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H2 blockers work to inhibit histamine released

from the gastrointestinal system

GERD Ulcers Gastritis

Sores in stomach Treated with
or intestinal antacids which
eal reflux mucosa that can be will raise PH to
disease also caused by stress, 3-4, medications
known as bacteria, acidic can be systemic or
heartburn food, and chronic non systemic (the
use of some drugs only systemic is
like NSAIDs and sodium
steroids bicarbonate)

Agents Used to Treat These Diseases

Ranitidine- Zantac
Famotidine- Pepcid
Cimetidine- Tagamet (Prototype)

These drugs cause some

Calcium will attract some other
inhibition of the p450
agents like tetracycline iron,
enzymes, meaning metabolism
of other drugs will decrease, digoxin, and indomethacin in
and if we are decreasing which they will bind to and form
metabolism of other drugs, we a kelate. This means that both
increase risk of them being agents will be excreted
at toxic levels unchanged.

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