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Social Science
1. Write the correct part of the Earth´s structure

2. Write four different gases in the atmosphere. What is it the most common?
And the second most common?
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
The most common gas is the _______________________________________________
The second most common gas is the _________________________________________
3. Match
Wind is A flash of light that comes from clouds
Clouds are Precipitation in the dorm of frozen rain
Lightning is The movement of air
Hail is Made of tiny droplets of water
Hurricanes are Storms with very strong winds
4. Write the correct weather
5. Are the sentences about weather or climate?
a. It´s going to rain tonight. ____________________
b. The humidity is very high in the summer. ___________________
c. The rain season is in July. _____________________
d. It snowed on Christmas last year. ______________________
e. The last summer was sunny. ______________________
f. Africa is always hot. _________________________
6. Write the correct climate zone

7. Complete the text

The _______________ exist in three different states:
- ___________________: in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes.
- ___________________: in clouds.
- ___________________: like snow or ice
Liquid water in the atmosphere can be:
_____________________, which is salt water or fresh water.
_____________________, which filters down through the Earth´s surface and collects
under the ground.
8. Write the phases of the water cycle
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
9. Match
Reduce Transform materials into a new object
Reuse Use the same object again
Recycle Use less
10. Which of these actions is first? Write the numbers 1-5.
The air gets colder, and the water vapour condenses. The water vapour forms droplets
that become clouds.
The drop of water falls into a river. This is collection. The river flows into the sea.
There is a drop of water in the sea.
The cloud gets heavier, and it rains. This is a type of precipitation.
The water evaporates. The water becomes water vapour and rises into the air.
11. ¿Por qué la atmosfera es importante? Escribe 2 motivos y dos acciones que
Podemos hacer para protegerla
12. ¿Por qué la hidrosfera es importante? ¿Cómo podemos ahorrar agua?
Escribe dos motivos y ejemplos.
13. Completa
La atmosfera es la capa de _______________ que rodea la _______________.
Está formada por 2 capas. En la capa ___________ están el aire y las nubes y en la
capa__________ apenas hay aire.
El aire está compuesto por varios gases. El más abundante es el
________________________ y el segundo más abundante es el

14. ¿Cómo se llama cada capa de la Tierra?

15. Escribe las partes de la geosfera donde corresponda.

Está formado por roca líquida: _____________________________
Es el centro de la Tierra: _________________________________
Es la superficie dura de la Tierra: ___________________________

16. Explica el ciclo del agua


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