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UVic 370 Counselling

Online Session via Zoom

Progress Notes
Client Name: Sandy Teo
Client #: 1

Date: Sunday 11/13/2022 @ 11:30 AM

S- The client expressed feeling positive and better overall. The client mentioned having made
progress by focusing on the present and trying not to dwell on the past. The client mentioned
having identified positive memories and people from the past and realizing that positive things
also happened to her. The client was able to remember encouraging words from meaningful
people in the past such as a family friend who treated her 'like a daughter' and a teacher who told
her she believed in her and was proud of her.
The client mentioned feeling like she is moving forward and that she believes in herself and can
control things and achieve change. She also expressed recognizing the importance to be kind to
herself, rather than just towards others.

O- The client appeared happy as evidenced by the fact that she was smiling all throughout the
session. The client seemed proud of the progress achieved as she mentioned it with an
enthusiastic tone while smiling. The client also seemed more focused and less tired compared to
previous sessions as she often stepped in and shared things in greater detail.
The client was able to identify some of the challenges she might encounter when trying to
achieve her goals, such as being stressed, tired, and busy. However, she was also able to identify
resources and supports such as her children and husband. The client was able to identify the
progress made and the positive benefits that came with it, as she mentioned feeling better overall.

A- The client seemed positive and enthusiastic about the awareness gained, and the progress
achieved/witnessed. I believe this is because she was able to identify 'old thought patterns' which
led to her feeling empowered towards achieving goals and desired changes.
One of the challenges the client might encounter is falling into those 'old patterns'. Together we
created an action plan to help her stay on track, in which the client showed cooperation. The
client rated her progress as a 4 on a scale from 1 to 5 and mentioned wanting to move forward
which makes me think she is motivated to achieve changes and to keep working on her goals.

P- Reviewed skills and tools discussed in the previous session. Guided client in writing coping
statements and asked her to post them around the house. Asked the client to identify her top two
thinking traps and discussed ways in which those can be identified and challenged. Led a
meditation and emphasized the benefits of being present, rather then acting on 'autopilot mode'.
Asked the client a miracle and a scaling question to understand her willingness and confidence in
achieving change/desired goals. Developed an action plan to stay on track with goals and track
progress. A copy of the plan was sent to the client after the session. Home practice was assigned.
Client was sent a form to practice the THINK question, STOPP skill, SPOTTING thinking traps,
and SWAPPING to new more balanced thoughts. The client was also encouraged to keep
practicing mediation and writing coping statements.
Our next appointment is Wednesday, 11/23/2022 @ 4:30 PM.

Simona Scoffone ________________________________


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