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In modern days of management delegating our task to others is a vital skill. We need to
delegate our lower value tasks to others with the help of 70% rules.

-> Delegation helps you to manage the project properly as you share some portion of your
with someone who is able to do it.

-> Delegation is a skill you must know if you want to grow in today's world of management.
You have to choose the right person and then delegate details to that person properly.

As we know distraction always leads towards failure. So, we must have to concentrate to
successful. Concentration is a key to success and you must have to concentrate properly to
time and utilize things which require your proper time.

-> If we pick any task then we have to stay with it till its completed, We can not go off to
something else and then pick up the task where we left. Single Handling plays major role when
We deal with critical tasks.

-> Multitasking is a trend today. Doing multitasking is easier and good at starting but going
forward it is making you dumb and dumber as with multitasking certain amount of brain energy
and intelligence are burnt.

-> You need to find a way to concentrate on your work, You have to leave things off and make
space for your work where you can avoid distractions and diversion. Make working
a habit so that you can increase your productivity, Performance and output.

Someone said that "procrastination is the thief of time". And that fact is everyone has
Procrastination, But handling procrastination makes the difference between success and failure.

-> To overcome procrastination you have to charge up your self with some of the motivating
thoughts like: "Do it now!". You have to repeat it until you feel energetic and enthusiastic.
-> When we approach large task the changes of procrastination is very high, So to overcome
You can try by slicing large tasks in small parts and then you can resolve it part by part.

-> Identifying importance of task is the vital skill, Most of the people fails in this task
You must have the ability to set priorities and the ability to start on
the most important job and get it done quickly and well.

Do not spend much time on any task. You need to stick with the unbroken block of time for
maximum accomplishment. Completing important task in a defined time is more important then
completing important tasks by spending too much extra time.

-> There are some categories for tasks. You need to take care for your creative time and
operational time,
We can not do operational and creative tasks at the same time.

-> "Do not disturb" is the sign by which and other know that there is some important task going
which requires concentration, So use the "Do not disturb" strategy to avoid disturbance. You
can also try by starting your work before time to gain extra hours and leaving no chance for

Interruptions are the biggest time wasters in business and industry. Interruption are in any way
like telephone ringing. Also chit chatting with coworkers wastes too much of your productive

-> Smart tools are helpful and in today's world it is necessary as well. But smart tools might
interrupts you while working, Like: SMS coming to your smartphone while you are working.
Also do not stretch your talks on the phone in your business hours.

-> At the time of your work, Please make your talk to any one to the point. stretching
your talks lead you and other people towards wasting time by interruptions.

Batching tasks means doing similar things at the same time. When we complete a series of
a similar task all in a row reduces the time by 80%.
-> For example, in writing letters and correspondence or answering e-mail,
you bundle them all together and do them at the same time. Do all your similar
tasks at the same time rather than doing a little bit now and a little bit later.

-> Do not become slave of E-Mail and use E-Mail as a servent. Instead of replying to emails
all the time just to fix the time to check and reply emails only at that time.

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