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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Networking Plan Template
Section 1: The Career Decision Matrix
As you move through the data-gathering phase and begin to generate options for potential jobs
and potential employers, this is when you can build and use a Career Decision Matrix. Following
the information from Harrington & Hall text, Career Management & Worklife Integration,
Chapter 4, pages 92-94, you will research, gather, and analyze information from your self-
assessments (i.e. the Kuder assessments in Unit 1, in particular), thematic analysis (themes),
career resources and more to create your Career Decision Matrix.

Career options are broader than jobs. They are paths you can take to get to where you want to be.
Here is a resource that can assist you in determing:

Answer the following:

1) As you have gathered your data take the time to share and fully describe your top
four (4) possible career options. You want to be specific, as this creates a more
meaningful matrix. Describe each career with as much detail as possible. Consider
the following to be used in your 2-3 paragraph response per career option: career
field / organization / job-related responsibilities / opportunities for advancement /
future outlook of the career field. These responses need to demonstrate that you
have gathered your research and analyzed it, so there should be citations referencing
where you got your information, using APA standards. Remember to include why you
are choosing each career option.

a. Manager, Inclusion and Diversity(I&D) :

I have taken many self and career assessments, and as indicated in the

Holland and DISC results, working with others is one of my strengths. I am

passionate about working in the I & D field because, as an immigrant, female, and

50 years old, I have experienced firsthand the impact it can have on an individual

when equality is not present. Unfortunately, equality is such a broad term. For

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some, it’s all about perspective, and not sharing the concern of how society treats

and looks at a person could positively or negatively affect them.

I aim to remain at Starbucks but find a role where I can make the most

significant impact and encourage others to share their stories. The knowledge gap

about equality surfaced in the last 3-4 years, specifically at the beginning of the

pandemic. In my opinion, when we discuss inclusion and diversity, it’s usually

referred to race, specifically black and white, but those in between are disregarded

or forgotten. This is not just in the workplace but also in our communities. My

goal is to create awareness there’s more to equality; it’s not just black and white.

In this role, I will have the opportunity to collaborate with others and

strategically plan how we can support partners at all levels, from retail to

corporate. This also means we don’t just build a team based on ethnicity but also

on cultural differences providing the individuals share the organization’s mission

and values. My ability to work well with others and be a champion for change

will also be an intricate part of this role. With I & D in place, there’s no boundary

regarding how far we can go as an organization but, more importantly, as human


b. Reusable CoCreation Operations Consultant Manager (OCM):

At the beginning of my ASU journey, I was inspired by a professor who is

passionate about sustainability. What I took away was that there’s so much

information out there that it can be overwhelming. The feeling of being

overwhelmed, as well as thinking one person cannot make a difference, is shared

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by many, and many don’t know where to begin. The idea of sustainability is a

global issue, but it can’t have a beginning or succeed if, as individuals, we don’t

make an effort. This effort is changing our day-to-day behavior.

In the role of the OCM with the reusable cocreation team, I would be

collaborating and leading a team of partners who share the same passion and drive

to create the awareness that every action counts. On an average day, a working

partner could use 2-3 single-use cups and leave the water on for no reason. These

are behaviors that can change, but communicating why the change is necessary is

crucial to helping change behaviors, which is also the number one challenge. For

many, the issue of climate change is not tangible as only a few are affected, and

even in those affected, the desire or ability to change is not sustainable to demand

change. As issues with climate and environmental change are rising, this field of

focus will be essential to heal and hope to maintain our planet for future


c. Reusables Product Manager:

In this role, my primary responsibility is to work as a team by

collaborating with cross-functional teams to find a solution to shift the partners'

behavior. It will need to be a cultural shift throughout the organization. What will

this look like? As leaders in stores and support centers, we must lead by example

and utilize personal cups or for-here-ware. Our partners observe our efforts to

minimize single-use waste to help slow climate and environmental changes. In

this role, I would be leaning on my strength in working well with others while

building relationships through transparency and respect. It will take the skill set

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I've developed in planning with methodical execution. The effective

communication skills I have been able to develop will also play a vital role in my

success as a leader and this program.

Similar to reusable cocreation OCM, this role will continue to prove the

need for implementing changed behavior. As a leader, I am responsible for

sharing how and why everyone needs to participate in this reusable cup program.

My other strength is helping others grow and develop. I would create an

environment for the partners to succeed and give them the confidence and desire

to share what they know with their friends and family. Word of mouth is the best

way to share information, and when someone you trust shares the why and how I

believe, often case, the idea is bought in. There is a concern for rising

temperatures, extreme weather, and other climate change. Unfortunately, only

some know how or have other competing priorities.

d. District Manager (DM)

As a district manager at Starbucks, my responsibility and accountability

have increased. So what are the qualifications to become a DM? In full

transparency, I have questioned the placement of some of the store managers as

DMs but only based on what I know of who they are. Although assuming the best

in others has not been noted as one of my weaknesses, I am aware of how I feel

and, sometimes, the actions taken due to the assumption. Through previous OGL

courses and other courses, I have learned my opportunities and have consciously

tried to eliminate the preset bias to ensure fair treatment is provided for everyone.

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A few years ago, we went through racial bias training. Although it was

necessary at the time because of the sensitive nature of our society, it should not

have been just focused on a racial issue but a situational problem. My DM at the

time did not follow up with his first team, although the expectation was for store

managers to connect with their partners, and this is one incident where a top-down

approach was necessary. DM's role is not just delivering a positive experience for

the partners and customers but also achieving and exceeding business metrics and

having a positive portfolio. One way to do this is by holding the store managers

accountable for results while providing the support needed to ensure success.

Unfortunately, politics are involved, and it would be a struggle for me to stay

within the boundaries of what is expected and the reality of the partners in the

retail space. At Starbucks, becoming a DM is a necessary stepping stone to

continue the developmental journey and growth into other facets of the

organization. My dilemma is, as I follow our mission and values guide, will my

courage to challenge the status quo to become my downfall and not have the

opportunity for advancement?

Now that you have determined these four options, take a step back and share a fifth
UNTHINKABLE (UT) career option, that you would never do, but are trained for
by what you have learned by earning your degree. Think about skills you have
acquired while earning your degree, which would be transferable to something
completely different.

e. Accountants and Auditor:

According to Super’s Work Values Inventory Assessment, based on the

work values ranking, a career in accounting and auditing is a good fit. The

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assessment reflects the Holland codes of Conventional (C), Enterprising (E), and

Investigative (I). I am goal-driven; however, my passion and happiness are in

working with others by fostering positive and shared values while meeting

organizational needs. I have refined my skills in communicating effectively,

verbally and in nonverbal. However, in this career field, the focus is data-driven,

with little room for innovation.

This is considered a UT because the opportunity for relationship building

through networking or other methods is also limited. To me, this career option

already comes with limits and boundaries because following policies and

procedures will be the key to ensuring the stakeholders and the organization

succeed and is satisfied with my performance. The compensation and benefits

could be competitive with solid job security, and it is in the national bright

outlook category, which means it’s a rapidly growing career. Regardless of the

benefits, it’s not a career option for me, as the opportunity to build and cultivate

relationships will not be the focus or at the forefront.

2) Using the information you have gathered and shared above it is time to fill in your
Career Decision Matrix. You can find an example in Table 4.2 on page 93 of our
text. When you complete the matrix below, be sure to remove any unnecessary

a. Down the left hand side of the matrix, you will list your ten (10) life themes
from your thematic analysis. You can also add more that were not part of your
presentation as Theme 11 and so on.

b. Across the top of the page, you will list the five (5) career options you are

c. Next, fill in each cell with a high (h), medium (m), or low indication of the
match between that theme and the alternative under consideration.

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d. Calculate your Career to Theme Consistency Points (CTCP) aka Summary, by
assigning high = 5, medium = 3, and low = 1, and then adding them up to
determine the ranking of your career choices to your themes. Not all themes
can have high designation (if everything is important, nothing is important).
The goal is to identify how your career options align with your life themes, so
you have better information to determine which aspects are most important
to you in your next career step.

Inclusion Reusable Reusables District Emergency

& CoCreation Product Manager Operations
Diversity (OCM) Manager Manager

Team High High High High High


Insecurity Medium Medium Medium Low Low

Relationships High High High High High

Teamwork High High High High High

Helping Others High Medium Medium High High

Personal Goal High High High Medium Low

Behaviors to Low Medium Medium High Low


Boundaries Low Low Low Medium Low

Mindfulness High High High High Medium

Effective High High High High High


CTCP 40 40 40 39 31

3) Now that you have determined these career options in relation to your life themes:
a. Reflect to what extent your Career Decision Matrix development process has
helped your career development decisions.

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The career decision matrix development further emphasized my passion

for working with others and my focus on building and maintaining relationships.

Through my personal and work experience, pursuing a career in I & D will serve

my purpose and allow me to continue to grow as a person. I know my themes also

include challenges to overcome; however, with the relationships I have and

continue to build, my peers, direct leaders, and family will support me through the

process. For instance, with my leadership insecurities, I understand it’s not a

weakness to lean on others and ask for help. In addition, the struggle I experience

wanting to solve everyone’s problem does not benefit anyone, and it’s a personal

challenge I need to overcome because, in the end, it hinders my ability to be

present with my partners.With I & D, it’s more than just about me; I will use my

storytelling skills to help others voice how they feel. What gaps exist in our

organization that not everyone feels safe or comfortable sharing their true


I mentioned setting boundaries is also a challenging theme, which is more

evident in a professional setting. What boundary would I need to set since the

scope of the responsibility is genuinely on building a solid foundation among

multicultural partners? A strategic plan for how it will affect those who feel the

need is not necessary will also be as significant to address. Unfortunately, I & D

have only surfaced recently in the last five years, although inequality for any

reason has been an issue for centuries. Having made this point, there’s much

ambiguity in this role; however, through teamwork, I will assist in identifying and

building solid relationships with both internal and external stakeholders. I am

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hopeful that one day, there will not be a need to discuss inclusion and diversity

because of the work and efforts the organizations have started. But keep in mind,

for this to succeed, it can’t be a behavior only in the workplace but our natural

human instinct to treat everyone fairly without bias, unconscious or not.

a. Share which career option(s) you feel would be worth researching more and
pursuing as you begin to think about your networking plan.
A career in sustainability, especially in advocating for why the change in

our daily behavior, is essential for further research. I have joined and trained with

the Climate Reality group, and one aspect with which I used to struggle with is

thinking of the big picture when it came to reducing climate change. I can refer to

some of my themes, avoiding behaviors and effective communication. Why

behaviors to avoid? From the pure marketing and media perspective, they create

reducing climate change to be only addressed by large organizations and

governments. That’s completely untrue! Certain behaviors as individuals can

make a significant impact if we can shrink these issues from a world problem to

what is in our control and how we can change it. We have so much power as

consumers and citizens, but we need to change ourselves first and avoid the idea

of, “oh, there’s nothing I can do to reduce waste and slow down climate change.”

Growing up, our parents, teachers, mentors, and leaders told us to think big. Well,

when it comes to saving and healing our planet, we need to look in the mirror and

start small.

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Through the Climate Reality group, as well as an advocate as a partner for

the sustainability network at Starbucks, I try to have conversations about using

personal cups and for here wares with my team and customers to encourage them

how important it is to reduce single cup usage. I have also partnered with local

community gardens to repurpose our coffee grounds as they use them as topsoil or

fertilizer. My networking can be expanded by having a presence outside my four

work walls. Still, instead of trying to help outside in, I am working on creating a

ripple effect where my partners will have the behaviors set, so they practice

reducing and being mindful of the waste they produce. My passion and purpose

are to encourage behaviors to be kind to each other and our planet. As the cliché

goes, one day at a time; for me, it’s one partner at a time.

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Section 2: Networking Plan
Now that you have completed your Career Decision Matrix we now need to move forward and
develop a networking plan that you can use to help you reach your career goals. Review
Harrington & Hall text, Career Management & Worklife Integration, Chapter 4, pages 77-83.
Developing and managing your network of people who can help you is an important ongoing
process whether or not you are currently happy in your career.

The purpose of this activity is to:

• Help you assess and enhance (extend or strengthen) your developmental network relative
to major challenges you will face in the next 1-3 years
• Help you develop a networking strategy that will work for you
• Help you develop a specific plan to pursue over the next 6 months to 1 year
• Create an accountability mechanism

Research on leadership development has demonstrated that people benefit from a variety of
developmental relationships, including short-term and long-term alliances with bosses, peers,
senior executives, coaches, subordinates, and family members, the more diversity and depth
there is in your developmental network, the better. Depending on our dominant learning tactics,
we are more or less likely to pay attention to the quality of our developmental network.
This assignment was adapted by Professor Kathy E. Kram from a worksheet developed by
Professor Deborah Kolb, Simmons Graduate School of Management. Adapted by permission.

Answer the following:

1) As you think about the major changes that are likely to take place at your place of
work in the next few years, what major challenges and opportunities do you foresee
that you will need to deal with in the next 1-3 years?

Describe and explain why these are your top three (3) of Challenges here:
a. Technology intelligence

With constant changes and upgrades to the operating systems and programs

required to perform successful projects, it’s an area where I continue to struggle. At

Starbucks, much of our focus is on the digital space and providing a seamless experience

for our customers. However, when there’s a technology issue, I don’t always have the

solution to resolve the case. Often, it’s out of my control as the network or program itself

has failed, but in the eyes of the customers, I should be able to resolve the issue.

Additionally, virtual space was vital during the pandemic to maintain some version of the

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connection. It was only through trial and error that I could navigate through some

systems to ensure I could support my team. My goal is to have further exposure through

Microsoft certification courses to be at least familiar with the main programs because

these are some basic requirements with many organizations. For example, I saw on

LinkedIn that an organization was looking for an entry-level data analyst with no college

degree required but who is proficient in everything Microsoft.

b. Age

At fifty years old, my ability to work shoulder-to-shoulder with my partners has

started to be challenging, especially with a growing business in the last couple of

years. I have also noticed the struggle to focus after work on school work because of

the fatigue setting in after being on my feet for hours and having to engage with a few

hundred customers a day. However, through some of the courses, OGL, and other

electives, I have been able to prioritize and plan with intent regarding meeting

deadlines and delivering metrics. I suppose age will be a challenge to all of us at one

point or another, but over the years, I have learned when to adjust my approach and

how much I commit; it’s still a work in progress. It will only hinder my career if I

don’t accept that change will be necessary one day, and I need to welcome that


c. Motivation

According to the self and career assessments, I am driven and motivated, but I

need more motivation to seek a career path other than the one I am on currently.

There have been much of social issues that have surfaced where I was the recipient of
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the negativity. This could be a factor in the motivation being a challenge for me.

Regardless, I am still driven and motivated to build relationships and help those grow,

succeed, and find joy in their life.

Describe and explain why these are your top three (3) of Opportunities here:
d. Life, work balance

As I look into the next 1-3 years, I have an excellent opportunity to pave the path

to bring life and work balance. Especially with completing ASU in April 2023, this

should be feasible. With this balance, I will be able to focus on my career

opportunities as described above, as well as get back into the routine of exercising

and having quality time with family. One thing is clear I need to prioritize what’s

important, and helping others grow and develop is one of them. Additionally, it will

serve two purposes. I will support and build capabilities for my partner to be a bench

for the next growth opportunity and have partners who are confident in their role and

lead the team in my absence. With life and work balance, I will be able to support my

manager peers in their growth and create a positive environment for the partners to

live our mission and values.

e. Influence others

With life and work balance, I can focus more on helping others succeed and

influencing the partners' sustainability behaviors. The challenge for me will be

delivering the why and having appropriate open-ended questions to start the dialogue.

The best way to influence others is through intentional or impromptu conversations

because conversation and word of mouth are the best ways to share information. The

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influence I will have will be building relationships with those in the community we

serve and encouraging personal cups and for here ware when they are in the store.

Again, influence is usually most effective if people you're trying to influence can see

the benefit they will experience, so articulating through effective communication will

be the key.

f. Increase in networking

It's great to have a close group of people you can rely on, but why limit yourself to

having the influence or being encouraged? By increasing the network circle, we are

building capabilities for our growth and for others we meet. We all have skills we can

teach to benefit others and strengths that could be strengthened through experience and

networking. I have started to increase my network by searching out local and national

groups with the same passion as I do in sustainability, helping others, and learning to

maintain life and work balance.

2) Given these challenges and opportunities, what type of help are you most likely to
need? Check one and explain why.
a. Help in getting the job done ______
b. Help in advancing my career x__
c. Emotional support ______
d. All of the above ______

I will need the most support in advancing my career as Starbucks requires specific

background experience to be considered for a role. Still, the experience is only sometimes

readily available to achieve. I have reached out to those in the areas of my career interests

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and have maintained consistent check-ins, so they get to know me beyond my partner

number. I want people to know my face, name, drive, and motivation to collaborate and

succeed as a team.

3) If your major challenge or opportunity is related to your work, how well positioned
are you to get information, advice, and resources about new opportunities and
possibilities? Check one and explain who can help you and why.
Very Well ______ Okay __x____ Need to Expand My Network ______

In my second team, my peers, I need someone to seek support with advice, information,

or resources to help me advance in my opportunities. This isn't because they are unwilling

but do not share the same motivation or need to move away from their current position. As

for my direct leaders, I've had a few false starts. This means they are eager at first, but when

it comes to follow-up and continued support, they seem to have other priorities that take

precedence. Yes, I do my best to hold them accountable, but at what point do I come across

as needy and selfish? This is one of the reasons why I have made intentional networking

efforts and built relationships outside of my immediate team.

4) If your major challenge or opportunity means making a move into a leadership

position, do you have relationships with people who can give you advice and
effectively advocate or champion you for important assignments or other
developmental activities? Check one and explain who can help you and why.
Yes ___x___ No ______

From networking and seeking out leaders in the areas of my career interest, I have built a

support system to whom I can turn for guidance and advice. These leaders have provided lots

of constructive feedback as well as encouragement. Those partners have shared the career

opportunities discussed at the beginning of this assignment. I know my direct leaders will also

advocate for me when necessary. They are challenged to deliver a successful portfolio focused

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on sales and revenue. Interestingly enough, I prefer connecting and discussing my strengths

and opportunities for growth with the partners outside of the retail role because they aren't

bogged down by the bureaucracy of managing a portfolio involving profit and loss.

5) If your challenge or opportunity means that you will need emotional support, to
what extent do you have people who can give you support? Check one and explain
who can help you and why.

a. I have a strong support network to help me. __x___

b. I don’t have people to help me through changes I will have to make. ____

I will always need emotional support, as everyone does when dealing with challenges or

opportunities. Fortunately, I have a strong support system from my husband, family, peer,

and professionals, as well as using mindfulness apps on my smartphone. I know this may

seem bazaar but knowing I have an immediate outlet on my device if I need to be grounded is

a reassuring feeling. I try not to discuss or share day-to-day routine challenges stemming

from work with my husband and family because it would be difficult for them to relate, so

the only thing it will do is make them feel helpless and frustrated for me. I can confidently

say this because my husband shared his feeling of helplessness. But I have found that

connecting with my peers a couple of times a week to talk "shop" and using the mediation

app has considerably helped.

6) If your challenge or opportunity means that you will need help getting the job done,
advancing your career, or getting emotional support, do you have people in your
network who can fulfill these functions? Check one and explain who can help you
and why.
Yes __x____ No ______

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My explanation is the same as for the previous question. The only difference would be

why l would need to assess if they can fulfill the functions. Isn't the definition of a support

system just that, those you rely on to help you fill the existing gaps?

7) What is your approach to building relationships? How are you at initiating

relationships? In what settings are you most comfortable meeting people?

a. Joint or shared work, projects, and committees ___x___

b. One-on-one appointments, with specific agendas ______
c. Informal “no agenda” social settings ______
d. Going for coffee, lunch, or drinks ______
e. Leisure activities such as golf, tennin, or theater ______
f. Other ______

I enjoy and prefer building relationships through initiating a project whose

purpose and mission are shared. For example, I wanted to figure out how to reintroduce

the Grounds For Your Garden program as soon as we brought back indoor seating into

our stores and focused on returning to prepandemic operations. My sustainability courses

helped me initiate conversations with local community gardening projects to determine

how to repurpose our grounds. Through networking and collaboration, I was able to assist

in starting a project to help educate and grow fresh vegetables and fruit in an underserved

community where finding affordable fresh food options is impossible. I’ve met many

amazing volunteers who share the same passion, trying to eliminate food deserts in our

county. Again, many residents of this county were unaware of the food desert, and

insecurity existed. Luckily, I met a fantastic individual with a significant presence in the

Women’s Foundation of Florida. Through our relationship, we worked together to have

our county recognize May as an Asian Heritage Month by signing a proclamation.

Networking is vital because it doesn’t stop at the person you met but also at those in their


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8) What is your preferred style?

a. Occasional phone calls or e-mails just to ask “how are you?” __x____
b. Phone calls, e-mails, or visits with specific requests or questions _x_____
c. Holiday cards and letters ______
d. Dropping in or calling when you’re in the neighborhood __x____
e. Arranging in advance to get together at professional meetings __x____
f. Relying on the chance that your paths will cross ______
g. Inviting people to join you for lunch, coffee, golf, and so on ___x___
h. Contacting people when you find some information, an article, or an opportunity that
might interest them __x____
i. Other ______

My preferred networking style is ensuring only a few time lapses between conversations

or meetings because relevancy is crucial in successful networking. Additionally, not

assuming the other person will remember you just because you thought you made an

impression is also a mistake. From managing work, school, and family, I tend to forget those

I meet at a professional or social gathering, so why would I assume they will remember me?

To maintain the network, we must try to stay connected.

9) Now turn your attention to the “Action Planning” part of the exercise (top of page 82).
Respond to the following questions:

a. What are your goals in developing a professional network? Be specific.

My goal in developing a professional network is to join the local chamber of commerce,

be active on LinkedIn by continuing to update my profile as needed and seek out

organizations where my strengths can benefit them.

b. How will a well-developed network of contacts help you achieve your career goals?

A well-developed network of contacts will help me achieve my career goal because we share

similar passions and values. Additionally, the network will need to know they can lean on me to

support them in achieving their goals. Relationships through trust and dependability will help in

building a solid foundation of collaboration and trust

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c. What are some of the characteristics of the people you are looking to include in your

Some characteristics of the people I am looking to include in my network are dependability,

doing as you say, honesty, humility, and resiliency.

d. Where might you come in contact with these people? How will you grow your network /
initiate contact with new potential networking contacts?

I seek these characteristics at work through my partners, peers, and direct leaders. My

success in the growing network is due to the skill I developed through working at Starbucks. As

an extrovert, initiating conversations comes naturally to me. Still, my best asset has been

learning to be an effective listener because it takes discipline and patience to listen and absorb all

the information shared by someone, especially a stranger.

e. Who in your network are you looking to enhance your relationship with? How will you go
about enhancing these relationships?

The person I am looking to enhance my relationship with is my new direct leader,

helping them succeed. Through their success, they would be able to support me by

providing honest feedback so I can continue to grow and develop in my current role.

They could also advocate for me if an opportunity arises. It sounds like I am only looking

out for my best interest, but it wouldn’t serve any purpose for my new leader to fail

because we are a team. For me, we succeed as a district, not as an individual store.

f. How can you leverage your existing network? Might some of your existing networking
contacts know others who you should be in contact with?

My existing network consists of people in my organization and community, and

there are few cross-functional opportunities between the two. So what can I do to

introduce those in my current network? With approval from the regional director, I am

planning an event to bring partners, vendors, and community leaders together by hosting

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an event to allow everyone to connect and build relationships with those who are

otherwise not possible. It’s a work in progress, and I am collaborating with those who are

determined and share the same passion for giving back to the communities in which we

do business. Fortunately for Starbucks, despite its size, there are platforms in which we

can connect remotely and, if lucky, in person at an event.

Section 3: SMART Career and Networkings

Using a SMART goals-based approach, as well as project planning and management skill best
practices, create a detailed project plan for at least two specific goals. At least one must be
related to your Career Plan, and the other related to your Networking Plan. Both of these goals
need to be things that you are passionate about accomplishing.
Your selected goals and SMART plan (see SMART goal information provided in the Unit)
should be structured based on a one to two-year timeline. It should include specific milestones,
action items, sub-tasks as well as task-related interdependencies as applicable. With respect to
each goal, critically think about what specifically are the things you will do in the next one to
two years to achieve these goals.

Develop a clear and detailed SMART plan, with facilitating goals and steps/actions required
to accomplish your selected goals. It should be evident, by looking at the format and structure
of your plan, that you have developed some significant skills respect to project management.
Include Gantt charts or other visual project representations as you see fit, and be sure to address
your approach to tracking/measuring your progress.

1) What is your Career Goal?

(Insert your Career Goal above and provide short answers below describing your Career
Goal in terms of the SMART model. Finally, provide a Gantt Chart using the tools

a. Specific: My career goal is aligned with what brings me the most happiness at work, and

it’s to work with others to ensure fair and equitable practices are shared among all

partners, from retail to corporate. With the Inclusion & Diversity team, I would have the

opportunity to share my passion for equality, not just in what many of us reference to

race but incorporating different cultural backgrounds. This makes us unique, and it's

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more than race and ethnicity. It’s how we can contribute to society and the organization

as individuals.

b. Measurable: The goal is to have an intentional plan to monitor the partners' perspective

while working for the organization and provide honest feedback if they resign, an exit

evaluation. The current feedback program only accounts for less than 40% of the entire

organization because there’s no focus on sharing honest feedback. As for the exit

interview, I can confidently say the turnout is far less than that.

c. Attainable: This career goal is attainable because I have built a great network of

supporters who will advocate for me, and I have also built relationships with those close

to this specific role. I have also been active in working with partners from different

partner networks and collaborating to provide the space for them to share and listen to

each other’s stories. Additionally, last year, I was involved in attaining a proclamation for

our local Asian Community to be recognized by the authorities. More importantly,

helping them voice their needs to their local leaders.

d. Relevant: As someone who had experienced when inclusion was not practiced or

recognized, my goal is to share my story to encourage others to speak up when they are

not treated with equal respect, dignity, and opportunity. We must eliminate the fear of

retaliation for sharing our voices.

Last Update: May 2021
e. Time-Based: To reach 75% survey completion by July 2023.

2) What is your Networking Goal

(Insert your Networking Goal above and provide short answers below describing your
goal in terms of the SMART model. Finally, provide a Gantt chart using the tools

a. S: Grow my current network by focusing on those in similar professional

industries and interests, connecting with those in their network, expanding the net

to build a more extensive network and support system, and joining the chamber of


b. M: Increased invites to community functions, opportunities to learn different

skills, and increased followers and connections on LinkedIn profiles.

c. A: This is attainable through planning and following up with those I meet.

Last Update: May 2021
d. R: My networking goal is relevant because I can widen my career opportunity

exponentially simply by expanding and looking beyond the first relationship. By

widening the net, I have a better chance of meeting new people, building

additional skills, and as well the opportunity to help others with their goals.

e. T: 6 months

Last Update: May 2021

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