep on missing faith.

We must not only correct WHAT we hear but

must much more correct HOW we hear.

sHow we hears focuses on the mindset from

which you hear.

You recall that the mindset is a great asset


Are you hearing from the perspectve of the

glass half empty or hearing from the

perspectve of the glass half full?

This is the realm of HOW WE HEAR!!.

God must correct HOW we hear so that the

sWHATss we are hearing will profit our spirit,

soul and body.

Are you hearing from an optmistc perspectve

or pessimistc perspectve?

The pessimist sees difculty in every


The optmist sees opportunity in every


Are you hearing from Gods perspectve or

hearing from the worldss perspectve?

Take heed therefore HOW YE HEAR?

Maybe sHOW you hears is the reason the Word

of God has not yet sunk into you to produce

faith. Maybe HOW you hear is the reason you

have not caught the voice of God yet.

A wrong HOW in hearing will make one hear

amiss what God is saying because we are

hearing it from another perspectve.

We should read and study the Old Testament

from a New Testament perspectve. Otherwise,

we lose context and may end up incorrectly

applying something from the Old Testament in

a way never intended for New Testament


yy viewing the Old hovenant Scriptures through

a New hovenant lens, we agree with Paul that

“all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable

for teaching, for reproof, for correcton, for

training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

God must correct our sold covenant HOW WE

HEARs to a snew covenant HOW of hearings

otherwise we would be pouring new wine in

old wineskins. sWhat you hears talks of the wine

while sHOW YOU HEARs talks of the wineskin.

These two instructons are crucial. Take heed


My walk with the Holy ghost is excitng. Though

I have been on Psalm 84:11 for a long while

now. I perceive God emphasizing, "No good

thing will He withhold from them that WALK


My eyes were opened to see that I must walk

(i.e., align) UPRIGHTLY. He defined "walk" to be


He led me to walk the length and breath of

hhrist the promised land in the scriptures. I

began entering the length and breadth of hhrist

the promised land. As He instructed Abraham

to arise and walk(not work) the length and

breath of the promised land so I was charged to

walk (Gen 13:15). And I saw that indeed no

good thing will He withhold from them that

"walk uprightly". He said, every place that the

sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have i

given unto you.

He took me also to Ephesians 2:10 which says, I

- Ogaga in hhrist- have been created unto good

works which He has ordained that I should walk

(not work) into them. I saw the reality of no

longer I yUT hhrist.

God also turned my atenton to the scripture in

Mark 10:27 which says, with men it is

impossible but not with God, for with God all

things are possible. It became a mater when

God turned this scripture unto me directly

saying, "With men(i.e., that which is born of the

fesh) it is impossible, but not with God ( i.e.,

that which is born of the Spirit) for with God

(the man in hhrist) all things are possible. The

scripture began taking root in my heart as I

began to walk into the length and breath of it

and thus I decided to embark on a fast based

on the fact that with men it is impossible but

not with He who is born of the Spirit. I began

seeing the help of God. Though I agreed with

the first part which says, with men it is

impossible but the second part is too good to

be true. God began pointng the demand not on

Himself but on hhrist in me. He began pointng

to the new man who rose in hhrist and is

seated at the right hand. He began pointng the

demand on the hhrist He reproduced in me in

Himself at His death, resurrecton and

The scripture is too good to be true and I

experienced outpouring after I came out of the

fast as a result of WALKING UPRIGHTLY not

because I fasted.

How do you walk uprightly in the scripture

(Psalm 91:1) that says, He that dwells in the

secret place of the most high shall abide under

the shadow of the almighty? It is not by

working uprightly through trying your best to

dwell in the secret place of the most high. That

is fightng FOR VIhTORY instead of FROM

VIhTORY. It is a sinking sand to stand upon. It

must dawn in your heart that God has made

you and I in hhrist Jesus the "He that dwells in

the secret place of the most high". It is a

finished work. God has done it. He paid it all.

This revelaton has to come by the hearing of

faith. You are the "He that dwells in the secret

place of the most high" hence you are abiding

under the shadow of open heavens of the

Almighty. When you come before God on this

ground, you are coming on the ground of FROM

VIhTORY and God would withhold no good

thing from you because you are walking

uprightly based on the hross.

Let us use another scripture to explain walking

uprightly; though this one is deep but let us use

it. Numbers 23:23 says, there is no enchanent

against Jacob, neither is there any divinaton

against Israel.

You see, this scripture is a law, an eternal

principle in the Spirit realm. It is a law that

there is no enchantment against Jacob.

Whether enchantment of witchcraft,

enchantment of spells, enchantment of curses

etc, it does not work against Jacob. yut there is

enchantment against Ogaga why because the

law only works for Jacob not Ogaga. The

scripture did not say, there is no enchantment

against Ogaga rather it said, there is no

enchantment against Jacob. So those who pray

with the scriptures and remove Jacob and put

your name there, you are walking but not

walking uprightly. On what ground do you do

add and subtract from the scriptures. God only

says, walk(align) uprightly not copy and paste

uprightly. You are not even supposed to add or

subtract from the scriptures (Revelaton 22:18-


So for there not to be enchantment against my

life, then I must be Jacob. This is what God

accomplished in hhrist on the cross. He

included me in hhrist and made me Jacob in

hhrist Jesus at His resurrecton. A new man rose

in hhrist against whom there is no

enchantment against and against whom there

is no divinaton. God made us Jacob against

whom there is no enchantment against in

hhrist Jesus. When you come before God with

strong reasons based on the finished works of

hhrist, portals into riches in hhrist Jesus open

unto you.

You can work uprightly by praying against

enchantments, curses hanging over your life.

That would be fightng FOR VIhTORY. You can

get victory but not lastng victory. When it

dawns on you that God made you in hhrist

Jesus, Jacob against whom there is no

enchantment against and Israel against whom

there is no divinaton against, you begin to fight

FROM victory and touch the glory of God. King

yalak tried to lay curse upon the children of

Israel, so he lured Prophet yalaam to curse the

children of Israel but his plans failed because

the Israelites were only walking uprightly in the

knowledge that they are Jacob and Israel and

because they are Jacob and Israel, there is no

enchantment against Jacob neither is there

divinaton against Israel. You only need to

walk(i.e., align) uprightly to touch reality.

Another example of walking uprightly is

Proverbs 4:18 which says, the path of the just is

as the shining light that shines more and more

unto the perfect day. Your eyes must be

opened to see that God made you sthe justs in

hhrist Jesus hence your path is as the shining

light that shines more and more. When it

dawns upon your heart that He has made you

sthe justs in hhrist Jesus and as you believe, the

holy ghost in you will begin to manifest in you

as the spirit of the just so you would begin to

notce that your path is as the shining light that

shines more and more. While others are cast

down you are saying there is a lifting up. Note

that God is able to do exceeding abundantly

above all you ask or thing but only according to

the power at work in you (Ephesians 3:20). If

the holy ghost in you is at work as the spirit of

the just, then your path of breakthroughs

would be as the shining light that shines more

and more. When the holy ghost is at work in

you as the spirit of Jacob, there would be no

enchantment against your life. It is according to

the power at work in you not the power at rest

in you. God is the Worker, man is the Walker.

We put the power in us to work as we walk

uprightly. Your own is to walk uprightly so that

the power at work in you will work. He will

work it in you and through you but you must

walk uprightly by Faith. The bible says, Faithful

is He who has called you, He also would do it (1

Thessalonians 5:24).



Jude 1:3

Beloved when I gave all diligence to write

unto you of the common salvaton, it was
needful for me to write unto you, and exhort
you that ye should earnestly contend for the
faith which was once delivered unto the

Why must we contend for the faith once

delivered unto the saints, it is because we are

saved by grace(works of hhrist) alone through

faith alone in the finished works of hhrist.

We're saved by grace alone through faith

alone; In Christ alone; from scripture alone;
for the glory of God alone. (Eph. 2:8.)

Grace is what God does for us independent of

us. His work has nothing to do with us or it

wouldnst be grace.

Therefore, you didnst earn it. You didnst merit

it. God didnst respond to us. Rather, grace is

something that is done by God before we ever

have a problem. Itss done independent of us—

independent of anything we deserve.

Understanding grace means coming to the full

knowledge of the finished works of hhrist.

Grace is God running the race through man

(i.e., through Jesus hhrist the God-Man who is

truly God and truly Man).

Since it is yY GRAhE alone THROUGH FAITH

alone. We need to also peep into the faith once

delivered to the saints

The faith once delivered to the saints is the

faith that believes "GOD HAS" NOT "GOD hAN"


Regarding faith, Ron dunn writes, we can divide

faith into three categories

First there is the kind of faith that believes and

says, "GOD hAN".

We believe God can do anything. Nothing is too

hard for Him but this is not victorious faith once

delivered to the saints and turns a sinner into a

Then there is the kind of faith that believes and

says, "GOD WILL". This is beter than the faith

that declares GOD hAN but stll short of the

biblical ideal.

The faith once delivered to saints that turns

sinners to saints is the faith that believes and

says "GOD HAS". This is the kind of faith

described in Hebrews 11 that believes that HE

IS. The faith that believes "GOD HAS"; unstops

the unstoppable, subdues kingdoms, wrought

righteousness, obtains promises, stop the

mouth of lions, quenches the violence of fire,

escapes the edge of the sword, out of weakness

is made strong, waxes valiant in fight, turns to

fight the armies of the aliens etc

The faith once delivered to the saints is the

faith that believes "God Has". Such faith

declares it already done. Instead of waitng for

God to create the provision, this faith steps into

the provision already made available in the

NOW in hhrist alone. Such faith believes the

past tense of Godss Word.

Anyone can believe he has something after he

sees it and feels it but that is walking by sight

and feelings and not by faith.

yiblical faith is believing you have something

before you have it. You believe you have it

because God says you have it and not because

you see it in your hand.

What is faith? Faith is my acceptance of God’s

fact. It always has its foundatons in the past.

What relates to the future is hope rather than

faith, although faith often has its object or goal

in the future, as in Hebrews 11. This is the kind

of faith described in Mark 11:24: “All things

whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye

have received them, and ye shall have them.”

The statement there is that, if you believe that

you already have received your requests (that

is, of course, in hhrist), then ‘you shall have


To believe that you may get something, or that

you can get it, or even that you will get it, is not
faith. This is faith -- to believe that you have

already got it.

Only that which relates to the past is faith in

this sense.

Those who say ‘God can’ or ‘God may’ or ‘God

must’ or ‘God will’ do not necessarily believe

at allt

Faith always says, ‘God has done it’t

When, therefore, do I have faith in regard to

my crucifixion? Not when I say God can, or will,

or must crucify me, but when with joy I say,

‘Praise God, in hhrist I am crucified!’

Are you going to believe the tangible facts of

the natural realm which are clearly before your

eyes, or the intangible facts of the spiritual

realm which are neither seen nor scientfically


All who have been born again have the faith of

the son of God in them. Galatans 2:20 says we

live by the faith of the son of God. His faith is

our faith. Unbelief is the enemy of faith. Faith

looks at spiritual reality and believes but

unbelief looks at physical reality and believes.

yut men of faith looked not unto things that

are seen but things that are not seen because

the things that are seen are temporal but the

things that are not seen are eternal. 2

horinthian 4:18.

A revelaton Knowledge of what God will do

quickens up Hope.

A revelaton Knowledge of what God has done

quickens up faith.
Hope is a goal seter but Faith is a goal geter. It

gets the goals hope has set.

I am crucified with hhrist. The old man needed

to die. You may be looking for how to remove

the old nature, the sinful heart but your eyes

must be opened to see that His cross was

actually your cross. You died in Him and a new

man with the nature of Jesus rose up in Him. If

indeed you are in hhrist you are a new

creature. All who have being born again are

new creatures in hhrist. yut you doubt and say,

I am not really a new creature.

Lack of understanding of what Jesus has done

will keep many in bondage. The resurrecton of

Jesus is also your resurrecton, the exaltaton of

Jesus is also yours. Actually you are seated in

heavenly places at the right hand of the father

in hhrist Jesus. His authority is also yours.

Oh, hitherto have we not arisen in His name.

Ask in His name and your joy shall be full.

Pray to God to open your eyes to what He has

done for you and in you in hhrist Jesus.

hhristanity begins with a big DONE not a big

DO. All who do not believe in what Jesus has

done and are waitng for Jesus to do something

and move will not so much see the fullness of

His grace.

You are complete in Him who is the head of all

principalites and powers (holossians 2:10). You

need your eyes to be opened to what Jesus has

done for you and in you in christ for your faith

to be released.

The Steps of Faith

1. Faith that believes- God hAN

2. Faith that believes- God WILL

3. Faith that believes- God HAS

We believe God can do anything. Nothing is too

hard for Him but this is not victorious faith of

which the bible speaks. This faith is passive and

accomplishes nothing.
Then there is faith that says sGod wills. This is

beter but stll short of true faith. This faith says

God will do this and do that. It expects it in the

future. It has hope of what God can do and will


Living faith is a faith that says God has done it.

A faith that believes the finished works of

hhrist. This kind of faith declares it already

done. This faith believes the past tense of Godss

Instead of waitng for God to do, this faith

steps into the provision already available and

done. This faith comes by hearing. This faith

only receives(sees and seizes) the finished

works of hhrist. This is the faith that does not

shrink. The faith that believes God has done it.

As soon as this faith breaks out in our heart

then we touch the reality of what God has


The man who believes God han do it is stll in

Egypt. The man who believes God will do it is

out of Egypt but stll in the wilderness. He or

she has not entered into the promises yet. The

man who believes God has done it has entered

into the promises and into rest.


The scribes and the Pharisees were worried

that the disciples of Jesus were not paying the

price like the disciples of John and the disciples

of the Pharisees and they asked him, why are

your disciples not fastng like the disciples of

John and of the Pharisees.

Mark 2:18-20

And the disciples of John and of the Pharisees

used to fast: and they come and say unto him,
Why do the disciples of John and of the Pharisees
fast, but thy disciples fast not?

And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the

bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with
them? as long as they have the bridegroom with
them, they cannot fast.
But the days will come, when the bridegroom
shall be taken away from them, and then shall
they fast in those days.

When the bridegroom (free giver) is taken away

then shall they fast (pay the price). Every prize

has a price.

"Fast" is seen as "Pay the Price for a Prize"

"Fast" is seen as "Pay the price"

"yridegroom" is seen as "Free giver"

yride groom is seen as "one who pays the price

for the bride" OR "one who has paid the price

for the bride".

yride groom is seen as "one who pays the

brideprice" OR "one who has paid the


When someone has paid the price for you, you

donst need to fast. yut when the bridegroom

(the one who pays the price for you) is taken

away, then shall we all pay the price.

Receive Jesus as your bridegroom. He has paid

it all. yridegroom is the one who pays the price

for the bride.

yridegroom is one who pays the price of a prize

for the bride or pays the bills for the bride.

He is the one who pays the price for you but

when he is taken away then will the people

fast(pay the price). Every PRIZE has a PRIhE.

That is what Jesus told the pharisees in

response to their queston why his disciples are

not fastng as the disciples of John

Let us look at some bridegrooms (ones who

pays the price of a prize for others; ones who

pays the bills for others):

1. Our Lord Jesus: Jesus paid it all. All to Him I

owe, sin had left a crimson stain but Jesus

washed it white as snow. Jesus is the eternal

bridegroom. He is the comforter who paid the

wages (i.e penalty) of sin for mankind which is

death. Jesus had paid it all to secure your

utermost salvaton of your Spirit, your soul and

your body. Jesus paid the price to bring you out

of Egypt and also bring Egypt out of you. You

only need to receive (i.e., see and seize) Him as

your saviour and your salvaton to enjoy the

prize of salvaton He has paid for you. You only

need to receive (i.e., see and seize) Him as your

healer and healing to receive the prize of

healing he has secured and paid by his stripes.

The bible says, by his stripes, we are healed. He

paid it all. He bore all our sicknesses and sins

that we may be free from sickness and sins.

Are you struggling to pay the price that Jesus

has paid? Jesus paid it all. Once and for all He

paid the price. As many as received Him, to

them God gave the power to become the

children of God.

2. yreadwinner:

yreadwinner is a person who earns money to

support a family. yreadwinner is a member of a

family whose wages supply its livelihood.

yreadwinner is one or a means whose earnings

are the primary source of support for their

dependents. yreadwinner is the primary

income earner in a household.

The breadwinner of a home or of a family is a

bridegroom because he is the one paying the

bills for the family. He is paying the price for the

family. When the breadwinner is taken away, it

leads to sufering on the part of the family

members. Some became fatherless,

motherless, widows, widowers and the ones

taken away were those who are paying the

price for them. It leads to unnecessary

mourning and tears.

yreadwinner means a means as a tool or craft

of livelihood e.g Job, skill. When your job is

taken away, then you will you fast. Hitherto

that job has been the one paying the price for

you but when it is taken away, then shall you


The fivefold ministers are friends of the

bridegroom whom Jesus the eternal

bridegroom placed over his bride for the

perfectng of the saints, for the work of the

ministry tll we all come to the full stature

(maturity) of the Son of God.

These fivefold minsters who are the Teachers of

the word, Pastors, Evangelists, Prophets and

Apostles are also bridegrooms because they

pay the price for the people they are leading.

They secure open heavens which the people

they are leading connect unto. They labor in

prayers, intercession over the saints and in

ministry of the incorruptble Seed of the Word

of God. Honor them also with your substance.

They are called THE SOWERS WHO SOW THE


You can imagine when these bridegrooms are

taken away, then shall the people fast.

When the man who shares deep insight into

the word of God to the church that has blessed

your life and advanced your spiritual growth, is

taken away, kia!! then shall the people labor to

glean insights from the word of God. Then will

they seek to secure their own open heavens

and secure uterance from the source of living

uterances. Then will the people experience

famine of the Word of God and seek the living

bread to nourish their souls.

When the Pastor who shepherds the fock is

taken away, the sheep will be scatered. Strike

the Shepherd (i.e., the root-cause of the

gathering) and the sheep (or gathering) will be


When the Evangelist who labors and reaches

out to gathers in the harvest into the hhurch is

taken away, then will the church experience

stagnaton of additon of souls in the church.

When the teacher of the word of God is taken

away, the truth that sets free becomes scarce

and rare. There would be no growth in

multplicaton of disciples. The teacher by

pouring out the truth of the word of God,

multplies (i.e reproduces) disciples through

sowing the seed of the word of God.

Note: Souls can be added to the church but

disciples must multplied by the contnuous

sowing of the word of God. There is a

diference between additon (plus) and

multplicaton (reproducton).

Multplicaton is a repeated additon. For

example 2*5=2+2+2+2+2. 2*5 means Additon

of 2 five tmes.

So God desires that disciples be multplied.

God wants to multply (reproduce or repeatedly

add) disciples of hhrist who have found rest for

their souls.
When the Prophet is taken away, there will be

no revelaton and directon, no open vision and

where there is no vision the people perish. It is

by a prophet, the lord brings Israel out of Egypt

of sin, sickness, stagnaton, confusion,

ignorance etc and by a Prophet is he preserved.

When the Apostle is taken away, then shall

they fast. It is by the Apostle the Lord recovers

revelaton and restoraton truths of the body of

hhrist that launches the church into fresh

manifestatons of God in signs, wonders and



bridegroom is taken away FROM THEM
AND then shall they fast in those days.
MARK 2:20
Is it right for the children of a rich man to fast

while the rich man is there and riches are stll

there? No. They will only fast when the rich

man is taken away.

Students do not need to toil in strenuous study

from scratch when there is someone among

them who has toiled and broken through and is

carrying out tutorials for them. yut when the

tutorial master is taken away then will they toil

and study hard from scratch.

Jesus has broken through. Should I also need to

struggle when Jesus had paid it all.

Is your bridegroom one that can be taken

han the children of the bridegroom, the

breadwinner, fast, toil, sufer, seek open

heavens? As long as they have the bridegroom

with them they should not and will not. They

would be walking into the efortless Victory and

blessings of the bridegroom.

Is your bridegroom, source of dependence one

which can be taken away? Is your bridegroom

the arm of fesh? The arm of fesh can be taken

away but the everlastng arm cannot be taken

away. Jesus is the eternal bridegroom.

Lean on the everlastng arm

We must learn to walk by faith and not by sight

or feelings. Many have not learnt to depend

upon the everlastng arm because their arm of

fesh has not been taken away. When our arm

of fesh is taken away then will we fast. When

our arm of fesh disappoints us, we must realize

that there is an everlastng arm.

Many do good works thinking that salvaton is

yY works but it is not yY works.




Many fast, work thinking they can secure their

inheritance in hhrist Jesus by works but we all

must come to Jesus and believe Jesus and His

finished works that Jesus has paid the price of

possessing the Lord God in our earthen vessels

for us and He has come to indwell us to make

His finished works an eternal reality in us as we

believe in the finished works of hhrist.

He did not pay some and leave you to pay the

rest. No Jesus paid it all. He paid it all. When He

said it is finished, he left nothing unpaid for.

His grace is sufcient (i.e., equal to the task) to

meet your need.

Are we saying, donst fast, study the bible and

do goods works again? No

We do not fast or read the bible now to get

because God has already blessed us in hhrist

and has endowed us.

The motve has changed now. Hitherto we

thought we need to do good works to get from

God but that was a wrong ground.

We are saved by grace alone through faith in

the finished works of hhrist.

We stll fast, study the word of God, go to

church etc but now, you do not fast, study the

bible etc to get from God rather we fast

because of what God has given us already in

We donst fast, pray, study the bible etc FOR

victory, we fast FROM victory.

We fight from victory not fight for victory.

Fightng the good fight of faith is a fight from



Our fight against sin and against every form of

darkness must be a fight from victory standing

upon the finished works of hhrist not a fight for

victory. We pray from victory not pray for

The ground we stand after coming to the

knowledge of the finished works of hhrist must

be a fight from Victory not a fight for victory.

I am not praying to gain victory. I am only

standing upon the victorious ground Jesus has

secured for me and fightng from victory.

We donst do good works to secure victory, we

do good works because we have secured

victory. Good works are outlow of the

victorious life of hhrist in us.

We donst give to get blessed from God; we give

because we have been blessed In hhrist Jesus.

Same fastng, same good works but diferent

motvaton and diferent grounds. One is doing

to get because of ignorance of the finished

works of hhrist.

The other is doing out of love from knowing

who He is in hhrist and because God has given

Him all in hhrist Jesus.

Valley of decision

Joel 3:14

Multtudes, multtudes in the valley of decision:

for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of

"Valley of decision" is seen as "hrossroad(s)".

The day of the Lord is near in the valley of

decision. Excuse me multtudes multtudes are

plenty in the valley of decision. They are

numerous there.
hrossroads are crucial valley of decision in a

persons life.

Some are stuck in the valley of decision of


Like three of four brothers are seeking the hand

of one lady in marriage and all are coming with

various versions of "thus saith the Lord". That is

a valley of decision for the lady.

Or you are stuck in between two choices to

choose between either yes or no, that is a

valley of decision (crossroad).

A person would encounter the valley of

decision almost everyday in our lives.

A student that is about to choose a course to

study while entering the university, he or she is

at a crucial valley of decision (crossroads).

Some made wrong decisions and are reaping

the consequences of it while others made the

right decision at the valley of decision.

The tme of the youth of a personss life is a

valley of decision (crossroad).

This is why we should remember our creator(i.e

the one who alone knows the WHY of our

existence) in the days of our youth while we are

stll agile not untl we become fragile.

Altar call that follows a live ministraton of the

gospel of hhrist message is a crucial valley of

decision to the hearers. They are put on the

spot to make a decision for hhrist there and

then by coming out in response to the altar call.

Valley of decision is/are hrossroad(s).

hrossroad is a crucial point especially where a

decision must be made.

hrossroads is a decisive turning point

hrossroads is a decision point, a turning point

or opportunity to change directon, course or


hrossroad is a fork in the road or a point where

a choice, one or two possibilites has to be

hrossroads is a juncture, a critcal point, a crisis

situaton or point in tme when a critcal

decision must be made.

hrossroads is a point of change.

hrossroads is a point in your life when you have

to make an important decision; a point when a

choice must be made.

hrossroads is a central meetng place, centrally

located place.
hrossroads is a place of intersecton of two or

more roads. hrossroad is a road that crosses a

main road or runs cross-country between

mainroads. hrossroad is a place where one road

crosses another.

Did you see genuine repentance (change of

mind) occurs at a Valley of decision (crossroads)

because valley of decision/crossroads means

decisive turning point.

This valley of decision is like a hotseat

Excuse me, the day of the Lord is dear and near

only at the valley of decision (crossroads).

Valley of decisions includes crucial karios

moments of a persons life.

God must bring you to a crossroads to

encounter revival.

Valley of decision is a place or point in tme of

change of mind and heart.

Did you see why no good thing will He withhold






I vividly remember the valley of decision of 2

horinthians 5:17 which says if any man is in

hhrist He is a new creature; old things are

passed away not old things are passing away

and all things are become new not all things are

becoming new.

I believed in what my senses were saying than

in what the word of God is saying but that day I

was brought to a valley of decision because the

day of the Lord is near and dear only in the

valley of decision.

God helped my unbelief and i believed without

unbelief that indeed if any man be in hhrist, He

is a new creature, old things are passed away

not old things are passing away. I began to walk

(i.e., align) according to the word of God not

according to my senses. This was a crucial

valley of decision. It was a fresh turning point

that led to growth in my walk with God.

God must bring you to a valley of decision, a

decisive turning point, a crisis point in your life

and through your life to showcase His glory

through you.

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