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zero conditional (100%)

If + persona  + verbo presente simple, persona + verbo presente simple 
If I work hard, I have money
If friends come home, I cook pizza
If I go shopping, I buy a lot of clothes
If my mum cooks soup, I go to her house
If + pers + (don´t / doesn´t) + verb infinitivo, pers + pres simple (+/-) +
If I don´t work , I don´t have money
If I don´t sleep, I am tired
If it doesn´t rain, I go out 
If I don´t have a shower, I don´t sleep
If I win the lottery, I give (presents/ gifts) to my family
I give (presents/ gifts) to my family If I win the lottery

If my friends go to dance, I go with them

I go with my friends if they go to dance

If I don´t cook, I don´t eat

I don´t eat if I don´t cook

If I travel to Italy, I visit famous places

I visit famous places if travel to Italy

If I feel sick, I go to the hospital

                       I go to the doctor
                       I don´t go to work
                       I take medicine
If I go to the store, I drive my car
                                 I buy something for my dog 
                                 I take vegetables for cook
If my dog feels happy, I am happy too :) 
                                    it moves its tail
If I work hard, I have money
If have money, I buy a house
If I buy a house, I have children
If I have children, I spend a lot of money.

If I feel sick, I go to the hospital

If I go to the hospital, I don´t go to work
If don´t go to work, I don´t have money
If I don´t have money, I don´t go shopping
If I don´t go shopping, I don´t feel good  !!!
If I don´t feel good…. I am sick again…


will +
won´t -
presente simple + futuro
 If I work hard, I will buy a new car
If I win the lottery, I won´t work anymore
If my dog feels happy, I will be happy, too
If I have a new house, I will have children

If I cut my hair, I will look beautiful

If my car breaks down, I will (buy a new car / take a taxi/ go to work on
If you have a good behavior, I will buy something for you
If my friends don’t go to dance, I will stay at home 
If my parents have another child, I won't be happy

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